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Mega Man X Command Mission review [ign]


Gamecube 8.4
PS2 8.3

As for the remaining differences between the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions, there are still a few more noticeable tidbits. The framerate, for instance, is much faster and smoother on Nintendo's console than on Sony's. The load times are faster in the Cube installment too, with crisper colors, sharper textures, and less aliasing problems than its PlayStation counterpart.

But don't misunderstand, both versions of the game are overly colorful; with some sharp-looking character designs, strong environments, and plenty of classic Mega Man X flare.

Closing Comments

Mega Man X: Command Mission is an interesting RPG that offers players with open minds a good time without any strings attached. I can definitely see the more elite class of role-playing fans out there breezing through it in a weekend, though, while the game's complete lack of an epic storyline or a killer challenge may hurt its chances with the more dedicated crowd in the long run.



Interestingly enough, the PlayStation 2 version of the game is obviously weaker in this department than the GameCube version - which is slightly more difficult. Unfortunately, the reason for this increase of challenge isn't because of enhanced AI or anything of that nature, but because of the frequency of random battles in the Cube disc that has been increased to what seems like twice that of the PS2. Additionally, players receive experience penalties much quicker in the GameCube version if they take too many turns to defeat an enemy compared to the PlayStation 2; and there's even an extra item retrieval mode that utilizes the GBA as a special feature. Could this turn of events be payback for the superior version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection going to the PlayStation 2 instead of the GameCube? Probably not, but hey -- whatever makes the conspiracy theorists happy, right?


Tag of Excellence
Superior version of MMAC on the PS2? Not at all. Each one had their own individual weaknesses and strengths, it depended on what you were looking for.

The random encounter and penalty increase is very odd. Might be to offset the benefit of having the GBA feature.


Solid Dragon Quarter successor, or Megaman themed mess? I'd like to hear some impressions from the more tasteful group, myself. Anyone going to toss up any write-ups?

Mag/Site reviews aren't going to cut it for niche JRPG's. Espically IGN. :p

Kumiko Nikaido

Perhaps you should get the GC game and rent the PS2 one. ^_^

That could work.....but I'd feel funny seeing a GC MMX game on my shelf when all it's incarnates are on PS2. :p

sonycowboy said:
LOL! Whatever you do, don't buy the PS2 version.

Pretty, pretty please??? :D

But I like lesser visuals and lower framerates!!!!!!!!! I kid. Why must Capcom makes things difficult!??? :p


Alex said:
Solid Dragon Quarter successor, or Megaman themed mess? I'd like to hear some impressions from the more tasteful group, myself. Anyone going to throw up any write-ups?

Mag/Site reviews aren't going to cut it for niche JRPG's. Espically IGN. :p

It's a fun battle system, but I guess the latter is more correct. The lack of char development pissed me off. Also as it stated about the battles, they are easy :/ Even the secret ones, althoguh those are fun to attempt with some handicap. I thought of this game as a modest 8 myself. My impressions at first were to be as unbiased as possible, but of course in the end things are a bit different. But yeah, don't go in expecting a total all around good rpg.

edit: and hehe, what's tasteful about liking FFXI :3

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just read the EGM review and they did not take too kindly too it. The words, 'orthodox', 'perfunctory', and 'predictable competence' rang very loudly from each editor's perspective.

The kindest thing said on the page mostly involved "toastyfrog" reminscing about the team's glory day with Dragon Quarter. Oh and they all agreed the graphics were nice.
Guess after that debacle they wanted to play it as safe as possible with the fickle (ie: lacking taste) Japanese gaming public.



Ho-hum. How's the character building/dungeon crawling? Any unique bits on the side? I do want to try it, but I'm looking to place it into next year for me, and simply prepare for Nocturne.

"edit: and hehe, what's tasteful about liking FFXI :3"

Everything? It's one of the few redeeming factors for both Japan and Squaresoft this gen? It's world/mechanics/balance/content is both vast and polished and Squaresoft themselves have a hard-on for it resulting in massive developer attetnion/updates/fixes? I could write an essay on how it bitch slaps it's entire genre.

