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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So this is a thing, apparently.

I have 80 lp and Im so close to getting back to where I started.

don't fail me now.


When I started playing, I bought Veigar with RPs (it was on sale, and I had the original 400)... and refunded it without even playing it once.

Shameful I know... ;_;


I wrote a strongly worded email to Riot for the stealth pantheon nerf after I bought dragon slayer.

Got a free refund on the skin.

Riot has also been known to refund ip/rp for people buying after sales or drops within a period of 3 or 4 days.


When I started playing, I bought Veigar with RPs (it was on sale, and I had the original 400)... and refunded it without even playing it once.

Shameful I know... ;_;

I feel ya. I refunded Singed at 1350 ip after playing him once in a bot game.
I can't comprehend what's going on in their minds when they update any champion that is not Taric. I just can't accept that they're so oblivious. He's the single worst looking "thing" in the game and has been for a while. It must be fun to new players to see that abomination. Worse han Mordekaiser.
Riot has gone on record multiple times stating that Taric's due for a wholesale "ideating" process, meaning he'd practically be on the scale of Sion with how they need to revise everything. On top of also looking into redesigning his kit (yet again), unless those plans fell through.

Tristana's, I Am Oak's or Poppy's reworks would be far less time consuming to polish up since they already have a concrete idea about their champion identity or whatever and how to follow up on their respective archetypes.


I hate fed/late game hecarims. They just destroy anything and everything while tanking up a storm with W.

Hope he never makes it back into the jungle meta. There's little counter play to him killing your carry in 2 seconds.


I hate fed/late game hecarims. They just destroy anything and everything while tanking up a storm with W.

Hope he never makes it back into the jungle meta. There's little counter play to him killing your carry in 2 seconds.
Probably true, but this Hecarim wasn't doing much damage. I mean, look at his items.


What an exciting morning! I had 4 ranked placements left and did 3 of them just now. I'm still pretty hypey, here's the rundown:

Match 1. Nami/Caitlyn vs Thresh/Lucian - Won (placement 7th)



This match was an absolute blast. I felt kinda bad since their Fiora dc/ragequit but to be honest, the game would have been won through bot anyway. Caitlyn and I had great synergy and Lucian played it like crap. I could just E myself > Q > W him and he wouldn't retaliate. It was a textbook stomp really. Cho'gath was free to just farm and farm up top and got really huge (literally). The Thresh guy idk if he never played Thresh or maybe it's because I play him but I could tell whenever he would want to hook and easy juke them.

Match 2. Nami/Caitlyn vs Thresh/Varus - Lost (placement 8th)



This one I kinda could tell it was lost. The whole mood/attitude of the team was terrible. Lucian and I got a bit of work down bot but he kept getting hooked/Varus ulted. He was a nice guy but idk. Riven had the typical "teem pls" attitude. Akali kept getting poked by Jayce (in fact nobody in this team could dodge to save their lives...) and being "LAG".

Overall I feel nobody knew how to deal with Warwick and our initiations were poor/awkward/forced. Idk what I could have done better but people were doing poor calls and like standing not farming or doing anything. I don't even know lol.

Match 3. Syndra vs Kha'zix - Won (placement 9th)



Wasn't that a fun one? Haha. I was scared, first time playing ranked mid, and particularly with Syndra whom I don't have that much experience. I was last pick (strangely enough nobody called mid???) so I got to pick vs Kha'zix (he was first pick). At first I was scared, being new to mid and all, but I played it really safe. I poked him through pushing the lane and farmed mostly with AAs (I love the slow animation of Syndra's autoattacks, makes it really easy to farm). I got a dirty first kill on Kha'zix and kinda snowballed from that. Got some decent ganks from our Xin Zhao, who said he was smurfing. We made nice calls and such. I could have done a little better I feel, I could have died 2 times less minimum.
I warded a lot though, which I think is good, particularly since Syndra can be so immobile. I got fed early on and roamed a bit top, which secured me another kill. I got some dirty kills via just R clicking people but to be honest, it was nice punishing Vayne's bad positioning.

Overall, really fun day, I need to do my 10th match (I am 5 wins 4 losses atm) but atm I am a bit mentally exhausted. I feel I am improving bit by bit on my play, so wherever I land it won't matter much.

