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machine turns beer into breathable mist (low-calorie, no hangover drinking)

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The machine that converts alcohol into breathable mist, the one that supposedly creates a low-calorie, hangover-free buzz, is apparently perfectly legal, according to state officials.

"Our review so far has found that there is no specific law prohibiting this device in New York," Darren Dopp, a spokesman for state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, told the Daily News.

After the British-produced Alcohol without Liquid (AWOL) machine's introduction to New York nightlife last week prompted several officials to question its legality, Spitzer checked. And if lawmakers want to stop you from inhaling a shot of whiskey, they'll need to write a new law.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Great, now in addition to second-hand smoke cancer I've got to deal with second-hand alcoholism.
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