I guess some idiots actually believe this.
Truth.Still a better investment than NFTs.
I'm kind of wondering if this video is a long con for him to start hawking NFTs lol.Still a better investment than NFTs.
He ended up getting GI Joe cards, so, he still won tbh
GI Joe >>>> Pokémon
I had those.![]()
if it was the marvel cards from the 90s would still be worth millions.
He'll probably come out on top either way with that one guy likely to refund him and then all the video proceeds.
It also provides an opportunity to have a boxing match against the scammer. That's big money.game shows give away millions of dollar prizes as part of the cost of producing the show.
this is basically that, people rejoicing about Logan Paul losing money but even if he lost that it wouldn't even matter he already created the draw/interest that you have even sites like kotaku writing about it.
He got refunded by Shyne. Jacob (Cardkahuna) and Jameel (Meelypops) have lawyered up. So Shyne is $2.7M in shit. I guess Logan will send money his way from all this income, etc.
What I’m wondering is how did this slip through the original authenticity check by BBCE? Peoples thinking this is fake to begin with, BBCE (valided as the guys on video being legit) would not risk ruining their reputation over a viral stunt, cmon.