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Meng Lau - Cambodian HOTness or NOTness?

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Meng Lau

Where you’ve seen her:

America’s hottest doctor’s assistant acts as a de facto bouncer at a Berkeley, California, medical marijuana advocate’s office, helping decide which patients warrant recommendation for government-condoned ganj and who’s just looking to toke with a doctor’s note.

Drug bust:

"Kids come in and say, ‘I have migraines and shit.’ I tell them to take an aspirin."

Weed the label:

"Pot gives me headaches and makes me nauseous, which is what patients come to relieve themselves of."

Fast-food nation:

"I’m not considered beautiful in Cambodia because I’m thin. If you’re big, it means you have enough money to eat well."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Between this and the Xtina picture I think I'm going to explode.


Eh, she's a got a nice body, but most models do. Gotta come correct with the face or you get the thumbs down. Sorry, Meng.
Socreges said:
Medieval Europe was largely the same way. Essentially, skinny = poor and possibly diseased.

I'm aware of that, but last time I checked, we're in the 21st century ;) Although I an see how some places might still hold to those ideas.


ManDudeChild said:
I'm aware of that, but last time I checked, we're in the 21st century ;) Although I an see how some places might still hold to those ideas.
My point is that taste is often defined by environment. Both the middle ages and modern Cambodia were/are fairly impoverished.
I'm going to say "hot", but I'd really like to see something that isn't from Airbrus... er, Maxim before I whip it out. You may as well post a crayon rendering of her. It'll look more realistic.


Not too bad...

but not top of the shelf material.. body is sploogastic tho.

She has the kinda face that asian overlords would give to gaijins in a trade of goods... while the ones with the real cute faces are kept home.
Socreges said:
My point is that taste is often defined by environment. Both the middle ages and modern Cambodia were/are fairly impoverished.

That much is a given. In other news, the sky is sometimes blue ;)
Fast-food nation:

"I’m not considered beautiful in Cambodia because I’m thin. If you’re big, it means you have enough money to eat well."

You hear that? That's the sound of several dozen morbidly obese GAFers with an asian fetish stampeding towards cambodia.
I can't get down with this. First off I like meat on the bones, and her face has that "I lost chunks of my hairline from malnutrition" look to it.

aoi tsuki

Considering she's a doctor's assistant and not a professional model, i say hot. i'm sure someone will say they see hotter women standing in line at the supermarket, but we're not all that lucky.


ManDudeChild said:
That much is a given. In other news, the sky is sometimes blue ;)
Before today, did you think it was yellow? You keep on saying "That's obvious" in one way or another, but I've been replying to you saying they have no taste - explaining that, in fact, they do.


aoi tsuki said:
Considering she's a doctor's assistant and not a professional model, i say hot. i'm sure someone will say they see hotter women standing in line at the supermarket, but we're not all that lucky.

LOL, so true dude. I am always amused when I hear of these stories of these models and actresses being "average" where they live. Unless you live in LA you are either lying or have a fugly fetish. Don't be ashamed of the fugly fetish, even fuglies gotta have someone to love.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Eh....not. Her head looks funny.

The square face is, imo, the only problem there.

I'd hit it but her head/face looks odd. Nothing special.

is that the best you all could do? You'd think this thread was asking, "hey, would it be worth it to pay $100,000 for this mail order bride?" Then all this nitpicking would be warranted.
bionic77 said:
LOL, so true dude. I am always amused when I hear of these stories of these models and actresses being "average" where they live. Unless you live in LA you are either lying or have a fugly fetish. Don't be ashamed of the fugly fetish, even fuglies gotta have someone to love.

The thing is though that not everyone finds the model standard of beauty to be all that compelling. Calling a girl average is silly considering there's no objective standard of beauty, but if the question is "Is this girl hot?" than to me, no. Neither are an awful lot of the other girls who are worshipped on this board like the faketitted Lohan or any of the other boring Midwestern stringy haired skinnyasses pasted in threads daily.

And yes in NYC I see girls that I find more interesting than this every day.


brooklyngooner said:
The thing is though that not everyone finds the model standard of beauty to be all that compelling. Calling a girl average is silly considering there's no objective standard of beauty, but if the question is "Is this girl hot?" than to me, no. Neither are an awful lot of the other girls who are worshipped on this board like the faketitted Lohan or any of the other boring Midwestern stringy haired skinnyasses pasted in threads daily.

And yes in NYC I see girls that I find more interesting than this every day.

I can understand that dude, but some people seem to be so picky about the way these girls look. I mean, pretty much no person alive can stand up to that kind of scrutiny. I agree with what you said about the 'model' look, I am not that into it that much either. However, one thing you have to say about most of these actresses and models is that they have a look that makes them stand out from other girls when they are on screen or in a picture.

I should have said NYC, LA, and Miami.
bionic77 said:
I can understand that dude, but some people seem to be so picky about the way these girls look. I mean, pretty much no person alive can stand up to that kind of scrutiny. I agree with what you said about the 'model' look, I am not that into it that much either. However, one thing you have to say about most of these actresses and models is that they have a look that makes them stand out from other girls when they are on screen or in a picture.

I should have said NYC, LA, and Miami.

I hear what you are saying. The thing is, most of the time they are picking apart airbrushed pictures. There are some models/celebrities that when you see them in person it's something else entirely...not trying to say they aren't all that at all, just that these girls rarely look in real life the way they do in magazine spreads or TV spots. Who can, really, when so much is done to erase any trace of imperfection which, IMO is what makes people attractive.

And in terms of attractiveness I just don't really think anyone who thinks Lohan or Simpson are hot has ever been outside the U.S. or for that matter, South Beach. Girls don't have to be 6 feet tall or have a 34D chest to melt your nuts.
Her body looks ridiculously hot but the photos look so damned airbrushed. I'd bet she doesn't look anywhere near that good in real life.
There's hotter girls in Berkeley, but she's not bad at all. For a girl you'll run into as a physician's assistant, that's really kinda nice...
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