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Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
This thread is to give the big middle finger to Migraine Headaches, I'm currently on day 7 of an alarming headache bender, where even the tramadol the doctor gave me is having less and less effect. I'm at work now, shit there is no way I am doing anything today.

Anyone else get migraines? I just started getting them 3 months ago. Amazingly painful. I can tell they are coming when I start seeing blue fireflys everywhere.

Feel free to use this thread to give the big F U to any other annoying recurring illnesses you may have.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

I'm at work. In the IT department and I have already taken 3 days off......


wear sunglasses then shut your eyes. You can even randomly click the mouse to make it look like your working.


I always got seriously blurry eyes before one, and sometimes saw coloured blobs moving around, which sent me into panic because I knew what was coming. That and it made me feel seriously sick. The headaches themselves are a nightmare, but mine only ever lasted a day, and I tended to sleep them off. I don't get them so often now, but every now and then it'll return with a vengence. Nothing worse than realising suddenly your whole day has gone to hell and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, or prevent it in future.

The best cure is to take paracetamol or there were these stronger tablets I used to take, then go lie down in a dark room with the curtains shut, and try to sleep it off.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I've discovered that 2 tramadol + 2 nurofen plus makes the knives stabbing my brain slightly less pointy.


I did have one for about 2 weeks once when I had a mild case of tonsilitis (annoying pain at the back of throat to go with headache). I also get that blurry eye thing quite often and loose my balance but the headache after usually lasts less than an hour.


Imitrex and amerge iare Godsends. They dont get rid of my migranes but they dull them enough for me to function...Frequent showers are also key. Also theres a whole rack of foods to avoid that make it worse. it really does make a difference

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
narfnarf said:
Imitrex and amerge iare Godsends. They dont get rid of my migranes but they dull them enough for me to function...Frequent showers are also key. Also theres a whole rack of foods to avoid that make it worse. it really does make a difference

What are those drugs? I'm in NZ so names maybe different, whats the active ingredient? Frequent showers? I had one this morning at 6am work time (blargh) in total darkness, felt pretty good. What are some typical trigger foods?

It's now been 14 hours since this bitch started back up again, and I can still feel it hiding behind the drugs and my eyes. stupid things.


catfish, try Panadine Forte, 30mg of pure codine goodness :D or Mersyndol Night strength is almost as good but you don't need a prescription like Panadine Forte.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Vicodin was the only thing to ever kill my migraines. Good luck getting the doc to give you that on a regular basis, which is good because I'd be 100% addicted if I had it full time. Excedrine works to bring them down to a dull annoyance that makes me irritable.


I get the kind that kills my vision. Kinda like the crap you get from looking at a lightbulb, but it fills everthing (in a wierd fractal pattern, I've noticed).

If I don't go straight to sleep when it's coming on I'm fucked.

The first time I got one (years ago), I projectile vomited.

I pretty much get them once or twice a year.

I also get headaches at the base of my skull, accomanied by clammy sweats and a bit of dizzyness. My neurologist told me that these are also, a different kind of migrane.

I keep those under control with Amitryptaline.

Anybody ever use one of those spring-loaded injectors? They're supposed to give instant migrane relief.
Crap, for the past three days I've been getting migraines on and off. Pure fucking pain. Doses of aspirin amazingly have been able to calm them for the most part, however. Yesterday I got two in one day, the second being far worse than the first (which woke me up); it hurt so bad I started to get really nauseous, and I had to throw up. I was panicking during the second migraine because it just wouldn't go away, even after taking a bunch of aspirin, and having that constant nausea was making me insane.

The pain was so bad my neck started to hurt really bad and then my teeth started to hurt. Oh shit, when my teeth start to hurt, I know I'm done for. I've never had any vision impairment with my migraines though, thank God.


