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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Yeah but just cuz you take your 5% cdr from masteries doesn't mean you can afford or would want to get cdr boots. A lost 5% isn't a big deal really but like maokai for example it'd be nice to get 5% from masteries, 20% from frozen heart, and 15% from visage. Idk multiples of 5 honestly seem more intuitive for some tank items to me mainly because of the masteries.


imma do some super quick judgement of champion pools to make this a bit more fun, tho i'll skip tomshoe as revenge for the gay thing

Edit: Mains... Caitlyn/Rumble/Jayce/Orianna I guess. Tried a bit of Cho'gath but he feels so.... clunky.
very pokey, u should try ziggs!

also jinx since she's kinda like cait but good

Top: Renekton, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Vlad, Kennen, Darius, Fiora (situational pick)
Mid: Ziggs, Katarina, Annie, Cho'Gath, Zyra, Morgana, Vlad, Talon (situational pick)
Jungle: Pantheon, Amumu, Skarner, Fiddle
ADC: Jinx, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune (rarely, 'cuz she's garbage now)
Support: Janna, Annie, Zyra, Morgana

I'm pretty good with a lot more champs, but I really don't deviate much from the above list in ranked.
that's a lot of champions wow. i'd probably drop a few tbh

My champion pool is basically nonexistent. Played pretty much nothing but Swain last season. Here are the champions I'd feel comfortable playing in ranked:

Top: Nasus (I don't play top often but I get fed most games I play the cane so I go with him when forced)
Jungle: Vi, Hecarim
Mid: Swain, Vel'Koz, Ziggs
ADC: Corki, Graves, Jinx
Support: Lulu, Karma

I've been playing a new champion each day so I'm learning new ones.
i like the idea of playing a new champion every day. also it's not bad to just play one champion, as long as you at least read the wiki for the rest so you know how to play against them

top: shyvana maokai riven jax sion swain
jungle: no
mid: zed lulu
adc: jinx
support: everyone.
support main playing mid zed oh god

top: Fiora, Shyvanna
jungle: Amumu
ADC: everyone other than Corki
mid: Kayle
support: Sona, Leona, Janna, Zyra, Braum
lol it's shyvana with a single 'n' u dumbo

also u should play lulu nootie

Top: Maokai, Rumble, Irelia (maybe Ryze if he's not awful in top lane post rework)
Jungle: Nunu, Sejuani, Skarner
Mid: Ziggs (I never play mid, but when I do, I play Ziggs surprisingly well)
AD: Ashe, Caitlyn
Support: Sona, Leona

I play 80% jungle and support, and can actually play a lot of junglers well, but it's tank meta time.
koty is such a team player

U guys talking about Shaco? Disgusting. I hate that champ so much, that there is no way I'm ever gonna buy him. As an ex-jungler main it is just too painful to play against good Shacos. Fck that champ.

Also my pool:
Top - Viktop
Jungle - Evelynn, Naut, Malphite, Vi would be my main ones, but can also play champs as Amumu, Xin Zhao, Elise, Nocturne, Skarner, Udyr, Maokai and Diana well. They are just not as fun to play imo. :d
Mid - Ahri, Corki (AP), Nasus (yup, the 80 mresist at lvl 1 Doge) and Lux.
ADC - Caitlyn and Corki
Support - Blitzcrank, Morgana, Thresh, Leona (just all the playmaking supports), Janna and Brand.
lol wtf that mid nasus

does it work?

That Syndra looks like shit. Could have went with a Queen of hearts theme with red balls and flamingoes but nah, cheap ass 750 skin

Also champ pool
Top: Fuck top (Sion, Lissandra, Irelia)
Jungle: Fuck jungle (Vi, Sejuani, Nunu)
Mid: I don't even know anymore, Kat, Morg, Ahri?
ADC: Anything but Draven I guess
Supp: Fuck support (Zyra, Morg, Naut, Blitz)
reverse noot

also yea that syndra skin is fugly

worse it means she won't get a swimsuit skin which would break my heart if it wasn't for MADOKA LUX SKINNNN

Top: Jayce, Lulu, Cho
Jungle: Rengar, Vi
Middle: Lulu, Annie
ADC: Lucian, Sivir
Support: Morgana, Lulu, Leona, Braum anyone really

I'll play a ton of different champs, it just depends on my mood. The above ones are just the champs I'll always feel comfortable to fall back on and not really mains I guess.
i love ppl that play lulu mid, i wish i could ;_;

