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LG G3 turning on devices?


I recently got an LG G3, but I noticed a weird behavior. I have HDMI-CEC enabled and works as intended. However, I realized that whenever I turn the TV on with another device (Nintendo Switch, AirPlay, ThinQ app, etc) the most recent device used also turns on. Note: It doesn't happen when I turn on the TV with the remote, ONLY with another device.

I haven't been able to stop this from happening, and I don't want to turn off CEC, since It's very useful. Also, it's weird because CEC is not meant to turn the device on, but the TV on. The normal behavior of CEC is: If you turn on the device, the TV turns on, not the other way around.

For people that use LG TVs, do you know about this issue and how to solve it?

I appreciate the help!


LG C9, PS5 I had to disable PS5 CEC because if I the TV was left on PS5 input PS5 will turn on. Xbox and Switch behave properly. My experience.


Gold Member
I've an LG there's something called "simplink", on the remote there is a dedicated "simplink" button. Press that and muck about with the settings see what happens.

I must have knocked the remote once and for a week my Sky box would turn off with the TV.
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I ended up just keeping one device linked, the one that I also use as a streaming box, so I can "turn on the TV" in one button. Too many wires getting crossed for the trouble the sexier I tried to make it beyond that.


I've an LG there's something called "simplink", on the remote there is a dedicated "simplink" button. Press that and muck about with the settings see what happens.

I must have knocked the remote once and for a week my Sky box would turn off with the TV.

Did they really not think of a better name for that function? I'd never use it on principle.
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