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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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so is there any tank that can 1v1 a late game adc? I'm tired of being a pin cushion

Tanks lose if the AD carry has built a Last Whisper (if they haven't, you win by default with 250+ Armor). Bruisers like Jax, Irelia and Olaf are your best bet, but if the enemy team protects their AD it will be tough to get to them much of the time, even with Olaf's R and Irelia's passive.
I feel good. Doing my promotionals, I give skins to the MvPs(if we win) of that match. First match, we had alotta good players, so I mystery gifted 2 skins and it was both Alien Heimer and Demonblade Trynda, and right now I gifted another MvP a Leopard Nidalee.


I feel good. Doing my promotionals, I give skins to the MvPs(if we win) of that match. First match, we had alotta good players, so I mystery gifted 2 skins and it was both Alien Heimer and Demonblade Trynda, and right now I gifted another MvP a Leopard Nidalee.

Are you rich? o: I'd just consider gifting to friends but that's just me!


so very few mid mains in neogaf~

I enjoy mid, but it's always been the most sought after role in soloqueue, so I had always defaulted to other lanes for the good of the team lol.

Unless I'm in the mood for something specific. Like my Sivir binge lately.


I enjoy mid, but it's always been the most sought after role in soloqueue, so I had always defaulted to other lanes for the good of the team lol.

Unless I'm in the mood for something specific. Like my Sivir binge lately.

Yeah it's hard to main mid. At best you'd probably get that role in like half your matches, if you are lucky.

This is why it can be helpful to learn support champs that can also flex to mid so you are prepared to play that lane if need be.


Just fed like hell versus a support Zed while we were 4v5 because our friend (mid) had net issues and our jungle had to stay mid. :( sad days


All I can say is, there's a reason many champs have low mobility in the first place. You give Poppy a Lee Sin Q and it's just not fun.

it's arams, it's supposed to be a bit unfair

Yeah I like it. U are unkillable, while still doing great % max HP damage during teamfights. Also not that reliant on getting Q stacks imo.
do u build like ap lol?

I enjoy mid, but it's always been the most sought after role in soloqueue, so I had always defaulted to other lanes for the good of the team lol.

Unless I'm in the mood for something specific. Like my Sivir binge lately.

for some reason i seem to get mid a lot in solo queue, at least back when i played it.

if not i'll just default to support, but generally i got mid pretty easy tbh


If you're a party leader in duo, you can go pretty much wherever you want. In my experience that's like 50% chance to be first pick. The leader is before his partner almost always so at least that increases his odds. I don't know if there are any further RNG adjustments to favor party leaders but it sure feels like it.


who's going to be the first to draft an all fnatic rekkles in fantasy

or are we going to make sure that doesn't happen again

Ghost sabotaged the draft by knocking out Zky's power. In the disarray, he snuck all of those draft picks in. We can't let him get away with it again.

If you're a party leader in duo, you can go pretty much wherever you want. In my experience that's like 50% chance to be first pick. The leader is before his partner almost always so at least that increases his odds. I don't know if there are any further RNG adjustments to favor party leaders but it sure feels like it.

Ya, im pretty sure it works so that if one of you get first pick then it'll auto-place the party leader as first pick. The other person gets the other spot. If neither of you get leader, then it'll put you in whatever spots you get.

I played 4 solo games last night and got leader every one. I'm pretty sure it's just random, but it was kind of strange.

I don't know if this directly correlates to anything, but when I duo, I find that there is a angry player on my team more often than when I go in solo.


If I recall correctly Ghost only had 2-3 Fnatic picks until the second week, and drafted the rest since no one else thought they were good. We have only ourselves to blame.


poor steelback if rekkles replaces him

also chroma packs officially announced for their shitty 590rp price: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/skin-release/change-it-chroma-packs

i think rito really blew it on that one. charging for icons was pretty stupid already and this is pretty dumb as well, but if you're gonna charge money for them at least put it at a convenient price

i still can't believe riot actually sells avatars...

i really really want blonde garen.

but i'm not going to buy 2 others to get it.


i really really want blonde garen.

but i'm not going to buy 2 others to get it.


sell them for 300, it's expensive, but at least it's more convenient

or do them for free because, you know, it's cool and it's just a recolor that would make everybody happy if it was like an award for shit?


i don't have a problem with them selling it for real money, it's their content and it's up to them how to distribute it.

i'm just saying that the act of bundling 3 of them together for a higher price is barrier to me purchasing that i won't go past.
Are you rich? o: I'd just consider gifting to friends but that's just me!

