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Man hits son for refusing to sell Playstation to get beer money

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The child's mother later traded the video game system in for cash and came home with beer, police said.

This kid is screwed. He might be better off running away and raising himself in the jungle.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
We have to pass a test to drive a car... but to have children...


When you're poor enough to have to pawn a Playstation for cash to get beer, the last thing you need to be spending that money from your pawned Playstation on is beer.

Stupid poor people.


teiresias said:
When you're poor enough to have to pawn a Playstation for cash to get beer, the last thing you need to be spending that money from your pawned Playstation on is beer.

Stupid poor people.
That is bad isn't it? It's like putting yourself in a grave and burying yourself. :p
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