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Low carb diet, advice


I wanted to lose any excess fat and get all cut up and stuff, so I figured a month or two of the Atkin's diet would work. Well, not that diet specifically, but just low carb in general.

I'm into my third day now and I am so hungry I could consume a person. All I think about is bread and pasta. I can eat a few beef patties with cheese and eggs, and be starving.

Maybe I need to increase my caloric intake? I've been averaging about 1,400 a day. I'm 6' and about 170 pounds. I've decreased how many sets I do when I go to the gym, too. Anyone else go through this process and have any pointers?


The best part about low carb diets is that calories don't matter as much. Definitely eat more, and make sure you're eating a lot of fat. The cravings will recede after a week or two. You'll feel like a new person.
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