It's just my promotionals. It's so people "Play nice" and don't fuck around. You'd be amazing how putting a carrot on a stick in front of them is effective in getting them to try their hardest.

i really really want blonde garen.

but i'm not going to buy 2 others to get it.

To me it seems like they just Jacked Blizzards idea form HotS-Having 3 colors for each character-and put a price on it. That and the Champion mastery or whatever(When that comes out), where you 'level up' heroes as you play them. It's kinda scummy, but yeah it is up to Riot whether they want to charge fo rit.


i don't have a problem with them selling it for real money, it's their content and it's up to them how to distribute it.

i'm just saying that the act of bundling 3 of them together for a higher price is barrier to me purchasing that i won't go past.

i mean to me the concept of "it's their thing so it's their choice" doesn't really matter. if it's shitty it's shitty, even if they have "right to do it"

it's still shitty

so to me it's shitty that they charge for them, and it's even shittier that they bundle them in three so it's more expensive and makes even less sense to buy them

and i didn't hear many people being for the bundle of threes so i really wonder why riot went ahead with it


Darius is so much fun, love dunking and pissing people off. Playing with the basketball skin makes them get even more mad sometimes lol.


annie is incredibly strong in midlane and her free harass isn't very fun at early levels with that range. she doesn't even need the auto range to CS, given the mechanics of her Q.


I kind of get the nerf but I've never considered Annie a monster either in mid lane or as support. More annoying than overpowered.


I feel like Annie's long attack range has been one of her defining characteristics for years. Seeing it gone would be a bit sad.

If I'm playing mid lane, I don't want the enemy laner to be having fun. I want them to suffer and die ingame (going on to have a rich and fulfilling life outside the game).


also this sounds really cool

We've made some modifications to the way combat text works for this patch cycle.
Combat Text now scales up in size based on relative impact of the skill.
Champion abilities that deal damage over time or multiple hits now combine their damage into one larger 'spinup' counter style number.
Minor cleanup, especially around proc type effects or multiple types of damage happening in the same frame.
These changes are in polish / testing phase - feel free to drop comments or give feedback. Let me know if anything feels weird / obtrusive - if you can't notice the feature at all or if you have any suggestions on further cleanup and polish we could do!

call me shallow but i like big fat damage numbers and you never get those as a midlaner cos you can't crit so i'm hoping now i will be able to get some numbers satisfaction :>

Just to make sure she stops being played as supp, I guess

Mid Annie doesn't give a shit about her AA range anyways
i always said if they want to nerf her support they should cut her aa range and improve her animation

since it's an air patch they might've done that since iirc animation stuff never shows up in air

like i'd sort of agree with that, but annie right now is not really a problem because of the meta so it's a weird moment to choose to nerf her


i really don't understand why you would nerf annie now :/

I don't pick her enough, but when I do, I feel like I'm going to win no matter what the rest of the players pick on either team. She's a monster. That attack range will hurt her gold generation as support though. Way fewer easy procs on spellthief's.


i really don't understand why you would nerf annie now :/

She doesn't really need it anymore with the newer Q mechanics for mid (although she will certainly feel it I imagine), and i dunno how she is doing overall bot lane but I guess it's mostly for that.

When I see a champ get nerfed most times it seems to either be pick rate in one lane or being considered viable + picked in more than one lane/role and I'd guess Annie's part of the latter. She seems pretty interchangeable between mid and bot lane and I'm guessing that's no bueno even if she's not dominating either (is she? I have no idea).


call me shallow but i like big fat damage numbers and you never get those as a midlaner cos you can't crit so i'm hoping now i will be able to get some numbers satisfaction :>

Just another reason to play Karthus!

Stone Ocean said:
Mid Annie doesn't give a shit about her AA range anyways

It's her main harass tool levels 1-3 at a time when Q is better used to kill minions for the 0 mana cost effect to stack your passive. Her AA range is a big reason why hybrid runes work so well for her as opposed to straight MPen.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
She doesn't really need it anymore with the newer Q mechanics for mid (although she will certainly feel it I imagine), and i dunno how she is doing overall bot lane but I guess it's mostly for that.

