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Mad0wned - Online glitch prompts requests for recall of Madden


GameFan Alumnus

This is days old, but don't recall seeing this posted...

"'Madden NFL' called for unnecessary roughness
Published: September 3, 2004, 12:47 PM PDT
By David Becker
Staff Writer, CNET News.com

Armchair quarterbacks want leading video game publisher Electronic Arts to give up 20 yards and replay the first down, after discovering a vexing glitch in the latest version of the company's top-selling "Madden NFL" football game.

Owners of "Madden NFL 2005," the new installment in one of the biggest franchises in video game history and a perennial cash cow for EA, are complaining about the glitch in online forums and demanding various remedies. An online petition--with 300 signatures and counting--essentially calls for a recall, in which EA would replace current game discs with ones in which the glitch is fixed.

The glitch involves one new feature and one old one--both intended to make the game a more realistic recreation of professional football. The new "formation shift" feature allows a player to move offensive players at the scrimmage line, potentially confusing the defensive line. It apparently works too well, tapping into the older "fatigue" feature meant to recreate a team's gradual decline on the field. Keep punching "formation shift" commands during a game, and the opposing defense will get so fatigued that it all but falls over.

The glitch is an annoying curiosity for those experiencing the game in single-player mode but a potential joy killer for those looking to compete against other players online.

"If this (formation shift) is used several times before the ball is snapped, the entire defense will be exhausted, therefore hindering their ability to compete," according to the petition. "A person can very easily do this to their opponent without their opponent even realizing that they are being 'glitched'...This glitch may have very well ruined this year's version of the game."

An EA representative said players can either turn off the fatigue feature or use a work-around that bypasses the glitch by calling an audible play before the ball is snapped.

The former solution is mandatory for most online games since EA patched the servers used to host online games for the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 2 consoles. The patch requires owners to turn off the "fatigue" setting during online play, a solution that spoils the realism of the game, some customers have complained. "Playing with the fatigue off takes away some of the strategy and realism of online games," one player wrote in a posting to EA's online discussion forum for "Madden." "The running game almost becomes useless...Where's the fun in that?"

Cheating and "cheese play" have been an ongoing issue for game publishers, as consoles have acquired Internet capabilities, with online miscreants discovering untold ways to suck all the fun out numerous games. "


Hail to the KING baby
We will have hover cars before we have an online sports game even mildly immune to the worst "cheese," I swear.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Drey1082 said:
I wonder why this is CNET worthy? Madden has glitches every year.

Not only that but 300 signatures? My lord and masters won't even notice that minuscule amount.

Here's the petition BTW.


1277 is the current count.

"To: EA Sports and Tiburon

In early August, EA Sports released their newest version of their Madden Football game series, Madden NFL 2005, along with another version, Madden NFL 2005 Collector's Edition.

In less than 3 weeks after the game being released, a major flaw was found in the game involving one of this year's new features, the Formation Audible. The problem occurs when the offensive team Formation Shifts, it causes the defensive team to become fatigued. If this is used several times before the ball is snapped, the entire defense will be exhausted, therefore hindering their ability to compete. A person can very easily do this to their opponent without their opponent even realizing that they are being “glitched.” Also, the person on offense may be doing this to their opponent, without the intent of cheating, but simply using the feature in the game, and not even realize they are getting an unfair advantage.

This glitch may have very well ruined this year's version of the game, and it has just been released. EA's only suggestion so far is to play the game with fatigue off, which presents an unrealistic style of game play. The majority of people who purchased the game did not intend on playing with fatigue off, but now are being forced to.

We call upon EA Sports and Tiburon to compensate for this oversight in the game, and give their customers what they paid for, rather than to offer a second rate remedy to the situation. A more realistic remedy would be to offer an updated version of the game with this problem fixed at an even exchange, or very small cost for shipping. Only the actual game disk would need to be replaced, and we feel that this would be a minimal expense to EA/Tiburon.

Without replacement of a faulty product in which everyone in the Madden community has purchased, we cannot depend on EA/Tiburon to produce quality products as advertised in the future.


The Undersigned "


Ramirez said:
LMAO,always great seein people who don't have a clue question FMT's problems with ESPN :p

FMT's probably the most evenheaded of the Madden/ESPN divide. And that's saying quite a bit.


Hail to the KING baby
What it really comes down to is that no online sports game is free of game-killing cheese. Just give the people time. My favorite time is those first few weeks (days?) when the glitches haven't been largely discovered yet and you can get a realistic, fun game 90% of the time. But of course, like almost any online game I guess, it's just a matter of time before the cheaters and the extreme cheesers (I'm not referring to people who don't play totally realistic, btw, but those that exploit game-killing bugs) come in and ruin everything. Man, I'm having PSO DC flashbacks now. Better programming would help, but if it wasn't this it would be something else (though maybe not as bad).


DarienA said:
Not only that but 300 signatures? My lord and masters won't even notice that minuscule amount.

exactly, it seems strange, since those online petitions don't usually amount to shit, and this one makes cnet news with only 300 sigs?? very weird.


I never realized how broken madden was till I watched some of the highlights from the madden tournament. Espn football has its problems but it is nowhere near as bad as madden when it comes to exploitable bugs and money plays.