Match 4. Nami/Jinx vs Leona/Tristana - Lost (placement 10th)



This game started rather positive actually! Tristana was heavily poked in the game but our engages were sloppy. Not to put the blame on Xin Zhao but he forced engages and it was overall really bad ganks. Like, he came to bot but he played team fights really bad and idk, just overall poor performance. I didn't do my best but honestly I spammed my everything but oh well. We got a dragon stolen and then we lost every fight past that. At one point Xin went 1v4... and was like "why didn't you go in Nami"? idk, I hate when people say use the "bad jungler" card but I can see how someone would say it in this case.

I didn't play too great past laning phase either, idk, overall I think I had a poor performance. If we had gotten rolling on the botlane then we could have carried for sure, but after Tristana got her items, she was shredding towers left and right.

Tips/comments/advice and such is very much welcome, sorry for the long post!


Pd. Well that makes it 5-5 on placements! Got placed on Silver II, which makes me happy because I can see Gold as being a definite goal in the next season, if I can keep improving as well as expanding to other lanes. :) Thanks for reading.


I've been getting weird lag lately where my ping spikes to 200+
Is this because Riot is undergoing updates to the client and SR?
I hate fed/late game hecarims. They just destroy anything and everything while tanking up a storm with W.

Hope he never makes it back into the jungle meta. There's little counter play to him killing your carry in 2 seconds.

I'm more worried about Yi because of Skirmisher's Sabre and Devourer on top of BoRK. Tons of on hit physical, magic and true damage.


At best I could go 4-6 which is god damn awful. So much for playing ranked on the last day.

To be honest today was the worst day to do placements imo. Lots of people rushing through them and just general stinky attitude. I think 4-6 is decent, I've had friends go 3-7 so idk. Placements suck anyway.


What an exciting morning! I had 4 ranked placements left and did 3 of them just now. I'm still pretty hypey, here's the rundown:

Pd. Well that makes it 5-5 on placements! Got placed on Silver II, which makes me happy because I can see Gold as being a definite goal in the next season, if I can keep improving as well as expanding to other lanes. :) Thanks for reading.

Great job! Silver 2 from 5-5 is a great placement. You can definitely hit gold next season.


ok im kinda getting used to nasus now. 10 matches played. 8 won

the only thing giving me trouble is an AP top. i never Q my opponent until i have around 200 stacks, once i attack them they run away in surprise and usually start roaming lol

i always start with cloth +5 (dorans against ap) and let them push right before my tower range and freeze the lane. not even a riven can stop me from farming that way. once i have enough i get shroud and tp straight back (or more armor if harrassing gets too crazy) and 1 kindlegem after that.

that gives me around 3 seconds of cd on Q with 4 points in it i think. i usually have 400 stacks at 20 minutes and 600 at 30 unless my team needs help

i always get frozen heart is that recommended ? dont know the name of the other one i think it gives 60 armor mana and no cd reduction im seeing a lot of builds recommending that one but honestly i have no cd runes so i just get to 40% with items so i can Q more often.

my main problems are the other lanes. if bot and mid both lose i have to stop farming or stay at top watching as they destroy both towers. really dont know what to do in those situations


So I've been avoiding most of the pre-season PBE stuff because it's subject to a lot of changes and I don't play that much to keep track of them all. But with pre-season right around the corner here, it actually seems like a lot of these jungle changes are sticking so I read up on them.

Whoa. They have added a lot of depth to the jungle role. I'm not even sure if I like that. IMO, it was already one of the hardest roles to do effectively. Now people who don't jungle who get stuck there will REALLY suck at it.

This site seems to sum up the changes real nicely.


I do like the new items. Glad they got rid of the completely unrelated wriggles vs spirit lines. Now it's pretty well unified with multiple tiers and an item that looks like it will benefit you all the way to late game.

Though I'm wondering if we aren't going to see more supports taking smite and getting a stalker's blade for the true damage and 2 second slow on enemy champs. Smite will be up a lot and a support with a targetable 760 range slow every 60 seconds will be pretty annoying.


Great job! Silver 2 from 5-5 is a great placement. You can definitely hit gold next season.

Thanks! Yeah that's what I am mostly hoping for, but I think I honestly need to improve a lot on mid (roam mechanics mostly and lane control) and top (usage of TP and champion pool), not to mention jungle.

