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Like Outlaws, Frostpunks 'Day 1' patch advises players (who paid more for early access) to toss their old saves and start again


Nah, that's nothing like the outlaws situation. You can play your old saves fine, they just might not have all the changes.

Outlaws it was literally wipe your save or you're probably going to run into game breaking progression bugs that will stop you from finishing the game.


Gold Member
Thats normal in strategy games, every Paradox game is like that, new patch - you need to start new campaign or do not update.
I don’t think Paradox is like that? Maybe if you use mods? Granted my only Paradox experience is CK2, CK3, Stellaris and City Skylines.
This is the dumbest trend I've seen. Great way to discourage buyers from spending money on the early access, seems completely counter intuitive.


People should really stop pre-ordering games or paying for Early access. At this point if you are still doing this, well, it’s on you.


You know what other game did this? Baldur's Gate 3! If you buy early access, you are essentially a beta tester. This comes with some caveats.

BG3 was early access, Frostpunk is advanced access to a "finished" game
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