SUAMICO, Wis. (WBAY) A Brown County man is behind bars for amputating a womans finger with a machete last month.
Warning: some of the details in the story below are disturbing.
Jonathan Schrap, 24, of Suamico is charged with mayhem and reckless injury for the incident that happened at his house on August 27, where he chopped off a friends pinky, gashed her arm and drank her bloodaccording to a criminal complaint.
Schraps body tattoos identify him is a member of the Juggalos, which is the name the band Insane Clown Posse (ICP) gives to its followers. Court documents say that Schrap and his friends were staging a ritualistic memorial to commemorate a fellow Juggalo who died one year prior.
Police say Schrap was with his childhood friend Nick Laabs; fellow Juggalo Preston Hyde, who is a local horror-core rapper going by the name Bloody Ruckus; and 27-year-old Shelby Neuens. Neuens told police that the group was talking about blood-drinking cult rituals the Saturday morning it happened.
The criminal complaint explains it like this:
Shelby [Neuens] had volunteered to let Jon [Schrap] drink her blood. Jon had taken a machete and made an approximate one inch laceration on her right side forearm. She was bleeding profusely Jon filled up a shot glass with her blood and drank her blood.
Soon after, the group began talking about severing a finger. Again, Neuens volunteers, telling the men they could cut off her pinky. She stated that she was not using drugs or alcohol before this happened.
Once again, Schrap grabbed the machete. Jons second strike with the machete took the pinky clean off, says the criminal complaint. All the way to the palm.
Jon then placed the finger in his freezer where he said he would cook it and eat it later, the complaint continues. The group then attempted to stop the bleeding by using a car cigarette lighter which failed. They then used a blowtorch.
Neuns told officers that the blowtorch wounds hurt worse than her pinky being severed.
Later that night, Neuens went to her boyfriends house and showed him the injuries. His mother heard the story and made Neuens go to the emergency room. Staff at Saint Marys Hospital called police, believing shed taken part in cult initiation.