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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i wonder how difficult would it be to make a site to like test champion builds and crap

for some reason none of the sites that had that functionality have updated in like forever

I guess it would depend on your web programming abilities. The API should support such functionality pretty easily.


Watching my buddy stream as Jax. He got a bit ahead and is in that crazy snowball stage. I always forget that Jax is still insanely difficulty to deal with if you don't keep him down.
I actually considered doing that zky. I just thought it's only me that'd be interested. I thought of doing a simulation on top of it. Eg both champs slug it out 1v1 and spam abilities and attacks.
Damn I lost 2-3. Game 4 I played Ashe, did extremely well in lane, but Irelia had T-Force/Randuins/Tabi by 20 minutes and my top laner was raging at the jungler. Could have pulled it back with insane arrows but with Fiora/Leblanc solo lanes always hard to hang on when behind. Game 5 I played Morgana support with Graves and against MF/Leona. Lane phase was slightly in our favour, and we had a good lead at one point, but we could never get a good engage (except one time I hit a great bind on MF) as Sion didn't want to engage with ult and Kat kept getting blown up before doing anything. Lee jungle just wanted to splitpush and duel all day. Frustrating game.


We should have more streaming gaffers. Sometimes I get bored at work. Where are the bronze games, Newt?

i've found that when i'm streaming nothing fun or funny happens, but when i stop streaming the stuff that i find hilarious happens and i'm like WHY DID I STOP STREAMING

like when i played with ghost, i only caught like the last 2/3 of the hilarity of his rage on stream
I guess it would depend on your web programming abilities. The API should support such functionality pretty easily.

Oh hey look Riot is having a Riot API programming contest:


I guess since they didn't hire me as a mobile dev maybe I can enter this and prove my 1337 skills.

If I had more time, I'd totally stream my bronze ii ranked matches. Work and school OP

I'd stream my Bronze 5 games if my computer and bandwidth could handle it.



I am not playing well lately. I'm also becoming addicted to Pillars of Eternity which is perhaps a good thing.


summons pls dont be mad i was just kidding

I'm not really getting outraged nor will I throw a tantrum regarding Riot's balancing, I'm just very fucking annoyed. I mean, imagine if they took say Lux and removed the root on Q but now Q hits 3 targets instead of 2 and tried to pass that as a buff then goes "oops we were wrong besides every Lux player saying that change wasn't a buff", it's the situation here.

Eve is the first champion I ever bought, I have a sore spot for this weird blue thing so don't mind me
what i mean is, eve was already pretty trash wasn't her?

so if rito's unsure about the effects of something they figure they'll test it since she can't get much worse, etc.

let's remind ourselves that a lot of players thought the lucian rework would make him shit or were desperately asking for feral flare or were asking for assassins to get removed and then cried about poke mages, etc. etc.

i understand you're annoyed but eve has always been a difficult champion to balance so i think rito being cautious about buffing her is justified, even if they miss the mark a couple times

the way they voiced it was pretty shit, tho, as it often is, which i guess leaves people confused why they're doing something strange to eve instead of outright buffing her


Blitz new W. Decay seems super quick but idk how they usually are. looks like after about 2 seconds he's already back down to 334 which is only like 3% higher than his base... looks kinda shitty honestly but will obviously be different with mobis and whatnot
that doesn't look like 70% tbh

I guess it would depend on your web programming abilities. The API should support such functionality pretty easily.
I actually considered doing that zky. I just thought it's only me that'd be interested. I thought of doing a simulation on top of it. Eg both champs slug it out 1v1 and spam abilities and attacks.
i mean if by all it takes is doing a few get/post http thingies against rito's api and then all frontend crap that should be pretty easy tho i'm pretty inexperienced with javascript. if rito stuff comes in like xml or json or whatever that's pretty easy to go through

like if you can just pull a xml with like all the champion and item stats then it's pretty easy and would require minimum support from me outside of like when riot changes how stats work or something (like that whole multiple scaling for cassi or something)

my biggest issue is knowing how all the formulas in the game work and me not really being a web programmer

i'll look into it, what do you have to do to have access to the api?
Again, got paired with a guy that didnt say anything on the champ pick up, so I was forced to pick jungle, ok everything good until he was destroyed in mid every single time by heimer and was bashing me for not helping him because he didnt farm anything but wanted to kill heimer
That Rek'Sai nerf is puzzling. She builds full tank anyway so why neuter her damage? She feels useless mid to late game as it is.

I just need to accept that I'll never have any success on that champ ever I guess.


No offense Newt but your recent matches look like you're being carried most of the time @o@
Jokes aside, if I was to get scores like 1/1/10 every game (with decent damage) I would probably be challenger right now.

