Zaptruder said:You put the lesser item first THEN the more severe item after the phrase "let alone" when you use it in a sentence.
You can't hit the broadside of a barn, let alone a moving tractor.
DarienA said:Is dis da thread for good speaking English?
Zaptruder said:I'm looking at you fool! You're use of let alone in a political thread prompted me to make this thread!
DarienA said:If I have upset 3 people, let alone 1 then I've accomplished my mission for the day and will sleep good tonite.
Zaptruder said:I weep for humanity! And your children! *cry*
DarienA said:On a serious note... leave my children out of the insults be they in jest or not.
On a more light hearted note I think alot faster than I type. You'll find that my posts will occasionally be missing a word or two and it's because I've already in my mind moved on to the next point I'm trying to make. I'm hardly a moron and simply put don't always take the time to proofread my posts... I just don't find it that important for what I post here. I spend alot of time creating training manuals at work.... writing here is my "kick back" time.
scola said:I am not arguing that the sentence is wrong (it isn't), or that the barn should be second because its bigger lol thats funny though) only that the rule needs to be rephrased since not being able to hit the barn is certainly the bigger offence since the barn is a large unmoving object.
Hitting a moving tractor is more difficult ergo a lesser offence.
The sentence is correct, the wording of the rule is wrong.
DarienA said:Since you are all literary masters.... translate THIS!
Mama Smurf said:It's not as bad as people saying "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". It'd be fine if they actually meant that they could care less, but they hardly ever do. Drives me mad (inside, where I let it fester).
Zaptruder said:The example is correct, although the way I stated the rule is probably flawed (like the way asians respond yes to confirm a negative question, while westerners confirm the negative question with a no response.
It's like
"(If) You can't hit the broadside of a barn, (don't even bother with) a moving tractor."
Everytime I've seen the phrase used, I've seen it used incorrectly. It really pisses me off because it stalls me for a minute... then I realise that people are morons.
You're welcome.quadriplegicjon said:hey.. thanks for explaining this to me.. im not being sarcastic here.. english being my second language, this was never truly made clear..
Mama Smurf said:It's not as bad as people saying "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". It'd be fine if they actually meant that they could care less, but they hardly ever do. Drives me mad (inside, where I let it fester).
calder said:
Mama Smurf said:Yeah, but it's normally said when someone wants to dismiss something. It'd just be really weird to say if they meant it that way.
It's possible that some people do mean that though, in which case screw them for messing with the phrase!
Mama Smurf said:I don't like these attempts to change the phrase to stop the stupid people looking so stupid.
Zap-freakin'-truder said:I'm looking at you fool! You're use of let alone in a political thread prompted me to make this thread!
Prospero said:One thing that irks me to no end is when writers mix up "your" (possessive) and "you're" (contraction of "you are"). For instance:
"Its" (possessive) and "it's" (contraction of "it is") get mixed up a lot as well.
That's my pet peeve, too.Mama Smurf said:It's not as bad as people saying "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less". It'd be fine if they actually meant that they could care less, but they hardly ever do. Drives me mad (inside, where I let it fester).
DarienA said:On a serious note... leave my children out of the insults be they in jest or not.
On a more light hearted note I think alot faster than I type. You'll find that my posts will occasionally be missing a word or two and it's because I've already in my mind moved on to the next point I'm trying to make. I'm hardly a moron and simply put don't always take the time to proofread my posts... I just don't find it that important for what I post here. I spend alot of time creating training manuals at work.... writing here is my "kick back" time.
Zaptruder said:Mistakes like You're and your, are all too easy to make; although said slowly there's a slight difference, said quickly, the difference trends towards zero.
Prospero said:One thing that irks me to no end is when writers mix up "your" (possessive) and "you're" (contraction of "you are"). For instance:.
Cyan said:Oh yeah, my pet peeve: overuse of the word "literally." "This car literally costs a million dollars!" "I'm literally starving!" "I'm literally asleep on my feet!" No. No you're not. You are figuratively starving, asleep on your feet, or whatever.
Fresh Prince said:For me it's when people pronounce 0 as o(oh).
Like 290 turns into two - nine - oh.