Top: Gnar, Renekton, Sion, maybe Ryze now
Mid:Karthus or bust
Jungle: Olaf, Eve, Nunu
ADC: dodge
Support: Janna, Braum
haha omg that adc dodge

also i'm so shit at karthus, my brain just can't process a way to get like two q's off then ult without fucking up

Top: One of my junglers
Mid: Ziggs (I'd like to learn one of Karthus, Ahri, or Heimer, but no time)
Jungle: Xin Zhao, Nautilus, Sion, Skarner, Hecarim, Volibear, Maokai
ADC: Jinx (I'd like to learn Ashe, or even Varus if Riot ever decides he's worthy)
Support: Zyra, Nami, Lulu, Sona, Braum (I'd like to learn Zilean)
karthus i think is a good mid to learn since he's kind of immune to metas and he's like secret carry every game lol. i've gotten destroyed by so many good karthuses it's obscene

also i knew this long before this but your poor jungle champion pool has not been having a good time this past couple of years lol


Are there regional differences in balancing, updates or prices between the different regions? Because I just started playing in the Latin American North region, but it would suck if it was more pay-to-win than, say, the North America region.


Are there regional differences in balancing, updates or prices between the different regions? Because I just started playing in the Latin American North region, but it would suck if it was more pay-to-win than, say, the North America region.
nope, it's the same everywhere. in china they have like the option to rent champions and skins because china is magical and weird, but afaik there's no other difference than that

latin american servers are exactly the same to na and eu servers

Yeah but just cuz you take your 5% cdr from masteries doesn't mean you can afford or would want to get cdr boots. A lost 5% isn't a big deal really but like maokai for example it'd be nice to get 5% from masteries, 20% from frozen heart, and 15% from visage. Idk multiples of 5 honestly seem more intuitive for some tank items to me mainly because of the masteries.
i dunno, frankly i wonder if they shouldn't just remove that mastery and change it for something else

i think i actually have that one at 0 or 2 or something and put some points into the attack speed one even as mages. like 5% is nice but it's kinda boring imo


nope, it's the same everywhere. in china they have like the option to rent champions and skins because china is magical and weird, but afaik there's no other difference than that

latin american servers are exactly the same to na and eu servers

Well, that's good. I guess the devs themselves manage those servers?


Well, that's good. I guess the devs themselves manage those servers?

each region has their own rito branch which does like special promos and events exclusive to the region, although the big worldwide events apply to everywhere

but say, here in argieland they might do a double ip weekend because of carnivals or something that doesn't make sense in america where they might do a double ip for gun day or whatever the hell they celebrate up there :>

also rp prices are different for each region

but other than those things it's the same everywhere
nope, it's the same everywhere. in china they have like the option to rent champions and skins because china is magical and weird, but afaik there's no other difference than that

Garena has different systems depending on the region.

Singapore gives you prizes for leveling up. Stuff like free cheap champs, runes, runepages, boosts, etc..

Philippines lets you rent champions. It's like $7/mo for access to all champions including everything new that gets released. You can also pay $0.50 just for 1 day access.

They also do random stuff. I remember there was one crazy day where you get a legendary skin for winning 25 games in one day. The problem was that Coop vs AI also counted, so it really stressed the servers. Everyone just went all mid with siege comps (Donger, Janna, Cait, etc)

I think every Garena region also has an energy system. You just keep yourself logged in and you accumulate energy to spend on boosts. They used to let you rent skins with it but they removed it.

Pricing, rotation and skin availability are also different from servers managed by Riot. Not being able to buy Lion Dance Kog'Maw made me really sad.


each region has their own rito branch which does like special promos and events exclusive to the region, although the big worldwide events apply to everywhere

but say, here in argieland they might do a double ip weekend because of carnivals or something that doesn't make sense in america where they might do a double ip for gun day or whatever the hell they celebrate up there :>

also rp prices are different for each region

but other than those things it's the same everywhere

Hopefully it's not too bad.
And is there a way to change the language in the game? The spanish dub is kind of boring to me.



pbe so good

Garena has different systems depending on the region.

Singapore gives you prizes for leveling up. Stuff like free cheap champs, runes, runepages, boosts, etc..

Philippines lets you rent champions. It's like $7/mo for access to all champions including everything new that gets released. You can also pay $0.50 just for 1 day access.