Someone as jaded and picky and ultimately judgemental as me doesn't pick up a game in a genre he hates, in a series he hates and declare it to be pure quality without massive reasons, I've written up about this like....a lot! OH SNAP.

Someday, I'll write a big ass review for it, and archive it, but for now. Naw. By the way, Kir. Don't you go nuts for Phantasy Star: Rape me up the Ass online? You shouldn't be talking. :p

Folken: As far as I remember, didn't EGM slam Dragon Quarter as well? I remember 6's, but who knows. Those just aren't the types of media outlets I look to for RPG information.
Alex: While that might be true, I'd be more hopeful if they did slam it instead of saying it was "predictable". I'll probably end up getting it anyway though...
what the fuck is capcom doing? Buying this though for the cube; as long as the combat frequency is not as bad as beyond the beyond or whatever the fuck that horrible RPG on the psone was; I'll be fine.


Alex said:
Ho-hum. How's the character building/dungeon crawling? Any unique bits on the side? I do want to try it, but I'm looking to place it into next year for me, and simply prepare for Nocturne.

"edit: and hehe, what's tasteful about liking FFXI :3"

Everything? It's one of the few redeeming factors for both Japan and Squaresoft this gen? It's world/mechanics/balance/content is both vast and polished and Squaresoft themselves have a hard-on for it resulting in massive developer attetnion/updates/fixes? I could write an essay on how it bitch slaps it's entire genre.

Someone as jaded and picky and ultimately judgemental as me doesn't pick up a game in a genre he hates, in a series he hates and declare it to be pure quality without massive reasons, I've written up about this like....a lot! OH SNAP.

Someday, I'll write a big ass review for it, and archive it, but for now. Naw. By the way, Kir. Don't you go nuts for Phantasy Star: Rape me up the Ass online? You shouldn't be talking. :p

Folken: As far as I remember, didn't EGM slam Dragon Quarter as well? I remember 6's, but who knows. Those just aren't the types of media outlets I look to for RPG information.

I'll get back to you on that later. My downfall to others would be liking/playing Ragnarok, which im doing so now so no time for a little more descript reply.

Green Giant: I advise not dashing too much. Though I didn't find the random battle rate too bad, and well I did want to get into battles as much as possible. Sooo....
Let me be the first to say: FUCK RANDOM BATTLES. Talk about taking a huge step back from Dragon Quarter. I know this has been known for awhile, but my hatred for all enemies unseen hasn't waned since I first partook of the delight that was Lufia II.


I like Random battles, when character powering is a big part of it. Otherwise, having enemies on screen is annoying because you have to run back and forth to find enemies to fight and power up your characters. In general, not for any specific game =P.


Dragona Akehi said:
Let me be the first to say: FUCK RANDOM BATTLES. Talk about taking a huge step back from Dragon Quarter. I know this has been known for awhile, but my hatred for all enemies unseen hasn't waned since I first partook of the delight that was Lufia II.
I fucking hate 'em, too... they're definitely among the reasons why the battle systems in games like Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, and the Mario RPG series have been popular with people.


I think i'll pass this and spend my money on something else. What capcom studio developed this one?


Alex said:
"edit: and hehe, what's tasteful about liking FFXI :3"

Everything? It's one of the few redeeming factors for both Japan and Squaresoft this gen? It's world/mechanics/balance/content is both vast and polished and Squaresoft themselves have a hard-on for it resulting in massive developer attetnion/updates/fixes? I could write an essay on how it bitch slaps it's entire genre.

Someone as jaded and picky and ultimately judgemental as me doesn't pick up a game in a genre he hates, in a series he hates and declare it to be pure quality without massive reasons, I've written up about this like....a lot! OH SNAP.

Someday, I'll write a big ass review for it, and archive it, but for now. Naw.


sorry were you talking about FFXI, I didn't hear anything relating to the actual game at all.


Dragona Akehi said:
Guess after that debacle they wanted to play it as safe as possible with the fickle (ie: lacking taste) Japanese gaming public.


Or maybe they got lucky with BoFV and all their wacky ideas set together actually created a really great game.

Plus I think people may have been expecting too much from MMX:CM after 'over-hyped-rpg-of-the-generation' BoFV. Before all the BoFV hype set in, wasn't it scoring around the 8 range also?
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