I used to get migranes off and on back in highschool and when I was a freshman in college. The really heavy hitting migranes too, the ones that start off with blurred vision (where you can't read text), and then 10 minutes later result in the sharpest pain in the head which leads to a strong feeling of wanting to throw up.

I never took medication for them, but the odd thing is that I believe I've grown out of them. The last time I had a migrane was very intense, as I had literally been having migranes day after day. It felt like though that the migranes were shifting in position. (The blurry effect would shift to the back of my eye where I could hardly notice it, and the sharp pain would also be in a different location in my head.) Eventually, the migranes just lost most of their potency and I haven't had one for about 3 years since.

So, cross your fingers that something similar happens to you. :p
(BTW though, if you can't afford medication or something for whatever reason, buy a Feverfew plant and chew on the leaves. It works and is a lot cheaper.)


My wife gets them and it is one of my biggest problems with her and give her no sympathy...

You know why she gets no sympathy... cuz she has not once... ever... gone to a migraine specialist...

So I take my daughter and leave the house and hope she is not dead when we come home... I won't play the game with her... she is taken out for 2 days by the migraines...

If she had medication that might kill the migraine, I would stick around and comfort her...

But she has never seen a specialist and wants to "fight" the migraines on her own... I refuse to feel bad or sympathetic...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I get 1-2 Migraines a week. One of my previous doctors wanted to put me on a daily medicine that I would have to take regardless of whether I actually had a migraine or not that day... no thanks... For me I just take 2 Aleve and lay down for an 45 min. I have to do it in that combination(take pills AND lay down) otherwise the headache won't go away. Once I wake up though I'm fine... and hungry(always the indicator for me that the migraine is really gone).


BojTrek said:
My wife gets them and it is one of my biggest problems with her and give her no sympathy...

You know why she gets no sympathy... cuz she has not once... ever... gone to a migraine specialist...

So I take my daughter and leave the house and hope she is not dead when we come home... I won't play the game with her... she is taken out for 2 days by the migraines...

If she had medication that might kill the migraine, I would stick around and comfort her...

But she has never seen a specialist and wants to "fight" the migraines on her own... I refuse to feel bad or sympathetic...
You're an asshole.

Until you know what it feels like to have a full-blown migrane you have no idea what she's going through. It's not that easy to "fight" migranes.

Although I guess your leaving the house is a good thing, considering you probably would be making a ton of noise if you were there.


I'm an asshole... suck my dick you little bitch...

You try living/dating with someone for 6-7 years and lose that person for two days... every attack causes her to be out for two days...

Now if she had gone to a doctor that specializes in "migraines" I would be there for her... but to totally avoid the one person who might have a cure... I have no sympathy.

She avoids the one thing that might cure her... so suck off Tritroid, until you live in my shoes for 6 years... mind your business on name calling.

I have begged this woman to visit a doctor before the constricted vessels in her brain pop due to vomitting... you have to rely on people to help themselves after a while...


Originally Posted by BojTrek:
My wife gets them and it is one of my biggest problems with her and give her no sympathy...

You know why she gets no sympathy... cuz she has not once... ever... gone to a migraine specialist...

So I take my daughter and leave the house and hope she is not dead when we come home... I won't play the game with her... she is taken out for 2 days by the migraines...

If she had medication that might kill the migraine, I would stick around and comfort her...

But she has never seen a specialist and wants to "fight" the migraines on her own... I refuse to feel bad or sympathetic...

Originally posted by Tritroid:
You're an asshole.

Until you know what it feels like to have a full-blown migrane you have no idea what she's going through. It's not that easy to "fight" migranes.

Although I guess your leaving the house is a good thing, considering you probably would be making a ton of noise if you were there.

