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Like some help in Tales of Symphonia

I'm about 30 hours in disc one.

I'm trying to fight this boss
Lunal and Aska, and somehow, it's doing something to members of my party where I can't use anymore tech points, otherwise, no B button special moves. In my party, this means Raine can't heal, and I can't concentrate on keeping Aska away from everyone else. When I'm affected, it shows a sword with a x over it on top of the characters portrait near the bottom of the screen. Is there a item to cure this, and what? I keep trying those Placeno (something starting with 'p') Bottles, and it doesn't work.
Panacea bottles only cure poison, I believe. I think you need Miracle Bottles or something like that. They're available at basically every item shop.


needs to show more effort.
I have always used panacea bottles to clear that status effect that you just described and its always worked for me...


needs to show more effort.
taken from gamefaqs - >

"The only thing you should watch out for is her Light Ray (or
something like that) attack, because it'll place the status effect Curse on
whoever's hit by it, preventing you from using techs. Use a Panacea Bottle
to cure it."

for reference, panacea bottles cure all physically ailments. That meands they are everything that isn't a "def up/attack down" kind of effect.


I'm not sure at what point Raine gets the "cure all status effects on everyone" spell, but I'm sure you have it at this point. Make sure she uses it.
Is this the battle with that moon summon and the bird? I don't remember having any of these problems with that fight, personally.

Anyway, I apologize about the misinformation I gave. I remember just using miracle bottles for a similiar problem (might be a different status effect).
I've been trying to use the Panacea Bottle during the fight, but a 'x' appears over the character I'm trying to cure. I almost think my game is glitching out as this I just can't seem to rid myself of it. Does the character I'm trying to heal need to be standing still, or not taking damage in order to be healed?


needs to show more effort.
no, it should cure the same way poison/petrify/parlyze etc are cured.

You also might checking through all of your equipment to see if anything precents "curse" as I believe that is the name of this status effect.

Assuming Raine is not affected, you could also have her cast recover to rid someone of this effect.
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