Im seriously considering changing from my AOL email adress to my Gmail email adress. Can everyone please give me the run down on how I should approach this... share your experiances and more
I should mentioin that I am my youth group president, which is important to this. Also, all my friends, and things I have signed up for in the past are important
If AOL has an option to forward your email to another address, just have it forward to your new one. Otherwise you'll probably be stuck with two addresses until people catch on.
If AOL has an option to forward your email to another address, just have it forward to your new one. Otherwise you'll probably be stuck with two addresses until people catch on.
I'm going to throw this in.. Gmail is still a beta product. I would be VERY hesitant to put any serious emails on there. I would wait until it's a fully public product.
I'm going to throw this in.. Gmail is still a beta product. I would be VERY hesitant to put any serious emails on there. I would wait until it's a fully public product.
I'm going to throw this in.. Gmail is still a beta product. I would be VERY hesitant to put any serious emails on there. I would wait until it's a fully public product.
Well, part of the reason I mentioned it is because I thought there had been recent talk of them cancelling the service, or something along those lines.