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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Urgot in his broken state popularised roaming supports. He could win lane 1v2 so the support was better off picking Alistar or Leona and roaming often.

Yeah. In the classic IEM Hanover match between DIG and M5, Urgot completely pooped on Janna + Corki on his own while Lee + Alistar demolished the enemy mid lane and jungle.
Felt like I was back at the end of season 4

Those statements are not contradicting each other, you know. If you play Taric of course you're going to lose lane unless something extraordinary happens. Supports like Zyra/Sona/Nami can poke and win lane pretty much by themselves though.

I've won plenty of games as taric. Used to and still do some times wreck lanes with all ins at level 3 and 6. Your still not swinging me. Zyra offers nothing to her adc, in fact she's even more reliant on her adc, than leona or taric. Sona is the most easily bursted supp in the league. I think she's strong, but make one mistake in your positioning and your dead.

I think the best supp's in the league right now, regardless of rank, go


Not in any order. I just think the most successful bot lanes use these champs. My original point was that supp is one of the hardest positions to play, as you need to rely on your adc being halfway competent. This is completely different from the other lanes. You need to force feed your adc and only the best supp's can go from bronze to plat doing this alone. Hell up to a point, I would say if you are confident in your skill you should just take the kills for yourself and carry your way out.
I've won plenty of games as taric. Used to and still do some times wreck lanes with all ins at level 3 and 6. Your still not swinging me. Zyra offers nothing to her adc, in fact she's even more reliant on her adc, than leona or taric. Sona is the most easily bursted supp in the league. I think she's strong, but make one mistake in your positioning and your dead.

I think the best supp's in the league right now, regardless of rank, go


Not in any order. I just think the most successful bot lanes use these champs. My original point was that supp is one of the hardest positions to play, as you need to rely on your adc being halfway competent. This is completely different from the other lanes. You need to force feed your adc and only the best supp's can go from bronze to plat doing this alone. Hell up to a point, I would say if you are confident in your skill you should just take the kills for yourself and carry your way out.
Besides a lot of zoning / disengage and the biggest DPS of any support? Zyra is basically the most independent support around lol, you're likely to straight up outdamage your ADC

Support players have the highest win rates for a reason. Specially in lower ranks, the amount of pressure you can apply just from vision control alone, plus good support players can make silver ADCs look like fucking Doublelift.
Besides a lot of zoning / disengage and the biggest DPS of any support? Zyra is basically the most independent support around lol, you're likely to straight up outdamage your ADC

Support players have the highest win rates for a reason. Specially in lower ranks, the amount of pressure you can apply just from vision control alone, plus good support players can make silver ADCs look like fucking Doublelift.

If I was playing ADC and didn't poke zyra to oblivion I deserve my spot in Bronze.

Can't argue with what you are saying. Maybe Supp play has changed a bit more since I last gave it a bash. I will have a game and report my findings. :)
If I was playing ADC and didn't poke zyra to oblivion I deserve my spot in Bronze.

Can't argue with what you are saying. Maybe Supp play has changed a bit more since I last gave it a bash. I will have a game and report my findings. :)

if you walk up to poke a Zyra and she just lets you then you probably are in bronze.


Haha, you've been been pretty warped by bronze my friend.

The strongest supports in ranked is easily Blitzcrank, no matter what division. The rest is a mix of Janna, Annie, Zyra, Leona and Braum.

Thresh is generally a bad solo q champion.

Also, support is generally the best role if you want to carry the game. You can be so directly imposing on the enemy team.


Isn't the idea of BotRK first item to be a way to make laning a bit easier? Besides dueling potential.

Trinity just synergizes really well with Kog because of his ability to get the enhanced AA from the passive, but he's also really strong as a "turret" ADC due to his Q and W, so I don't see why not you could itemize him as the average IE/ASP ADC, but then I guess you are banking more on RNG to help.