I get migraines and bad headaches. I know what its like. he is indeed an ASSHOLE, even if his wife won't go for treatment.

oh yeah, almost forgot

Originally posted by BojTrek:
suck my dick you little bitch...

no, but I'll hand you a knife so you can cut it off. then you'll be a real man :lol

way more

I used to get them in high school like once a month. I realized that one of the triggers was physical exhaustion, like after running 3 miles, so I slowed down my excercise (gym) and developed better cardio. It worked, I haven't had one for 4 years.


mac said:
I used to get them in high school like once a month. I realized that one of the triggers was physical exhaustion, like after running 3 miles, so I slowed down my excercise (gym) and developed better cardio. It worked, I haven't had one for 4 years.

Interesting. Allnighers at dance clubs used to trigger migranes for me.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wow hello old topic.

OK, I haven't had a migraine since I broke up with my girlfriend. what the hell does that mean?


catfish said:
wow hello old topic.

OK, I haven't had a migraine since I broke up with my girlfriend. what the hell does that mean?

Perhaps sex gives you migraine headaches :D

(putting Icy Hot / Bengay on the base of my neck and up the muscles by my ears always helps my headaches)


Recently, I was able to psyche myself out of a migrane.

Mine often start with loss of vision. One night on my drive home from work I started seeing the sunspot/fractals that eventually fill my vision and make me pass out with a migrane.

I had plans that evening, that I didn't want to cancel, though. So, I ignored the symptoms instead of giving into them, and they eventually went away.

This won't always work. Since sometimes headaches are a force of nature, but it felt good to feel like I beat the migrane.


Junior Member
Corn used to give me headaches. Different things for different people but I read on some list for foods affect on your brain and corn was the worst thing for your brain.


I get the same type Flynn does. Actually, while I was researching them, I found out that the blurriness before the migraine is called the "aura." It's a really uncomfortable period. The first time I got it I was pretty freaked out. I was in a public place and couldn't do anything to fix my vision. When the ache comes, I usually have to sleep them off. I, thankfully, haven't gotten one in a long time. My most recent one came on the first day of senior year. XD


pheurton said:
give up caffeine, i used to get migraines all time time, since i gave up caffeine i hardly get them at all.

Actually, caffeine helps alleviate headaches. They don't put it in Excedrin for shits and giggles.
My mother gets migranes something fierce. She's been all about food remedies, and they seem to work for her. Gek is absolutely right about MSG; it actually triggers migranes. My mother's migranes would be preceded by bouts of extreme happiness, which is apparently pretty common. She said after she talked to the doc about it she realized what was happening and came home and told me about it. It was pretty funny, actually. She said "I'll be like, 'Man, I feel great! What a great day! Oh, shit...I know what this means.'" :lol Then she'd get the aura and then a killer migrane. She's taken a bunch of migrane meds, but Imitrex worked the best for her. I don't know if she still gets them 'coz I moved out, but before I left her migranes had gotten extremely infrequent by watching what she ate. Little to no molds or bacterias (Bleu cheese, yeast, that sort of thing), and avoiding high amount of sodium. Be careful when taking headache meds, though. Migraine meds make headaches worse and vice-versa. One expands the blood vessels and the other contricts them. I can't remember which is which.


You are getting "classic migraines." Does anyone else in your family get them (uncles or aunts?) I used to get them a lot too, but my doctor told me to stop eating certain foods, and since I've done that, they've gone away! I get some every now and them (maybe 2 a year or so) but its because of some foods. I eat them on accident without realizing it and later, BAM! It is food like bratwursts, hot dogs, sausage, cheeses, mushrooms, pepporoni, shrimp, diet sodas, flavored chips, dark chocolate, etc. Pizza is totally ruined for me, but its a small price to pay for not getting those darn migraines.


Migraine sufferers -- if it isn't exhaustion related, try improving your diet. No caffeine , lower sugar -- just see if that is the reason. It could be sinus / allergy related.

I've also known of (good) chiropractic adjustments to totally eliminate migraines and bad headaches. If your neck is far off from the 31 degree angle (and if you work in the IT dept, as I do ..... for years .. well...!), it causes stress on spinal chord and everything else.
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