This probably isn't true for bronze (I mean bronze is incoherent in general), but in diamond the most important stats are objectives taken and kill participation.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Since Rito has been pushing gragas jungle, I decide to give him a try.
He has a surprisingly strong jungle. Sure I might have been ganked twice at lvl1, but still manage to get a positive kda. His ganks are really superb if you manage to get a slow with the keg. I wonder if this is how gragas felt in season 4. Im still trying to figure what items are best for him though.


Ranked lobby:

"and when i build sorc boots on sion don't patronize me, cuz my most dmging abilities are magic dmg. gotta have that dmg"


I actually considered doing that zky. I just thought it's only me that'd be interested. I thought of doing a simulation on top of it. Eg both champs slug it out 1v1 and spam abilities and attacks.
Calculating a champion's stats seems reasonable. I'm not sure the API has enough info to do something like fully model your damage output for X seconds of attacking/casting. Could have a manual calculator where you add however many ability casts / auto-attacks though.

The static data API doesn't specify how long it takes to begin/finish casting before you are free to take another action. Need to find out the values elsewhere or determine it in-game because I don't think Raise Morale / Rocket Grab / Bandage Toss / etc have the same animation times.



fun stuff

item passives and actives i think are gonna have to be done by hand tho

that's pretty lame

but api is really easy, gj rito

javascript can go die in a fire tho, i dunno how people use this every day


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That Rek'Sai nerf is puzzling. She builds full tank anyway so why neuter her damage? She feels useless mid to late game as it is.

I just need to accept that I'll never have any success on that champ ever I guess.
b cuz the early game is too strong. if a champion can build full tank and still does too much damage they need to be nerfed.

rek'sai only feels less useful in the later sections of the game because so much of her power is baked into map pressure because of how mobile/present she is. the design on her is really bad, and riot walked back on global ultimates for god knows what reason. it'd be better for rek'sai to never be good.
Random guy picks heimer supp, suddenly realized Heimer supp is bad and decides to go top with Volibear, Volibears goes bot with me now and Heimer was the one who bought the sightstone.....wth


athenes feels really strong this patch

i don't think morellos is worth it anymore

these two items are so hard to balance


had a pretty bad ranked 5s game with lebonk against a lux that was really good and was outroaming me pretty hard. match before i had a similar situation with an enemy leblanc. laning and roaming are def my two weakest points i'd say, with backing and map awareness close seconds. that team pretty much destroyed us, we had come from a very hard fought win in the last game but we got that off sheer sejuani power and just enemy leblanc continuously underestimating us, which i guess worked 9 out of 10 times but that 10 was the game so, you know, dumb.

fortunately i had my revenge and we got matched against the same team a few games later. i was xerath vs ahri but pretty much reked, ended up like 12 0 6 or something. xerath is weird, i wish his w was more fun so his kit was a bit less passive, cos his ult specially is awesome and easily one of the most fun spells in the game. i picked him two games in a row against braums cos like braum fucking counters my whole champion pool lol

off that win we ended up jumping no promos from s3 so s1 with my ranked 5s team. ranked teams is pretty weird, we're in a weird elo of shitty teams getting carried by a single diamond player, it's so strange how pretty much every game is a situation like that, and the ones that aren't are just like complete stomps over low silver players. not sure if it's the server not having enough people or what but we rarely get matched against a likewise strong team made of platinums/golds or whatever


anyways, was looking with a friend through rito's api and found some cool stuff in the match services regarding something called "timeline", which we guess would be like the graph you see in your match history but it has really weird stats like "ancientGolemAssistsPerMinCounts" or "csDiffPerMinDeltas", as well as things called "tenToTwenty" which are described as "Value per minute from 10 min to 20 min"

so basically riot tracks a lot of cool stuff that you don't get shown anywhere and i really wonder how the csDiff thing works. could be difference from your last minute but would be cool if it compared against like other players? maybe just figure out who you were laning against based on your position? or maybe it compares against the average of the other players?

same with the value thing, maybe it tracks a bunch of stats like kill participation, wards placed/destroyed, objectives taken, etc. and gives you a score based on that?

i dunno, there's some cool stuff

gonna keep fooling around with it so my friend teaches me php and coffeescript and some other crap


I lost a 18/6/13 ADC ranked game with Ezreal. I messed up positioning 72 minutes in and ended it, and teammates raged at me.

My team had a Bard. :(

An hour in, our team had the enemy mid inhib down, an enemy dead, and could rush either middle or the bottom inhib tower. Guess what happened? One person called top lane INNER TOWER, one or two other people split, and that basically cemented the loss (2-3 lost barons later).

In a 72-minute game, 2 people on my team never upgraded their trinket either. I asked multiple times.



if only xerath looked like this

also i'm unsure if i should ask my friend going to the states to bring me a poro or a lulu plushy

i kinda want both but too expensive and tbh that lulu is much cuter but u know poros are poros
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