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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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League of Legends should be renamed League of Cognitive Dissonance, though.


This is not the first nor the last time when I SUCK (absolutely suck) with Jinx in the early game. THEN I farm myself up, potentially get some kills, try to build accordingly (in this case, we had a Vlad and an Ahri in the enemy team, so I built a Maw THIRD, after IE, Shiv).

Then ONCE, I get hooked, Morgana starts ranting about me "feeding" (yeah, at that point I am 6/9/7, and we are AHEAD), and then they start talking about "DAT JINX BUILD THOUGH".

What Jinx build? Buying a reactionary MR item that saved my life in the endgame at least twice? Jesus.

And the toxicity follows. I swear if I built "by the book", they would have found something weird about it cause why not. League of Cognitive Dissonance. I want to find a flaw so I find one! SCIENCE!

Oh, and for clarity's sake, we won the game, and *I* destroyed the enemy team in the last teamfight. But I am the feeder, apparently.

Mute and move on my friend. Keep playing and you'll be out of that elo soon enough.



my friend that I duo'd with just likened me to Fabbbyyy

either I carry hard or feed the whole game

seems about right

Is it me or is there some animosity between Blem and Fabbbyyy? I mean, Blem is a racist kid but still, it's fucking hilarious to see him play Lee Sin.



Struggled really hard in this game. Was playing a normal with a friend and everyone called their roles earlier so I was kinda stuck with top (what a treat...). I was vs Mordekaiser and I think I should have taken Ignite. My TP was almost nonexistant and I kept fucking up in lane. He was Gold 5 and I think my solo-lane experience is way behind that imo, at least top.

At first I was doing fine, poking him and zoning him a bit, but then at level 6 he went all in on me, plus ignite and then it was kinda over.

I kept trying to focus on cs and such, which I think I did well (after all, was the only thing that allowed me to keep afloat). Our Twitch jungle had 0 presence and was extremely childish, Nami kept flaming him and he disconnected (we surrendered afterwards). I think my CS isn't bad? It could be worse, I tried to split push a bit, that was the only way to keep Mordekaiser from going mid. Even then so, I had no idea how to fight him and I wanted to avoid him as well but then I got ganked by Kha'zix (who apparently was fairly big, in retrospect).

Twitch never came top (which I think would have been an easy kill) even though Mordekaiser was pushing the entire time. I just needed a slight push. I didn't ask for a gank though but at one point, Mordekaiser was almost dead and I had to retreat, and Twitch was farming golems so I told him and his reaction was act completely defensive and whine about how he himself was low on health. I gave up on the Twitch after that lol.

I need to read up on Mordekaiser because it's a champ I never ever have encountered on enemy side until now -_-;

Also what's with people whining about you not saying MIA when you just got killed. Like idk, you have a map too, I can't tell what Morde will be doing...?
Rolled Swain in ARAM. Enemy team gets Fidd, Zilean, Galio, Lulu, Kha'Zix. Most frustrating game I've had for a long while. They're all moving so fast.


League of Legends should be renamed League of Cognitive Dissonance, though.


This is not the first nor the last time when I SUCK (absolutely suck) with Jinx in the early game. THEN I farm myself up, potentially get some kills, try to build accordingly (in this case, we had a Vlad and an Ahri in the enemy team, so I built a Maw THIRD, after IE, Shiv).

Then ONCE, I get hooked, Morgana starts ranting about me "feeding" (yeah, at that point I am 6/9/7, and we are AHEAD), and then they start talking about "DAT JINX BUILD THOUGH".

What Jinx build? Buying a reactionary MR item that saved my life in the endgame at least twice? Jesus.

And the toxicity follows. I swear if I built "by the book", they would have found something weird about it cause why not. League of Cognitive Dissonance. I want to find a flaw so I find one! SCIENCE!

Oh, and for clarity's sake, we won the game, and *I* destroyed the enemy team in the last teamfight. But I am the feeder, apparently.

Maw didn't seem worth the price since you dropped 1850 Gold to build it from Hexdrinker.
It would've better been put either into S. Cowl or a lifesteal weapon, or heck another BF Sword that you would build into a Bloodthirster.

In most cases, Banshee or Spirit would've been a much better item to build, when I'm playing and make Hexdrinker first for example, I sell it off by mid game when I can afford Banshee or Spirit Visage.

