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Meanwhile, in Texas: Gay student’s HIV status used as part of smear campaign

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So this story just popped up on my Facebook feed. Texas Universities are really going strong on the LGBT hate today.


HOUSTON — Campus police at the University of Houston-Downtown have launched an investigation over flyers that surfaced on campus that detailed private medical information about a gay student’s HIV status.

Kristopher Sharp, a third year student who is running for student body vice-president, was called into the UHD Dean of Students Tommy Thomason’s office last week and given a copy of the flyer that had been found at numerous locations around campus.

The front of the flyer had the words “WANT AIDS?” above a picture of Sharp with a large “x” on it, and “Don’t support the Isaac and Kris homosexual agenda” at the bottom. (Isaac Valdez, also a junior at UHD, is Sharp’s running mate.) On the back of the flyer was Sharps’s medical information from a physician visit, including his HIV status and prescribed medication, along with his home address and telephone number.

Sharp told the Houston Press that he was “really devastated” by the incident and, and that his first reaction was, “How quickly can I transfer?” to another school.

“There’s a culture at UHD that is somewhat less accepting of LGBT youth, but something of this magnitude is completely mind-blowing,” he said. “I knew, going into the election, that I could possibly be targeted because of my sexuality — but I had no idea that it would go to this level.”

UHD Director of Media Relations Claire Caton told LGBTQ Nation that the university is actively pursuing an investigation into the matter and trying to find the person or persons responsible.

“We’re taking this incident very seriously,” Caton said. “Of course, any time our students’ rights are violated, we take that very seriously.”

According to campus university police officials, because proper words such as AIDS and homosexual were used on the flyer versus offensive slang, it is considered free speech and therefore protected.

But while the involuntary public disclosure of the medical status without permission does fall under criminal statues in the Texas Criminal Code, Sharp said he’s not interested in pursuing criminal charges.

He said he doesn’t want anyone to go to jail — he just wants an apology.

“I just want to know why they did it,” Sharp said. “Truth be told, we can keep that between us, as long as the person comes forward and speaks to me. I’ve been able to reflect, and I really just want an apology.”

It's commendable of him to only want an apology. Being outed is one thing, but also having your HIV status plastered everywhere is just the lowest rung of disrespect for another human being.
they should pursue this as a criminal matter.

I'm sure the Police and DA won't just let this go, even if the student candidate isn't interested in a criminal investigation. The Mayor of Houston is openly gay, and very involved in GLBT political activism, so you'd think her office would be applying pressure to see that someone will pay for using this tactic in an election, even if it is just for a campus post. Even if it's for a school office, the principal is too big to deny, and certainly it would hit close to home for the Mayor and those who work in her office.


The free speech thing doesn't make sense because don't they have to have the flyers approved by some student organization before it can posted across campus?

Not even counting the illegality of releasing someones medical records without their consent.

Edit: I live in Houston and I didn't even know Anice Parker was gay.


when you think about it if the homosexual agenda was to spread aids that'd make them some sort of supervillains



when you think about it if the homosexual agenda was to spread aids that'd make them some sort of supervillains


Considering that bathing in radioactive waste will make you a superhero it's not that large of a leap in logic.


Master of the Google Search
The free speech thing doesn't make sense because don't they have to have the flyers approved by some student organization before it can posted across campus?

Not even counting the illegality of releasing someones medical records without their consent.

Edit: I live in Houston and I didn't even know Anice Parker was gay.
I somehow doubt they got the flyers approved. Especially since the kid didn't know about them until the school told him. You can demand all the signatures you want, but that's not going to stop some assholes from spamming a bunch of flyers in a dorm or locker room.


when you think about it if the homosexual agenda was to spread aids that'd make them some sort of supervillains


Also, if that was their agenda....wouldn't they pretend to be straight for more possible victims?


I somehow doubt they got the flyers approved. Especially since the kid didn't know about them until the school told him. You can demand all the signatures you want, but that's not going to stop some assholes from spamming a bunch of flyers in a dorm or locker room.

Indeed. However, the campus police should have taken them down if they were not approved. Again, that's only if it's necessary to have approval in the first place.


Houston is not as bad to gay people as most of Texas is (barring Austin) but we still have shitty as hell homophobes here.


Master of the Google Search
Indeed. However, the campus police should have taken them down if they were not approved. Again, that's only if it's necessary to have approval in the first place.

They did:
The university, for its part, seems to have said all the right things. They were appalled, says UHD spokesperson Claire Caton. They gathered the flyers as quickly as they could. An internal investigation began the day they heard. This isn't, they say, what the university represents.