They also do random stuff. I remember there was one crazy day where you get a legendary skin for winning 25 games in one day. The problem was that Coop vs AI also counted, so it really stressed the servers. Everyone just went all mid with siege comps (Donger, Janna, Cait, etc)

I think every Garena region also has an energy system. You just keep yourself logged in and you accumulate energy to spend on boosts. They used to let you rent skins with it but they removed it.

Pricing, rotation and skin availability are also different from servers managed by Riot. Not being able to buy Lion Dance Kog'Maw made me really sad.
wow didn't know that

sounds like cool stuff tho i hear garena gives you guys enough troubles to compensate heh

Hopefully it's not too bad.
And is there a way to change the language in the game? The spanish dub is kind of boring to me.
? it's not bad, it's pretty good

here in argieland they gave out justicar syndras to ppl for free and they had double ip stuff because of world cup and some other crap, and the sale for brazil carnival stuff was pretty excellent

forgot how to change the language, you have to go do a bit of an .ini edit but it's really easy to do so

i play with english voices since lux's argie voice is like creepy as fuck, so it should be easy to google how
I almost play a different champ every game. I pick situationally based on what I think our team needs the most in the role that I am given. If I am first pick I tend to go for heavy tank top or support like Thresh, Morg, or Janna who will always be useful. I never tend to pick the same champions twice in a row. Just an example of recent matches:


If I really had to go main picks, I'd say these are mine:

Top: All Tanks (Malph, Mundo, Shen), Rumble, and Irelia
Jungle: Amumu, Lee Sin, Rammus
Mid: Ori, Ahri, Pantheon (by far my weakest lane)
ADC: Sivir, Graves, Cait
Support: Janna, Morg, Thresh, Blitz (before his nerfs he was my best, like 22-1 in Season 3 and 18-3 in Season 4), Braum if my ADC is Lucian


I almost play a different champ every game. I pick situationally based on what I think our team needs the most in the role that I am given. If I am first pick I tend to go for heavy tank top or support like Thresh, Morg, or Janna who will always be useful. I never tend to pick the same champions twice in a row. Just an example of recent matches:

That's actually pretty impressive. Looking into it, I basically play the same champions and the same roles everygame. I pick situationally too, but Sivir seems to always be the right pick for the situation.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
top lane: mundo, renekton, garen, malphite, shen, might start playing trundle
mid lane: i don't really like/play this lane.
jungle: skarner, shen, trundle, skarner, skarner
support: braum, nami, nautilus, kennen, literally whatever i feel like
ad carry: tristana
That Shyvana is buff is insane, AP Shyvana ARAM here I come!

Eh, I'm pretty sure all those champs combined are less complex than playing Lei or Yoshimitsu from Tekken. I don't get ppl who say you should only have 1 or 2 mains in League.

I think its too much for rank but knowing champs the more the better. Like when it comes to normal i have like 15+ champs for every role, but rank try to keep a top 2 or 3 at most.

Also as a FGC guy lol at the lei, yoshi comment.
My pool:

Top: Mundo, Vlad
Jungle: Nocturne, Gragas, Kha'Zix, Wukong
Mid: Cassiopeia, Morgana, Orianna
ADC: Kog'Maw, Jinx, Tristana, Graves, Ezreal
Support: Morgana, Sona, Nami, Nautilus, Braum, Lulu, Ashe, Thresh

I really don't play top. =( Whenever I get relegated to top I forget who I usually play and just panic pick. I never win my lane. The most I can do is a draw.

My best picks are Morgana and mid Cass. Support Morg got me to Diamond ez pz. I almost always win lane with Cass, even against supposedly bad matchups.


so very few mid mains in neogaf~

only way you'll learn :mad:

I almost play a different champ every game. I pick situationally based on what I think our team needs the most in the role that I am given. If I am first pick I tend to go for heavy tank top or support like Thresh, Morg, or Janna who will always be useful. I never tend to pick the same champions twice in a row. Just an example of recent matches:


If I really had to go main picks, I'd say these are mine:

Top: All Tanks (Malph, Mundo, Shen), Rumble, and Irelia
Jungle: Amumu, Lee Sin, Rammus
Mid: Ori, Ahri, Pantheon (by far my weakest lane)
ADC: Sivir, Graves, Cait
Support: Janna, Morg, Thresh, Blitz (before his nerfs he was my best, like 22-1 in Season 3 and 18-3 in Season 4), Braum if my ADC is Lucian
wow that's really weird haha

also crazy blitz stats wth

how dare u diss my mid zed zky

ill fkn destroy you

also i forgot i can play rumble

lol the rule says support mains suck at everything else

i don't make the rules

top lane: mundo, renekton, garen, malphite, shen, might start playing trundle
mid lane: i don't really like/play this lane.
jungle: skarner, shen, trundle, skarner, skarner
support: braum, nami, nautilus, kennen, literally whatever i feel like
ad carry: tristana
was skarner top a thing once or did i dream that?

