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MGM Studios: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 4, and Epcot's Mission Space!!

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So, I just got back from my road trip to Orlando. See previous thread for more information:


While I was down there, I had a 5 day park hopper pass to Disney, that still had 2 days left on it. So I decided to check out some stuff that wasnt around 4 years ago, or rides that changed. My first stop was MGM Studios. Now I had read through various coaster sites that Disney has the ability to change the ride program of Tower of Terror whenever they want. So they are up to the 4 version of that program, and I wanted to try it out. The first big change, and I think this is the best, is that all the lapbars in the elevators have been replaced with seatbelts. That is awesome, because u get much more airtime now. The 2nd thing I noticed was of course the number of Drops. I think I counted about 7 total drops, and each one was totally different than the other. I think Disney is doing the right thing with these ride programs, as it offers some new variations, and gets the guests back into a park that is slowing fading away into nothingness.

After MGM, I hopped a Disney bus and went over to Epcot, for the sole purpose of trying out their new Mission Space ride, and I must say I was somewhat dissapointed. First off, the wait was about 55min. Now I did the smart thing and went on the single rider line, and cut my wait to about 10min. So once I get to the front, they put you in a briefing room, and Lt. Dan (Gary Sinise) comes on and tells you that u are going to test pilot a new X2 space shuttle to Mars, and that each person on the crew (4 total) has a job to do. Navigator, Pilot, Commander, and Engineer. So after the briefing, we go into these cool looking cockpits, and we strap in, and then the console comes foward and it becomes very tight in there. So as u look out the cockpit window(ie video screen), u hear the lauch sequence and the cabin tilts to make it feel like u are about to launch. Once u do launch, u beging to feel about 3 or4 G's. The ride is basically a centrifuge with everyone's pod spinning around to generate the G force effects. As the ride progress's the Gforces increase and its cool to try and raise your hand to hit the buttons that need to be pressed (its all part of the ride, and u dont have to hit anything, the ride is the same). All in all its like 6min ride, and its over so quick. I did like that they had Barf bags in the cabin with you.

So anyone try this new ride yet? I would like to know what someone else thought.
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