The best breed of dog. Consistently ranks high in terms of intelligence, temperament and versatility. They're also super adorable.
Descended from Roman work dogs, rottweilers are an ancient breed. While they have a reputation of being aggressive, this trait comes from the loyalty they feel for their owners and their attentiveness. Most rottweilers, when properly socialized are loving pups that are known for their good humored nature.
I had a rottweiler. It was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. She ever only aimed to please. And so fucking smart. She knew how to open the door, just from watching us.
Descended from Roman work dogs, rottweilers are an ancient breed. While they have a reputation of being aggressive, this trait comes from the loyalty they feel for their owners and their attentiveness. Most rottweilers, when properly socialized are loving pups that are known for their good humored nature.
I had a rottweiler. It was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. She ever only aimed to please. And so fucking smart. She knew how to open the door, just from watching us.