I also checked that article and even though it seems very extensive, it seems fairly easy to grasp. What I really don't like it's the scuttlecrab/murkwolf, I think it takes away part of the challenge of coordinating jungle/support for deeper wards and such idk.


ok im kinda getting used to nasus now. 10 matches played. 8 won

the only thing giving me trouble is an AP top. i never Q my opponent until i have around 200 stacks, once i attack them they run away in surprise and usually start roaming lol

i always start with cloth +5 (dorans against ap) and let them push right before my tower range and freeze the lane. not even a riven can stop me from farming that way. once i have enough i get shroud and tp straight back (or more armor if harrassing gets too crazy) and 1 kindlegem after that.

that gives me around 3 seconds of cd on Q with 4 points in it i think. i usually have 400 stacks at 20 minutes and 600 at 30 unless my team needs help

i always get frozen heart is that recommended ? dont know the name of the other one i think it gives 60 armor mana and no cd reduction im seeing a lot of builds recommending that one but honestly i have no cd runes so i just get to 40% with items so i can Q more often.

my main problems are the other lanes. if bot and mid both lose i have to stop farming or stay at top watching as they destroy both towers. really dont know what to do in those situations
If you're against an AD Champ, Frozen Heart would be good.
If against an AP champ, you'll likely want Spirit Visage, which also offers a slight boost to your lifesteal.


Junior Member
To be honest today was the worst day to do placements imo. Lots of people rushing through them and just general stinky attitude. I think 4-6 is decent, I've had friends go 3-7 so idk. Placements suck anyway.

I'm 2-7 right now fuck placements not even going to finish them.


So I've been avoiding most of the pre-season PBE stuff because it's subject to a lot of changes and I don't play that much to keep track of them all. But with pre-season right around the corner here, it actually seems like a lot of these jungle changes are sticking so I read up on them.

Whoa. They have added a lot of depth to the jungle role. I'm not even sure if I like that. IMO, it was already one of the hardest roles to do effectively. Now people who don't jungle who get stuck there will REALLY suck at it.

This site seems to sum up the changes real nicely.


I do like the new items. Glad they got rid of the completely unrelated wriggles vs spirit lines. Now it's pretty well unified with multiple tiers and an item that looks like it will benefit you all the way to late game.

Though I'm wondering if we aren't going to see more supports taking smite and getting a stalker's blade for the true damage and 2 second slow on enemy champs. Smite will be up a lot and a support with a targetable 760 range slow every 60 seconds will be pretty annoying.

Very good write up, thanks for the link!




So great everyone is hitting Gold this season :)

I can't wait until my kid is a little older and I can get back to my normal 10 games a week. I'd really like to hit Plat. I'm all but certain that's a reasonable goal if I get a chance to actually play.


Just lost what I think is my 7th promo series to gold 1. MAYBE THE 8TH WILL GO BETTER.

Why is it so hard for a rammus, nami, and Garen to peel for the 19/8 Orianna.


As I build my smurf, I always fill and pick last. For the time, probably ever since I started smurfing, mid was left open. I took Katarina. It felt dirty being able to 1v2 their Master Yi and Volibear and kill them both while still having half of my health left over, but dang if it wasn't a lot fun. We were at a 4v5 handicap though, so I feel a little less bad.

I'm still learning TF, and I'm starting to wreck with him. I have major issues dealing with Fizz, however. He's driving me crazy. I'm like 1-3 in that match up, with those 3 losses being my only losses as TF.

So many Fizz players in Team Builder. WTF.
As I build my smurf, I always fill and pick last. For the time, probably ever since I started smurfing, mid was left open. I took Katarina. It felt dirty being able to 1v2 their Master Yi and Volibear and kill them both while still having half of my health left over, but dang if it wasn't a lot fun. We were at a 4v5 handicap though, so I feel a little less bad.

I'm still learning TF, and I'm starting to wreck with him. I have major issues dealing with Fizz, however. He's driving me crazy. I'm like 1-3 in that match up, with those 3 losses being my only losses as TF.

So many Fizz players in Team Builder. WTF.
fizz shits on tf because of his ability to dodge the gold card and his gigantic burst damage.

so not only are you going to get destroyed by fizz, you can't even hit him with a stun for your team to try to finish him off either.
I don't have much a chance to get out of Bronze today, trying to get together my ranked team to try and spam so we can get some of the rewards. Curse time zones and real life.

fizz shits on tf because of his ability to dodge the gold card and his gigantic burst damage.

so not only are you going to get destroyed by fizz, you can't even hit him with a stun for your team to try to finish him off either.

Personally I think it's a skill match up, if you can bait out his troll pole than you'll have an easier time. Make use of your range, make sure that if he wants to trade he'll have to pole towards you, or at least E, so his damage is heavily reduced.
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