Other additional info from the source article/post:
Sharp, who'd recently spoken openly about both his sexuality and HIV status, had heard that the flyers were floating around. He'd heard mention that someone was handing them out to passersby, but doesn't know whether anyone's yet laid eyes on the individual, or individuals, who spread these papers through campus. He only knows that he wasn't expecting something this despicable, this horrific, when he initially announced an interest in running for student body president next month.

Sharp, who is not yet an official candidate for the election, said he's 95 percent sure he knows who committed this venality. Someone in student government, he says. Someone who would have had access to the folder sitting in his desk, or next to his chair, or wherever he'd left the records he routinely carries from campus to his doctor. Someone who still has the records, swiped sometime after the March 5 appointment stamped on the back of these flyers.

But if and when the investigation comes to a close, Sharp doesn't want this person outed.He knows what it means to be shunned, to be tarred and targeted by a majority. And even though he's hurt, and he's distracted, and he's stunned, he doesn't want the perpetrator to experience the shame that will follow identification.


Vote for Kris and you will get AIDS. Seems like great logic.


Makes sense.
But if and when the investigation comes to a close, Sharp doesn't want this person outed.He knows what it means to be shunned, to be tarred and targeted by a majority. And even though he's hurt, and he's distracted, and he's stunned, he doesn't want the perpetrator to experience the shame that will follow identification.

I don't get that at all.
I don't get that at all.

He's not looking to get revenge on the person. He simply wants an apology and doesn't want to make this any bigger than it already is.

Anyways, I'm surprised that something like this came from Houston. Then again, I only live in Austin during the college semester and don't know much about the other cities. Still, all it takes is one bigot to make a scene. I highly doubt that most of the student body there feel the same way.

It seems the smear campaign against Kristopher Sharp, the potential candidate for University of Houston-Downtown student body president, hasn't yet slowed. One week after flyers touting Sharp's "homosexual agenda" were plastered across campus, someone is posting as the junior in an attempt to gather a rally on April 3 -- a rally that the real Sharp says isn't planned and doesn't exist.

Hair Balls received an e-mail late last week from someone purporting to be Sharp, using the junior's real e-mail and cell phone information in the signature. The e-mail is brief, but doesn't jibe whatsoever with the conciliatory tone Sharp took when speaking last week with Hair Balls:

I wanted to let you know that GLBT students on the campus of UHD plan on having a peaceful demonstration this coming Wednesday April 3rd at 1:30 in 990-S on the 9th floor to FORCE the university to address the ATTACKS levied on GLBT students on the campus oh [sic] UHD.
Feel free to share or attend.​

Due to the anonymous nature of Hair Balls' comment system, we are unable to track the original sender. When following up on the original e-mail, Sharp denied it was from him. "Not from me," the real Sharp responded. "I'm not informed of a protest happening on campus. Creepy how they have all my information."

As Sharp mentioned last week, he's not seeking any financial or material restitution from the perpetrator, whom he believes he knows. He likewise wants to refrain from publicly shaming the individual(s) in question, noting that he's not seeking to impose any of the ostracization he once felt as a gay, HIV-positive man. He merely wants an apology and his medical information, which was pasted on the reverse sides of the fliers, back.


Whoever is doing this is really fucked up. Impersonating someone through email is a felony in Texas as well.


Master of the Google Search
There's a decently good chance though that this fake emailer is a completely different person from the flyer assholes.


Texas: elevating social discourse since never in the history of ever.
I think Tennessee, Arizona, and some of the other southern states have outdone Texas time and time again in the past few years. Texas just gets a bad wrap because of a select few obnoxiously loud right-wingers. Don't write off the entire state because of one asshole.

It's good of him to not want to press charges. If I found those fuckers, I'd make sure they got the worst possible punishment.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Find whoever did it and throw the book at them. Texas may be changing, but it's slow and steady.
The best punishment for this is fame. Make sure as many people as possible know his or her name and what they did. Let it follow them into every job interview they have that they were the person who used stolen medical records to commit what is realistically a fucking hate crime. Lets see them gain employment with a reputable company to pay off their student loans when they are publicly known for this. As a bonus, the public shaming is poetic in this case.
This is god awful. Why would someone go to such lengths over a school election?

As someone who was heavily involved in borderline-fraudulent activity at a student union, these flyers are nothing compared to some of the stuff I've seen during elections. Student unions usually have upwards of $2 million budgets, and if its a bigger school, its not uncommon to see $10+ million student unions.

In addition, these unions have very little oversight. Its very easy to steal/embezzle money from student associations. Thats probably why the person who posted the flyers wanted to win that bad, he/she sees an opportunity to come across a large sum of money and sees Kristopher Sharp as a threat
Of course they did.

People will do whatever it takes to meet their own twisted ends, particularly when stepping on the rights of others.

Doesn't hurt their campaing that a good amount of people still think HIV/AIDS was caused by homosexuality.
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