Sorry if my post sounded offensive, was just giving my 2 cents ^^;


Maw didn't seem worth the price since you dropped 1850 Gold to build it from Hexdrinker.
It would've better been put either into S. Cowl or a lifesteal weapon, or heck another BF Sword that you would build into a Bloodthirster.

In most cases, Banshee or Spirit would've been a much better item to build, when I'm playing and make Hexdrinker first for example, I sell it off by mid game when I can afford Banshee or Spirit Visage.

Sorry if my post sounded offensive, was just giving my 2 cents ^^;

Nah, it is not offensive of course. I will look the alternatives up, thanks. However, I still retain that building towards MR+a spellshield IS better than...say, building armor or some random stuff. There are building "bad", building "suboptimal" or "weird", and there is "perfect" (in that situation). I do not get why people freak out about teammates suboptimal stuff. I never had the energy to, say, die, and then focus on my teammates purchases.*

*Except for when there is obvious trolling going on, like our Jinx building Randuin first, or stuff like that .D
Nah, it is not offensive of course. I will look the alternatives up, thanks. However, I still retain that building towards MR+a spellshield IS better than...say, building armor or some random stuff. There are building "bad", building "suboptimal" or "weird", and there is "perfect" (in that situation). I do not get why people freak out about teammates suboptimal stuff. I never had the energy to, say, die, and then focus on my teammates purchases.*
When in doubt against heavy AP damage just grab a Negatron cloak item (Negatron itself, Spectre's Cowl, QSS) and sit on it. ADCs are way too squishy to make good use of Hexdrinker.


Yay! Just managed to win my first match as Jayce (I think it's the first!). I was vs a Plat 3 Riven (great guy on post-game chat). I never died to her though it got really close a couple of times, I died twice past lane phase to Jinx. I let her push to me and I farmed under tower most of the time. That forced me to have a really really late back... at 11:00 (I went with Ignite this time). Also whenever jungler came I had no mana which was bad on my part (still learning mana usage on Jayce).



I really just got carried by our botlane though. The Ezreal got huge (was Diamond?) and I could basically just poke the entire time. It was really good to see them get out of base, get hit by my E+Q and see them have to go back to base lol.

I spent most of my time splitpushing top and creating a diversion of the Riven (similar to my last game that I posted) but this time I tried to have a bit more impact on fights. I felt a bit useless though, like besides poking, since I can't really go in, I was kinda "eh".

Honored the Riven because he was a really cool dude post game chat. Said he had just picked Riven up and was scared of Jayce. I told him I was a scrub lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I can't comprehend what's going on in their minds when they update any champion that is not Taric. I just can't accept that they're so oblivious. He's the single worst looking "thing" in the game and has been for a while. It must be fun to new players to see that abomination. Worse han Mordekaiser.
Yordles are more important.
I can't comprehend what's going on in their minds when they update any champion that is not Taric. I just can't accept that they're so oblivious. He's the single worst looking "thing" in the game and has been for a while. It must be fun to new players to see that abomination. Worse han Mordekaiser.
hey man taric is fabulous.
I can't comprehend what's going on in their minds when they update any champion that is not Taric. I just can't accept that they're so oblivious. He's the single worst looking "thing" in the game and has been for a while. It must be fun to new players to see that abomination. Worse han Mordekaiser.
I mean they're all 450s.

Poppy is there to like trick new players.


Congratulations, but it should be Nocturne's Darkness.

Does this mean you get to stay Riot Costy, since you made it under the wire by the end of the season? :p


i really shouldnt have wasted 6300 on yasuo

i suck playing him. any tips i dont want it to go to waste and others make it seem like hes a god tier champ in midlane

feels bad


I can't comprehend what's going on in their minds when they update any champion that is not Taric. I just can't accept that they're so oblivious. He's the single worst looking "thing" in the game and has been for a while. It must be fun to new players to see that abomination. Worse han Mordekaiser.
Because Taric isn't just getting a texture update, he's getting a visual rework, just like Sivir did.


id rather not play a champ that depends on others since i play normals :(

i watched some vids and they keep poking poking poking with E and Q then again E to dash away but i cant make it work without sacrificing health.


Have they changed the time it takes for Pantheon to land his ult? In the game I just had, once you saw the circle, it took around a second if that to land where as before it used to take a few seconds.
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