As far as it being better or worse, then idk, but I am gonna go on a limb that it depends on matchup/how you are doing.


There is nothing more sad than going to early lane with a Vampiric scepter or even the upgraded version.

Compared to Sheen, the power spike is VERY small.
So now that Kass is in a more reasonable place strength-wise I kind of want to start playing him. Core is pretty much roa into deathcap right?

Edit: Support is good to carry with, but a lot of it still requires your team to listen to you and help you out, especially with the three ward limit.


But afaik you don't get Vamp Scept/Bilgewater for the powespike on Kog, you get it to make it possible to survive sustained pokes that will make you super easy to gank/get dived under tower.
Isn't the idea of BotRK first item to be a way to make laning a bit easier? Besides dueling potential.

Trinity just synergizes really well with Kog because of his ability to get the enhanced AA from the passive, but he's also really strong as a "turret" ADC due to his Q and W, so I don't see why not you could itemize him as the average IE/ASP ADC, but then I guess you are banking more on RNG to help.

As far as it being better or worse, then idk, but I am gonna go on a limb that it depends on matchup/how you are doing.
No, that's what a Phage rush is for. BotRK rush is for dueling / peeling, the sustain is secondary.


There's only a few things that are certain for league OT. One is that Philip will have horrible taste in champions.


Blitzcrank supercharges himself to increase Movement Speed by 70/75/80/85/90 % and Attack Speed by 30/38/46/54/62 % for <span class="abilities-effects"> 5 seconds. The Movement Speed bonus decays over the duration. When Overdrive ends, Blitzcrank's Movement Speed is slowed by <span class="abilities-effects"> 30 % for <span class="abilities-effects"> 1.5 seconds.
75 Mana
15/15/15/15/15 Seconds


Mundo buff and Rek'Sai nerfs too

Max cdr Mundo will have an ult every 33 seconds



Mundo buff and Rek'Sai nerfs too

Max cdr Mundo will have an ult every 33 seconds

Yeah, if that buff goes through, his ultimate will only have a downtime of 21 seconds seeing as his ult goes on for 12 seconds. He will never die.


i mean mundo was already capable of ulting multiple times in the new tank meta team fights. some OGN fights were absolutely hilarious for this.


that blitz nerf sounds fun and punishing, i like it

also did jungle nidalee just got shit on? 16s on her heal sounds like a really big nerf

and yea i don't understand why they feel the need to buff mundo but ok
Dark Frenzy (W) [New Effect - spells hits on enemy champions now also grant Eve [4?] Movement Speed for 3 Seconds (Movement Speed stacks up to 4 times)
Seriously? You had pretty much every Eve player saying that change was stupid but you still went through with it and now it'll get reverted on the next patch? Wow

Also if we're to further buff tanks we gonna need a BoTRK buff or something


RIP Irelia and Supports (and any other light jungler out there)

If anything this will make irelia more relevant. With no damage threat other than mid and adc she can probably afford to permanently farm to until she has a Bork and triforce to go with her true damage then go tanky


Seriously? You had pretty much every Eve player saying that change was stupid but you still went through with it and now it'll get reverted on the next patch? Wow

Also if we're to further buff tanks we gonna need a BoTRK buff or something

Pretty sure it gets both effects now, the cooldown reduction and the move speed.


Seriously? You had pretty much every Eve player saying that change was stupid but you still went through with it and now it'll get reverted on the next patch? Wow

i mean her winrate went up like 3% and she's now getting the old effect on top of the new one

dunno what you're complaining about

I don't get the Rek'Sai nerf. Is he still a problem in competitive or something?
not sure, and i dunno if it's the right nerf since it's kind of limiting reksai's item choices

but she's annoying so idc
i mean her winrate went up like 3% and she's now getting the old effect on top of the new one

dunno what you're complaining about
It's more the principle of the thing. It was a bad change with tons of feedback about and seeing it go through only to see it reverted like a week later pisses me off
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