I don't really see the problem.

If you are playing people you know, you should be able to get a straight-up game.

If you are playing random pickup games in the lobbies to get rankings .... what do you expect? If thay don't abuse this cheese, they'll abuse something else. You can't expect to get a good game with random people anyways.

And ESPN has it's flaws/glitches/cheese, too. It's just not as news-worthy.

Musashi Wins!

Sho Nuff said:
I'm sure this will happen, because EA is well known for their frequent recalls.


I would just like to say for the record that last years Xbox version wouldn't accept imports from NCAA. I contacted EA about it and got a NEW pressing of the game for free. And kept the old one. Now that may have been one platform version, and not as widely known bug, but I still found it damned impressive.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Musashi Wins! said:
I would just like to say for the record that last years Xbox version wouldn't accept imports from NCAA. I contacted EA about it and got a NEW pressing of the game for free. And kept the old one. Now that may have been one platform version, and not as widely known bug, but I still found it damned impressive.

No one seems to remember that EA sent out replacements.... yet everybody remembers the bug... there was a huge stink about it even on this forum IIRC.


GameFan Alumnus
Drey1082 said:
exactly, it seems strange, since those online petitions don't usually amount to shit, and this one makes cnet news with only 300 sigs?? very weird.

This story making cnet is just the beginning, and yes it is newsworthy - a million-selling game shipping with gamebreaking online play? I wouldn't be surprised if it makes gamespot or IGN next. If it gets on TV, EA will probably have to do something. Their current solution of disabling fatigue is a very poor fix.

fossen said:
I don't really see the problem.

You can't expect to get a good game with random people anyways.

And ESPN has it's flaws/glitches/cheese, too. It's just not as news-worthy.

Actually, getting a good game with random people IS something you should expect. That's what people are buying the game for, not to play only with people they know. Blizzard games have this sort of thing happen all the time with cheaters, but at least they continually patch the game in an attempt to improve the online experience for their customers. Let's see what EA does.


This story making cnet is just the beginning, and yes it is newsworthy - a million-selling game shipping with gamebreaking online play? I wouldn't be surprised if it makes gamespot or IGN next. If it gets on TV, EA will probably have to do something. Their current solution of disabling fatigue is a very poor fix.

Yup, such a retarded solution. Now cheesers online are taking advantage of this with non-stop no huddle offenses. I hope more sites publish this story to force EA to release a patch or something.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Eggo said:
This story making cnet is just the beginning, and yes it is newsworthy - a million-selling game shipping with gamebreaking online play?

Money plays have existed in both series(and other football lines) since time began... was those items as newsworthy? EA will release a patch, and that'll be the end of it... not sure why this is news.

Lil' Dice

Bullshit, EA is perfect....they make perfect football games, and perfectly 'glitch free' produts....this is poppycock!


I love how EA solves the problems with madden in such a half-assed way. Like the issues with onside kicks, no huddle offense, deep passes, QB scrambling and so on.


Eggo said:
This story making cnet is just the beginning, and yes it is newsworthy - a million-selling game shipping with gamebreaking online play? I wouldn't be surprised if it makes gamespot or IGN next. If it gets on TV, EA will probably have to do something. Their current solution of disabling fatigue is a very poor fix.

Well, i hope you're right about that. And since Gamespot is owned by cnet, it seems like it will happen.


I love how EA solves the problems with madden in such a half-assed way. Like the issues with onside kicks, no huddle offense, deep passes, QB scrambling and so on.

Sega's soooo much better at this *insert huge rolleyes*

Both games in my eyes are riddled with problems,it has nothing to do with bugs in Madden,its just the fact that defensive players are simply TOO good.And ESPN has people like Tommy Maddox running 4.3's and brain dead DBs,so I mean pick your poison.But don't try and act like your preferred game is perfect.

Oh yea,would it kill Sega to release a roster update?The games been out for a month and hasn't had one,yet Madden had one on the day of release,it can't be that hard.


Ramirez said:
Sega's soooo much better at this *insert huge rolleyes*

Both games in my eyes are riddled with problems,it has nothing to do with bugs in Madden,its just the fact that defensive players are simply TOO good.And ESPN has people like Tommy Maddox running 4.3's and brain dead DBs,so I mean pick your poison.But don't try and act like your preferred game is perfect.

Oh yea,would it kill Sega to release a roster update?The games been out for a month and hasn't had one,yet Madden had one on the day of release,it can't be that hard.

I'm pretty sure the sega roster update is the first day of the season (or at least the first week) which is very soon. I also think there's a madden roster update then too.


My point is,when there was such huge changes (like Ricky Williams),this shoulda been fixed within the first week of the release,IMO.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ramirez said:
My point is,when there was such huge changes (like Ricky Williams),this shoulda been fixed within the first week of the release,IMO.

This is wierd.. I could have sworn last year people were bitching that Madden had roster updates fairly regularly and VC wasn't getting roster updates out timely enough... due to some blame being placed on the XBL approval process?
This shouldn't be a problem this year, you'd think with the new online protocol that allows third parties to have their own servers.


On a semi related note, I hope these roster downloads come soon.

I can't play either franchise in full tilt until I get the proper rosters.
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