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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Idk he's garbage but cinderhulk op so w/e


Olaf one of those champs that can build tank and still do damage like shyvana. So stupid... god bless true damage i guess.


cinderhulk also gets pretty reasonable nerfs which might shaken up a bit the top meta?

probably not since challenging smite is broken as f but u know, still nerfs for heca and shyv...


Only thing I know of is nerf mana on Q, they nerf his W a few patches ago. Eventually E is next.. then R.

Isn't hecarim's passive the real problem rather than his E? If they just made it flat scaling (+x damage at +y move speed) then the teleport homeguard shit would still work as a cool ganking tool but wouldn't one shot squishies and stuff.
Many of these champions are still strong/viable/played.

Yea but what happens when other team picks Sion top with Sej jungle, and your team doesn't snowball? GOOD NIGHT!

People want Zed/Riven players on their team? Or Jax to be viable? That sounds scary to me.

Hell no I want to be that person. I don't trust other people playing them matter of fact according to Op.gg Jax has the 2nd lowest KDA and Riven has the highest AFK rate.

i mean it's not like you can't play these champions

Do you have any idea how many Zed games I've had that I was 9-1, 9-2, 8-1, 8-2, 7-1, 7-2, etc... that just become useless? NOPE! I only pick those champions when I'm last or near to last pick and I've already seen the composition from both side. I'm never first picking those champions again...

You know what's awesome about tank meta? You can first pick whatever tank you want and not give two shits about getting countered compositional wise.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yea but what happens when other team picks Sion top with Sej jungle, and your team doesn't snowball? GOOD NIGHT!
Stuff like late game Riven, Jax, and Tryndamere can pack a punch in the late game too. I think it's okay for champions to have powerful early and mid games at the cost of a weaker late game. The perceived narrative of the meta has a tendency to miss out on lots of power picks, particularly related to solo queue. Are people aware that Trynd, Riven, and Wukong are some of the highest win rate top laners who have strong impact on games they're in? I don't really know. The meta doesn't begin and end with tanks, and the champions that do fall off late are not specifically a casualty of the tank meta.
zed is a high skill champion that requires a very specific style of play based around split pushing, picks and objective control. he can destroy almost every champ in the game 1v1. the reason why he's not picked in solo q in the tank meta is because it's hard to set up properly to allow zed the pressure to get side lanes and force 4v5s.
My only gripe with the tank meta is how ADCs have been affected by it and ignored in return. I don't see much of an issue as far as top/mid go since they have a lot of flexibility in builds and picks, just gotta trim what is obviously over the line.
Stuff like late game Riven, Jax, and Tryndamere can pack a punch in the late game too. I think it's okay for champions to have powerful early and mid games at the cost of a weaker late game. The perceived narrative of the meta has a tendency to miss out on lots of power picks, particularly related to solo queue. Are people aware that Trynd, Riven, and Wukong are some of the highest win rate top laners who have strong impact on games they're in? I don't really know. The meta doesn't begin and end with tanks, and the champions that do fall off late are not specifically a casualty of the tank meta.

Definitely. I shrug my head whenever people just tunnel vision into whatever is played at LCS. Lots of champs that are still definitely very strong but aren't really played. Meta picks feel more like fads / flavors of the week. I can't remember the last time I saw Nami.

Disagree with Tryn though. I really can't see what he brings to the table. Jax/Zed are more or less as mobile and can splitpush just as well. Zed can assassinate someone who tries to stop him. Tryn can't build too many damage items. He's mostly single target and one of his typical build paths (Shiv/BoRK) doesn't add much AD for his E.


My only gripe with the tank meta is how ADCs have been affected by it and ignored in return. I don't see much of an issue as far as top/mid go since they have a lot of flexibility in builds and picks, just gotta trim what is obviously over the line.

Yeah, I agree. If you can't self peel or bust a tank, you're screwed as an ADC. They can just get right on you and there's little that can be done.


Definitely. I shrug my head whenever people just tunnel vision into whatever is played at LCS. Lots of champs that are still definitely very strong but aren't really played. Meta picks feel more like fads / flavors of the week. I can't remember the last time I saw Nami.

Disagree with Tryn though. I really can't see what he brings to the table. Jax/Zed are more or less as mobile and can splitpush just as well. Zed can assassinate someone who tries to stop him. Tryn can't build too many damage items. He's mostly single target and one of his typical build paths (Shiv/BoRK) doesn't add much AD for his E.

Tryn has one of the highest win rates in the game across all divisions, so something is working with him.


Because it's really hard to deal with a late game Tryndamere when you're playing with complete strangers
I'd rather have a Tryndamere on my solo queue team any day than a Riven or Zed. For some reason I don't feel like Tryndamere players are jerks/AFKers/ragers quite as often, though I don't have statistics to back that feeling up.

Even if a Tryndamere ignores everyone else and does his own splitpushing thing, he can still potentially distract the other team enough that two people have to be sent to stop him. And if he kills those two late game with his ult, then the other team is REALLY in trouble.
I forgot they changed the song for ranked/draft. I haven't played ranked in over a month. I just listened to it and I'm not a fan. There's nothing from the original song. I love love love the original music.

Tryn has one of the highest win rates in the game across all divisions, so something is working with him.

I'm still wondering about it though. I mean, how does he do whatever he's doing? It feels fairly easy to shut him down in teamfights. He doesn't feel like he can murder someone under the turret until several items later.


I forgot they changed the song for ranked/draft. I haven't played ranked in over a month. I just listened to it and I'm not a fan. There's nothing from the original song. I love love love the original music.

I'm still wondering about it though. I mean, how does he do whatever he's doing? It feels fairly easy to shut him down in teamfights. He doesn't feel like he can murder someone under the turret until several items later.

You just gotta splitpush like a madman I guess. I haven't played him in forever so I don't really know either.
Reading this just makes me appreciate Riot's patch notes. Context would be reeeeally useful.

All my heroes got buffed which makes me happy (Dark Seer, Keeper, Lich). Love support so much.

its pretty dense yeah

it would be even longer with those though lol

i think its pretty fun, its chaos for weeks as people make sense of them


Because mundo goes where he pleases.

I was playing aram and our TF disconnects after a few minutes, he got a few kills in early on and was sorta ahead.
Anyway my team was against a bunch of tank champs and twitch. I just tanked up with thornmail and just went in their faces with Q and E. I got 2nd highest kill count and just murdered people left and right lol.
Our TF reconnects just as the enemy nexus was exploding :V


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
it pains me so much


There some Nendodroids on Ebay but a lot are from China and the like. They look good for knock offs but yea fuck Rito for not giving people a chance to buy this T_T.


There some Nendodroids on Ebay but a lot are from China and the like. They look good for knock offs but yea fuck Rito for not giving people a chance to buy this T_T.


25 the chinese one



it's like the only cool figure
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