Dyne said:Cool. I got laid...
Fragamemnon said:Slow day at work, thankfully. Got a lot of stuff I had been meaning to get around to out of the way.
Roomate's birthday-he wants God of War. Bleh, I hate those crazy $49.99 PS2 games, what a ripoff. Thinking about stiffing him with a $25 gift card to meet me halfway but that's really lame considering what I bring in a month, so I won't do it.
ZOMBIES later tonight at the movies. I just know there is going to be some dumbfuck parent there with their young kids because they can't find a sitter or some crap. I hope they enjoy cleaning out the sheets from all the bedwetting their kids will do over the next week or so. Debating on what horrific insult to toss at the parents in the theater when I see them.
akascream said:At first, I was happy for you. =(
Debating on what horrific insult to toss at the parents in the theater when I see them.
Lakitu said:I'm cool. Excited and missing girlfriend. Tired. Must sleep.
Isn't a "Fred Flintstone" cutting holes in the bottom of your car and stopping with your feet?Wellington said:I'm alright. I gotta work tomorrow because of a large scale crane pick, but I feel like today is the start of a good weekend anyway. I will likely drink a lot tonight, and then I have to pull a Fred Flintstone tomorrow and be at two parties. I am thinking of ditching one entirely though, I will know a few girls in the other one, while the first is just me and my boys.
I went to the dentist yesterday.