I'm sorry but, that just isn't remotely a good translation of Aeon into live action. Even removing the Pro Annerexia look. I realize Aeon's hair style defies the laws of space and time, but in this day and age of CG work, anything's possible. Hell, if it looked too surreal to quite be "real", that would have worked in its favor. Aeon Flux is surreality defined. Also, the costume is typical Dark Angel sexy commando girl black. Did they even look at the real characters? Whether you like the style or not, Aeon and her compatriots were all about breaking repressive society rules and fashion, and the chosen look to symbolize it was the BDSM/PVC clubber/fetish costume world.
I realize you can't assume very much from a single picture. But at a glance, it's almost a practical joke on Peter Chung, who's very idea was to be unconventional and blow the rules to hell and gone.