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Men of Valor - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

7.5 Presentation
Developer 2015 gives you the Medal of Honor treatment via the Vietnam War.
7.5 Graphics
An impressive density of foliage is countered by poor animation and framerate.
8.5 Sound
Rock solid Dobly 5.1 sounds, from the swearing, cursing soldiers to the well-picked '60s bands, to the orchestrated background music.
7.5 Gameplay
It's chaos, and it's intense, but this is been there-done-that gameplay now playing in Vietnam. Sticky controls, shunky framerates, and minor mechanical problems add up.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
Good solid single-player campaign. The Xbox Live and System Link components may extend this game's life. It's got single-player coop too.
(out of 10 / not an average)

" In all, Men of Valor is a mixed bag. It's an amazingly intense and visceral experience, but it's also a game that, for the most part, you've played many times before. The Vietnam era provides a different visual setting, and along with great audio work and sound effects, plus a healthy set of mission types, you will get a solid FPS experience. The visual chaos and audio intensity rarely let up on you, and in that, 2015 succeeds well.

But unfortunately, the level design is a letdown, and along with several production and technical mishaps -- weird cutscene jumps, sticky collision detection, chunky framerate and uneven control -- if you've played a few World War II shooters before, there is not enough here to warrant a buy.

I respect 2015's efforts at going for authenticity; the team doesn't let players down that way. I also respect its choice to have an African-American lead character. The only thing is the story doesn't ever come together, the letter writing never clicks with the game itself, and there is little character development or direction.

If you can forgive the game's rough controls and framerate you might just want to check it out, because there are a ton of online gaming opportunities here, with five modes of play, character classes, and both System Link and Xbox Live play. You can also play through cooperatively offline, which is always a plus. "
I played the Men of Valor single-player demo on Xbox, and liked it quite a bit...Played the multiplayer demo on PC, and liked it...Quite a bit. I'll definitely rent the full game some time, or pick it up in the bargain bin. They say you've played it a million times...But I haven't played a Vietnam game like it before.

Musashi Wins!

Well, it has to stand out for being decent in that horrid run of Vietnam games. Basically, I only want to know how it is on LIVE. The single player looks horrid.
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