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LTTP: Enslaved Odyssey to the West (PS3)


ChatGPT 0.1

Enslaved is exactly what I want in a game, natural gameplay, big story and above all fun.

Every game trailer you see today the reaction is “oh god another open world game”, and it’s funny people use to brag about open world games. I think we were conditioned into playing open world games that following you collecting things, that baby you.

alex garland odyssey GIF by mannyjammy

I don’t even know why I played this game I think because it was 10 dollars used, I wanted something linear.


80 metacritic score

Trip and monkey characters are no doubt just perfect characters, watching them interact and I love their dialogue instead of the super hero who comments on everything these two I think were refreshing. When pigsy happened I realized this game is ready to end, so you team up with pigsy and confront the final boss, the ending is crazy.

I just got tired of modern games, it was all collecting, and the PS3 was available to me it’s the weirdest thing. What did GAF think of Enslaved, the threat from “Pyramid”, and the rest of the games enemies like the badass dog.


Upgrade tree for Monkey

I think monkey seeing the images of the past was crazy, how the fuck did they do this type of game in 2010? These creatures, post apocalyptic jungle, cities instantly thought of Horizon without the open world and ignoring main character.

alex garland odyssey GIF by mannyjammy
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Remember the early feminist turn on this board and there was a thread asking for strong female characters in modern games and a bunch of people said Elena from Uncharted and the chick in this. The chick in this was the ultimate damsel in distress. Media literacy wasn't much of a thing on GAF then I'd assume.

Decent game but not as good as I would have liked, think I traded it in to get myself a Wii-U. Would not be opposed to a remaster.


I just replayed it last month, first time since the year it came out. I liked it as much as I did the first time. Fun characters and story. Heavy involvement with Andy Serkis (Gollum). I have to say, I did notice the frame rate now, that I didn’t notice when I first played it.

Alan Wake

I'd wanted to play it for years and finally bought it for Xbox 360 last year. Loved it. I was a bit surprised at how well it still looked and played being 13 years old at the time. The characters, the environments, the story, and not least the greast voice actors made it a very good experience. I liked the combat too, although some parts felt underutilized (like the Cloud).

I really hope this is the type of game Ninja Theory will make next.


Gold Member
Cool game, a must play for anyone who likes the "post apocalyptic overgrown city" aesthetics.
Only real weakness is Trip looks like an ugly raver girl (still less than senua thank god).


Gold Member
I remember playing it for a while on the PS3, but the frame rate was really bad, so I gave up on it after a couple of hours.
Later, I bought it on a Steam sale. I ran much better on PC. But I never finished it, because the gameplay was a bit repetitive.


Really liked it. The voice acting is brilliant, especially Monkey. The desolate world was so interesting and I really wanted to see how it all plays out at the end. Comba was also fun.

I haven't played Hellblade 2 yet but I thoroughly enjoyed the first one. But even without having played the second part I hope they get back to a little bit more gameplay focused games. Heavenly Sword was also fun and had interesting characters (too bad it ran like shit on the PS3).


I enjoyed it a lot,the dlc too......would like to see games like this from the big devs today,but who knows if they would sell,people seem to love giant open worlds even when there is fuck all to do in them.


Owned it ages ago but didn't really get around to playing it. Looks like someone on the Playstation marketing team said they wanted a real life Jak and Daxter.

Might give it another go, maybe add some Reshade Sweetfx with CAS and AA.
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Does this game run at 60fps and can you disable camera motion blur. Tried playing this game on ps3 but the low framerate and blur gave me a massive headache. If the pc version fixes this I’ll bite at such a low price.


It seemed really interesting. Characters are very uninspiring, but the game feels polished and enjoyable. I was going to come back to this game later to play it through.
This game is awesome! The environments are sick and all of the characters are awesome. The gameplay is really cool too, melee combat with a staff from what I can recall.

It also has the only penis joke I've ever heard in a game.
So while everyone else are on their journey to the west, my broke ass went on an odyssey to the west cause I just bought a 4090 build pc, 4k monitor and a beefy UPS to protect it.

This is the 3rd Ninja Theory game I've beat this year, the first two being Hellblade 1 and 2 and it leaves me with a question, what the hell happened to Ninja Theory?

Enslaved has the better combat, story, characters, challenge, etc. Monkey, Trip and Pigsy are all great characters. The thought also crossed my mind why can't characters be like this in Concord. ha!

But for real, it seems like Ninja Theory have turned into graphic whores instead of caring about fun, gameplay, meaningful upgrades, etc. Rant over. Is heavenly sword worth playing in 2024?
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