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Man Raised as Chicken

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POSTED: 9:31 am EDT July 9, 2004
UPDATED: 3:31 pm EDT July 9, 2004

A man in Suva, Fiji, is being taught to act human after being raised as a chicken.

Sunjit Kumar was locked in a chicken coop for several years as a young boy, after his parents died and he was handed over to his grandfather.

He had little contact with humans during that time and picked up the habits of the birds.

Kumar escaped from the chicken coop and was taken to a local hospital. But the staff did not know how to treat him, so they confined him. He spent 20 years there, often tied to his bed.

Kumar, who is now 32, finally got a second chance at life when he was discovered by Elizabeth Clayton, a native New Zealander and president of the Suva Rotary Club.

Clayton said doctors examined Sunjit and found no mental defects. Professionals agreed that his condition was the result of years of neglect and abuse.

"He had imitated or imprinted with the chicken," Clayton said. "He was perching, he was picking at his food, he was hopping around like a chicken. He'd keep his hands in a chickenlike fashion, and he'd make a noise, which was like the calling of a chicken, which he still has."

Clayton took over Kumar's care and he has reportedly made "remarkable progress," learning to walk and speak like a human.

© 2004, Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc.


OK, that's just ridicuilous, even if true. I wonder how they'll reintroduce him back into society?

Just a tip, I'd keep him well clear of the Colonel.

this is a little off topic, but remeber that link to that site with the dude in the chicken suit that would do anything you told him to do. That was freaky.
Reminds me of that primitive family found out in the middle of nowhere - kids walked around on fours and they had their own form of communication.
Okay, that chinken guy just scared the shit out of me. I inputted, "You're a crazy fuck!" after he kept doing what I told him to do, and then... OMG, the eyes! THE EYES! I won't be able to sleep for weeks now... :(
Litigation Manuel said:
"and he'd make a noise, which was like the calling of a chicken, which he still has."

"remarkable progress," learning to walk and speak like a human.

© 2004, Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc.

So he can speak human and chicken?? interesting.

maybe he can warn us of the impending attack from those chickens; those chickens, in choppers.
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