My pool:

Top: Mundo, Vlad
Jungle: Nocturne, Gragas, Kha'Zix, Wukong
Mid: Cassiopeia, Morgana, Orianna
ADC: Kog'Maw, Jinx, Tristana, Graves, Ezreal
Support: Morgana, Sona, Nami, Nautilus, Braum, Lulu, Ashe, Thresh

I really don't play top. =( Whenever I get relegated to top I forget who I usually play and just panic pick. I never win my lane. The most I can do is a draw.

My best picks are Morgana and mid Cass. Support Morg got me to Diamond ez pz. I almost always win lane with Cass, even against supposedly bad matchups.
lol morg is like my number 1 "i wish they deleted this champion from the game"


karthus i think is a good mid to learn since he's kind of immune to metas and he's like secret carry every game lol. i've gotten destroyed by so many good karthuses it's obscene

I used to want to play Ahri more just so I'd have some diversity in my mid pool, but after some thought, and given I just can't find the time to play there, I've been leaning much more towards Karthus or Heimerdinger who are more in line with Ziggs - farm hard and teamfight.

That and between Heimer's walk and my Karthus Pentakill skin I gotta get dat swaaaaaaag.

also i knew this long before this but your poor jungle champion pool has not been having a good time this past couple of years lol

Nah, I've been just fine. The weakness of tank junglers over past few seasons has been greatly exaggerated in solo queue. I also used to play champs like Elise back in S3 that I've put away until they get reworked.


Champion pools, huh. Let's see...

Top: lulu, irelia, Malphite,
Jungle: gragas, j4, sejuani, Rammus, Nunu, zac
Mid: ziggs, lulu
Adc: Corki, graves, Sivir,
Supp: everything, I haven't put time into Bard yet though.

In reality I will avoid mid and top as much as possible since I don't like those lanes anymore.
Mostly because knowing how to properly use a champs abilities isn't even half the battle. It's also knowing power spikes, getting super familiar with their damage dealing and taking, as well as how they match up. I used to think that because I could land abilities on a champ, I was good with them. Very much false. Once you really learn a champ inside and out you'll understand the difference.

Well, I play a ton of ARAM so I know after getting Orianna a few times that she's useless until she has her Deathcap and Void Staff for example. That stuff is easy, Being able to gauge your own damage output is something that only comes with experience though. I always suck at estimating how much a Syndra ult is gonna do.

I think its too much for rank but knowing champs the more the better. Like when it comes to normal i have like 15+ champs for every role, but rank try to keep a top 2 or 3 at most.

Also as a FGC guy lol at the lei, yoshi comment.

Dude, I put so much time into practising Lei and I'll still often find myself in some random stance I've never seen before. The only thing you can rely on with that character is that your opponent is probably even more confused than you are, lol.


so much mid hate ;_;

Not really. Mana costs are too high and he's not going to make picks out of top lane.
i see

i imagine he'll love the new black cleaver

I used to want to play Ahri more just so I'd have some diversity in my mid pool, but after some thought, and given I just can't find the time to play there, I've been leaning much more towards Karthus or Heimerdinger who are more in line with Ziggs - farm hard and teamfight.

That and between Heimer's walk and my Karthus Pentakill skin I gotta get dat swaaaaaaag.
yeah that's probably not such a bad idea, tho karthus is pretty particular, but i think he's pretty cool

he's kind of weird how he can beat kind of anyone if played well enough, which you wouldn't think since he's always been considered like a weak laner

i dunno much about heimer, other that i kinda hate playing against him because junglers always seem to want to punish him for pushing me to turret, which is fine, but i've seen so many junglers get melted before my eyes lol, it's sad...

Nah, I've been just fine. The weakness of tank junglers over past few seasons has been greatly exaggerated in solo queue. I also used to play champs like Elise back in S3 that I've put away until they get reworked.
it's your time now, tho!


We're talking champions we are comfortable enough to take to ranked right?

