Gold Member
Tim Brazeal : Has the LA Times ad been seen by the cast and crew ?
Coto : Absolutely, We have the full page ad from the LA Times in my office. I've seen it on stage and in people's trailers
Tim Brazeal : What plans do you have for season 5 ?
Coto : I have numerous plans. The most interesting that come to mind are an arc that would deal with the founding of the first starbase. Also, I want to do a multi-part arc that takes place on the cloud city Stratos. And I really want to visit Denobula and to possibly do a coulple more mirror universe episodes which I invision as almost a series within a series. But the central theme of the season would have been the true founding of The Federation.
Tim_Brazeal : Do you think that STAR TREK needs a break?
Coto : I don't for a moment believe STAR TREK needs a break. In fact I think we need more STAR TREK. There should be a STAR TREK night on UPN. I believe there is an audience for the show. I think a lot of it has to do with promotion. I don't know how many times people have told me when I tell them that I'm working on STAR TREK, they're response is "Is that still on" Many people don't know we are here. The people who run around saying that STAR TREK needs a break are themselves in
Tim Brazeal : Mr. Coto, is Paramount dead set on killing ENTERPRISE and STAR TREK?
Coto : Uh,No. I believe that Paramount's decision regarding ENTERPRISE is one they think is the best decision for the franchise, however wrong they may be. I just think the best move would be to let ENTERPRISE continue its run and have another series waiting in the wings. If people can watch 47 versions of CSI, we can have more than one version of STAR TREK.