Lights and Waves
A couple of days before Comic-Con last month, The Batman director Matt Reeves was on The Business podcast hosted by The Hollywood Reporters Kim Masters. Reeves spoke about his position on making the movie, and had an interesting comment about how it was pitched to him by Warner Bros.
When they approached me, what they said was: look, its a standalone, this isnt part of the extended universe, Reeves said. He also confirmed that he has an idea for a trilogy in his head. Reeves said hes totally fine not making a Batman movie if Warner Bros. doesnt want to make the movie that he wants to make. So far, though, he said he and WB have been on the same page. You can listen to The Batman talk around the 23:39 mark below.
Reeves comments about The Batman not being part of an extended universe are interesting. Yesterday, we learned that Warner Bros. will be launching a new brand of DC Comics movies that will be separate from their current DC Extended Universe. Right now theyre working on a Joker movie that wont star Jared Leto.
One last thing that I think is at least worth mentioning is this: The Hollywood Reporters Kim Masters interviewed Matt Reeves for this podcast on July 17th. On July 21st she published the article about Ben Afflecks Batman future coming to end soon. Make of that what you will, but its certainly interesting timing.
I don't even know what the **** is going on anymore at Warner Bros. Let me email them an angry letter.