Top: Absolutely nothing
Jungle: Amumu, Vi, Nunu, J4
Mid: I think only Annie and Syndra but I'm no bueno at being mid, my roams are terrible
ADC: Tristana, Caitlyn are the ones I feel most comfortable and maybe Jinx
Support: Nami, Janna, Thresh, Leona, Annie

I like sticking to the same champions most of the time.

Yesterday I had my first normal with Sivir and was early dunking Vayne/Annie with my Sona friend, then we got the dick from Kat and Xin ._. She was fun though. I also tried Lee Sin and it was hilarious lol my ward hopping was soooo slow lol.




Hm, I think I'll pick-up Swain for top. Looks like he requires very little skill.

From what I've seen, he's the Amumu of toplane. A champion that's so 1 dimensional and easy to do well with it doesn't really matter if you play the role or not.


Hm, thinking about it i realize how limited my champion pool is:

top: malphite, vlad
jungle: khazix, wukong
mid: twisted fate, vlad
adc: jinx, graves, varus
supp: thresh, blitz, morgana

i mostly play adc anyway.


is there an easier way to report 9 people for "no skill" after every game? It really gets tiring doing this manually every time


Nah, reporting people for low skill doesn't do much. You want to verbally insult them.

Where's the fun in that though?
All of the fun is in there. There's no need for me to be concerned with the skill of my team mates from a single game. They aren't worth the time it takes to insult them as I gain nothing by insulting them. I don't get any fun by insulting people.

the lee sin thingie is pretty cool, dunno how long it's the cooldown on it but sounds like it might make a lot of champions viable which sounds pretty fun

we'll see, i like the idea at least

The cooldown is like 20 seconds. The range is ridiculous. And the hitbox is pretty wide. It feels a lot easier to land than most other skillshots.

You can say it makes melee champs more viable, but then there are some abusers (like Kennen) that are stupid with that kind of mobility. Imagine Annie had a 20 second cooldown flash that covered 10 times the distance. That's what we're looking at here.

It also makes the mode useless as teamfight/champ practice because it changes the game so drastically.


The cooldown is like 20 seconds. The range is ridiculous. And the hitbox is pretty wide. It feels a lot easier to land than most other skillshots.

You can say it makes melee champs more viable, but then there are some abusers (like Kennen) that are stupid with that kind of mobility. Imagine Annie had a 20 second cooldown flash that covered 10 times the distance. That's what we're looking at here.

valid points, sure. but on the other hand, it's just aram.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't think ARAM was ever a good way to practice team fighting, to be honest. One of the most important things in real games of League is how people approach a team fight from different directions and what implications that has regarding which players are grouped when. With ARAM everything is funneled down one tube to kind of just bash at each other, where the objective is often just to all in because a losing trade puts you unreasonably behind without sustain.

If you look at which champions are historically successful on ARAM, the ones who stand out are champions with mobility weaknesses that can be exploited on SR, but don't come into play on a map that's just a straight line. ARAMs meta of powerful champs was/is super boring and passive, and the new summoner spell goes a long way towards making things slightly more interesting. Hitting the snowball poses a number of risks to most champions given how vulnerable someone is moving into direct range of the enemy when five people are up. More options for hard engage also means less chances for games to stall out in a really boring fashion.


The cooldown is like 20 seconds. The range is ridiculous. And the hitbox is pretty wide. It feels a lot easier to land than most other skillshots.

You can say it makes melee champs more viable, but then there are some abusers (like Kennen) that are stupid with that kind of mobility. Imagine Annie had a 20 second cooldown flash that covered 10 times the distance. That's what we're looking at here.

It also makes the mode useless as teamfight/champ practice because it changes the game so drastically.
eh, it'll get nerfed if it's too strong, there's many different things they can change like hitbox, range, cd, etc.

it's a cool spell in what it adds to the game so i hope it sticks and they just tune it as needed

also like soda says aram never was the best teamfighting practice thing since positioning and engages doesn't really translate 1:1 to sr

What the fuck

it's tentative and obviously very broken but pretty interesting i think
Maybe it will at least make it so that games aren't decided at champ slect

It's even worse than before.

Just faced a Gnar with the snowball. Think about that for a sec. Sona poke/sustain doesn't even compare.

Sorry to keep harping on about it, but they ruined ARAM. :(
Doing my promotionals and it's seeding me with low diamond/plats. Boy, that's something,a fter quitting for a year. I'm seeded at Plat 3 now according to Lolking...4 more games to go~
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