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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I've won plenty of games as taric. Used to and still do some times wreck lanes with all ins at level 3 and 6. Your still not swinging me. Zyra offers nothing to her adc, in fact she's even more reliant on her adc, than leona or taric. Sona is the most easily bursted supp in the league. I think she's strong, but make one mistake in your positioning and your dead.

Loads of other people have explained how Zyra works, but more about Taric. Of course it's possible to win games with Taric, but he's a passive sustain laner for the most part, and you're not going to get kills in an all in without your adc.


Loads of other people have explained how Zyra works, but more about Taric. Of course it's possible to win games with Taric, but he's a passive sustain laner for the most part, and you're not going to get kills in an all in without your adc.

i've played with panda enough to see zyra 1v2 a botlane and survive with both kills netted
Yeah I'm not sure if that Blitz change is a good idea either. Last thing we need is Blitz having an easier time doing his EQ shenanigans

On a happier note though, if that goes through Blitz will be permabanned again so technically a nerf to his pick rate

Also I find this hilarious
Urchin Strike (Q) AP ratio reverted to .3 from .5
"Oh yeah, why I was I buffing AP Fizz Q again"


It's a revert to his old W, except he gets even more movespeed while it is active than he did during the old times.

I think it will be a buff during most of the time which I don't think Blitz deserves.

It is a decaying move speed buff tho. I'm not sure if they're messing with cooldown numbers or not but it should at least be less spammable and kinda hurt his overall mobility maybe.
It's a nerf to his roaming but good luck playing an ADC with no escapes or heavy peel when Blitz starts running torwards you with a MS buff that will likely only get as slow as the live one after like 4 seconds


It is a decaying move speed buff tho. I'm not sure if they're messing with cooldown numbers or not but it should at least be less spammable and kinda hurt his overall mobility maybe.

Oh, the decay is something good at least. He should have 35% ms boost after half duration then.


i think if the numbers are right it should be a nerf to blitz

yeah he gets super fast initially but that decays quick and if he misses his hook he's kind of fucked cos he just overextended and he's now slowed

duration is also now much lower so less roaming and less zoning without doing anything

sounds like decent risk-reward in paper

it's more about rito getting the numbers right so blitz is actually nerfed, not buffed by it

In what region and queue did the winrate go up 3%, and over what period of time?

there was a reddit thread on changes that said 3%, data was taken from lolking too


It's more the principle of the thing. It was a bad change with tons of feedback about and seeing it go through only to see it reverted like a week later pisses me off
well for all we know it's a bug and it'll be removed from pbe tomorrow


Yeah I'm not sure if that Blitz change is a good idea either. Last thing we need is Blitz having an easier time doing his EQ shenanigans

On a happier note though, if that goes through Blitz will be permabanned again so technically a nerf to his pick rate

Also I find this hilarious

"Oh yeah, why I was I buffing AP Fizz Q again"

Blitz's W is fine as is IMO, that change is quite odd.

Also Nida nerfs?
It's a nerf to his roaming but good luck playing an ADC with no escapes or heavy peel when Blitz starts running torwards you with a MS buff that will likely only get as slow as the live one after like 4 seconds
not really

buying mobis and saving your w for your gank means pretty much nothing changes except now ur like sonic the hedgehog.


The nidalee nerfs are horrible and unneeded. I can understand nuking Fizz from orbit (which they have now accomplished.. don't see him being relevant in the jungle anymore) but I think the nidalee nerf is way too harsh.


I'm sure the numbers will need tweaked a little but at least now its an actual ability with some actual risk/reward and not just "oops w isn't on better hit w"


The nidalee nerfs are horrible and unneeded. I can understand nuking Fizz from orbit (which they have now accomplished.. don't see him being relevant in the jungle anymore) but I think the nidalee nerf is way too harsh.

I want to nuke Nida from my orbits.

Glad to see QT Streaming still, will make the first few hours of this night shift tolerable :p


They won't actually do it. The games would just be too long and dull. Pretty sure they'll just put URF back out again with maybe a few tweaks


They won't actually do it. The games would just be too long and dull. Pretty sure they'll just put URF back out again with maybe a few tweaks

I think it's on pbe already so they might put it out. I agree that they will probably put urf back out though after.


I think some files just "leaked" onto pbe, but I don't think you can actually play it can you? I mean, the games would probably take roughly twice as long. Think about trying to take towers with everyone having two seconds between autos or walking to lane with a permanent 60% slow


She has the 6th worst win rate in the game

Also I wouldn't call it a bug since the tooltip encompasses both passives. Maybe old version of last patch changes that shouldn't be up but not a bug.
call it what you may, wait until it's out of pbe before you get outraged

they're literally buffing her, her winrate is so shit already that they probably experimented a bit with the other change before buffing her for realsies

remember it's eve we're talking about, aka the champion everyone fucking hates

master yi
after effect? i dunno if those count

i'd say janna w removing her self movement speed buff is an after effect debuff

can't think of that many more, actually


I'm so confused. I got demoted and then some the other day. I log in now and get a message that I've qualified for a series. But i'm at 59lp

nvm ranked 5s
call it what you may, wait until it's out of pbe before you get outraged

they're literally buffing her, her winrate is so shit already that they probably experimented a bit with the other change before buffing her for realsies

remember it's eve we're talking about, aka the champion everyone fucking hates
I'm not really getting outraged nor will I throw a tantrum regarding Riot's balancing, I'm just very fucking annoyed. I mean, imagine if they took say Lux and removed the root on Q but now Q hits 3 targets instead of 2 and tried to pass that as a buff then goes "oops we were wrong besides every Lux player saying that change wasn't a buff", it's the situation here.

Eve is the first champion I ever bought, I have a sore spot for this weird blue thing so don't mind me
Leading 2-1 in my playoff series to get to Plat for the first time in S5. Naturally lost my best game with the kill score reading ~2-21 (played Sona, bullied the hell out of enemy Jinx, leading to 40+cs at 10 lead for Graves, rest of map had utterly collapsed). Went Maokai top next game, played a super-aggro Kennen and outcs'd him a bit before teamfighting well (jungle Kha'Zix bossed it though, mostly him winning the game with a dodgy mid and bot lane). Went Nunu just there, jungled well against Lee, but the win was largely thanks to a Jinx/Morg bot lane that went off. Game 4 coming up. Wish me luck.



Went Maokai top next game, played a super-aggro Kennen and outcs'd him a bit

That's one thing I've noticed about every Kennen I've ever gone up against. Since I'm usually Irelia (melee) they just harass all day to the point where they fall behind in CS tremendously. Had a game a few days ago where at 6 minutes I was 40cs vs his 12, even though he was bullying me and I was under tower most of the time.
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