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Mario Tennis online afterall?


Nintendo Insider reports that Nintendo has once again added the GameCube Broadband Adapter to the accessory list for Mario Tennis on the GameCube. After Nintendo of Europe dennounced the possibility of Mario Tennis being LAN, or online enabled, the rumor was shot down, but with Nintendo of America adding the Broadband Adapter to the list again, the rumor has surfaced once again.


NoA did remove it again. Are we in for a surprise?
The BB adapter probably just means it would be a LAN enabled game, but why would anyone want Mario Tennis to be LAN enabled. It is the one type of game does not benefit from been played on different screens infact playing it on different screen would be pointless as every one would still have the same view.


Curiouser and curiouser.

Mario Tennis online. Doesn't NoE spill things all the time? Like didn't we first hear about Paper Mario 2 from them two years ago?
Keyser Soze said:
It is the one type of game does not benefit from been played on different screens infact playing it on different screen would be pointless as every one would still have the same view.

No. It would allow both players to play the entire match from a behind-their-character perspective, instead of having to switch off and play from across the court half of the time.


Mario Tennis Online would be perfect for Nintendo to test and experiment with online games. Also, if it turns out to be good with no problems (and maybe a healthy dose of innovation) Nintendo will have some history with online games should they make online part of THE Revolution. Giving us a taste of online Nintendo games now will help get the revolution online network off to a good start. :)


Queen of Denmark
This would be kind of a weird game to be Nintendo's first online first-party game. I would think they would've done Mario Kart or something like that.


Oddly Timepslitters: Future Perfect is described as an online game for GC. EA havent updated the webpage yet as far as i am aware. Arent both games coming for 2005?


I'm terribly excited at the idea...because, to be honest, LAN in Mario Tennis would truly be a poor choice, simply because it is a game that is about being at a disadvantage sometimes. It's about not always looking the right way, being forced to switch sides. To me, LAN...LAN doesn't work with Tennis. Online, however, would really, really work.

There's been too many slip-ups, too large a delay, and just too many pieces fitting together. Going Online next Spring would be a smart move, as it might even allow them to get a few third party titles online.

aoi tsuki

Better to just link to Nintendo Insider. This site also has screenshots from an assumed Gamecube version of Burnout 3. Half the front page isn't even linked, just underlined.
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