When I see a champ get nerfed most times it seems to either be pick rate in one lane or being considered viable + picked in more than one lane/role and I'd guess Annie's part of the latter. She seems pretty interchangeable between mid and bot lane and I'm guessing that's no bueno even if she's not dominating either (is she? I have no idea).
When she was buffed before, I saw that her passive was really strong. She can eat entire teams. Even the other say, I had a support that manage to nuke me as mid. It ridiculous. That range nerf is nothing.


I feel like Annie's long attack range has been one of her defining characteristics for years. Seeing it gone would be a bit sad.

If I'm playing mid lane, I don't want the enemy laner to be having fun. I want them to suffer and die ingame (going on to have a rich and fulfilling life outside the game).

"Being imba is one of her lead characteristics :p"


When she was buffed before, I saw that her passive was really strong. She can eat entire teams. Even the other say, I had a support that manage to nuke me as mid. It ridiculous. That range nerf is nothing.

She's kinda like Zyra in that he has a lot of passive damage (Tibbers aura + Tibber's auto + Molten Shield) in addition to her burst which was never anything to sneeze at. Throw in her CC that works for basically any comp whether she goes mid or bot and yea...pretty consistent pick all things considered, even with this nerf.

Annie can get bullied and she doesn't have a real escape if her passive isn't up but even if she loses a lane all it takes is one well timed ultstun to win a teamfight.

That being said though so many common mid picks now can just dive on her *if* she doesn't mess with them and keep them behind her on farm (like she does now with AA) I am not quite sure where they are going with this. I hope they also take a look at some far more common picks that are getting a free pass because they "require skill" or something. Kinda a nebulous concept to argue.


i mean right now, annie has something like a 55% winrate in mid. not egregious but still high. levels 1-3/4 all she has to do is sit there and auto you while she freefarms with Q and loses no mana. or, she can just hold her stun and auto you while you can't retaliate for fear of a lockup and jungler gank. just having her swirly around her dissuades a lot of enemy junglers from even coming to lane because they say "what's the point"

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
She's kinda like Zyra in that he has a lot of passive damage (Tibbers aura + Tibber's auto + Molten Shield) in addition to her burst which was never anything to sneeze at. Throw in her CC that works for basically any comp whether she goes mid or bot and yea...pretty consistent pick all things considered, even with this nerf.

Annie can get bullied and she doesn't have a real escape if her passive isn't up but even if she loses a lane all it takes is one well timed ultstun to win a teamfight.

That being said though so many common mid picks now can just dive on her *if* she doesn't mess with them and keep them behind her on farm (like she does now with AA) I am not quite sure where they are going with this. I hope they also take a look at some far more common picks that are getting a free pass because they "require skill" or something. Kinda a nebulous concept to argue.
What Riot will probably do, as we've seen before, is make every targetable spell a skillshot.

What a future.


Skill shots > targeted abilities.

The only targeted abilities I like are things like Caitlyn's ult that still have more to them than just click = massive damage.


I'm imagining skillshots are nicer if you're on west coast though.

It probably doesn't make much difference, but it would be kind of interesting to see a breakdown of average ranking in different U.S. geographical regions.


i really don't understand why you would nerf annie now :/

Her attack range was just insane. Her normal attack range outranges every ADC, except Cait... She is now forced to play a lot closer, which fits her role as short range burst caster. Annie mid can farm with Q anyway. Finally!

do u build like ap lol?

Not much, but yeah. Still building pretty tanky though. Grail/Morello's into Haunting Guise (Liandry's after Frozen Heart), into Frozen Heart with boots. Total package for like 8K gold and u will have close to 200 armor, 100 mresist for mid game. U get double the Liandry's burn with the Frozen Heart aura. Combined with his E and his ult he does tons of damage over a prolonged period of time. :D


Oh, Ryzes new update makes him skillshotty?

ha...hahahaha...holy crap that's a huge nerf to him.

his q is a skillshot now. i think they compensated him elsewhere though. i tried him last night and did terrible but i've never been a good ryze player anyway so my word means nothing

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
his q is a skillshot now. i think they compensated him elsewhere though. i tried him last night and did terrible but i've never been a good ryze player anyway so my word means nothing
I like skillshots more because I can run away and not take the time to target enemy to hit them with my spell. However, Ryze's Q change is a nerf because he can no longer nuke you in a crowd.
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