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Millennium DVD season 1 due 7/20

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Wow, I completely missed that this was being released! If they keep this price (MSRP $59.99), I'll probably get season 3 as well. Amazon has it for $41.99, so it should be able to be found even cheaper. My only complaint is that I wish it had more episodes with commentary, and deleted scenes. The first cut for the episode "Covenant" was originally reportedly 80 minutes long!

Any other fans of this short-lived series?


All 22 episodes from the premiere season are present in this six-disc box set that will offer the following features:

Pilot with Commentary by Creator/Writer/Executive Producer Chris Carter
Gehenna with Commentary by Director David Nutter
Featurettes: Order In Chaos: Making Millennium Season One
The Academy Group
Main Title Design


I really digged this show, from the Serial Killer of the Week first season, to the wacked out second season, even to the uneven third season.

Kinda sad that the conclusion was a throwaway X-Files episode about zombies.
This fucking awesome news! The last episode of season two is still one of the best hours of television I've ever seen.

explodet said:
Kinda sad that the conclusion was a throwaway X-Files episode about zombies.

Couldn't agree more :/
FortNinety said:
This fucking awesome news! The last episode of season two is still one of the best hours of television I've ever seen.

Yeah, great episode. Season 2 is probably my favorite, but like explodet, I enjoyed all 3.

Here's what's known of the Season 2 set so far (due out in September!):

Audio Commentary On 'The Hand Of Saint Sebastian' By Director Tom Wright
Audio Commentary On 'The Mikado' By Writer Michael R. Perry

Run Time 32m 11s
Widescreen, DVD additional material.
Running time of 32m 11s.

Run Time 23m 22s
Widescreen, DVD additional material
Running time of 23m 22s.

The final art looks nice, and will go well with season 1:



Woot! I agree with everyone - Season1 rocked, 2 was super-rock and weird and three was a bit meh. Because I missed a few eps at the beginning of seaon3 (this was before the internet made watching TV shows pretty much effortless) I actually missed a good chunk of it because I couldn't catch up. To this day I never saw the last 5 minutes of one of the great eps (the one with the guy who dressed sorta like the Zodiac) because my VCR stopped taping. It'll be worth buying just for that. ;)

I think we had a "top 10 favourite episodes of TV" thread a while back and I put "Somehow, the Devil Got Behind Me" in my top 5. Easily one of the my favourite 'standalone' eps of TV ever.

EDIT: and damn, those covers are sweet! They both perfectly capture the mood and some symbolism of the show for each very different season.


I loved the few episodes I saw of Millenium. I will definitely pick all 3 seasons as they are released.


I might look into this when it's released in Europe. If this boxset sells well, Fox will finally release Space Above And Beyond, one of my most wanted dvd releases.
Millennium Season 2 is some of the best television I've ever seen. I'll get S1 and S2 for sure-I never liked the "reboot" of the series in S3 and despise them for taking out Laura Means' character and Catherine Black at the same time at the end of S2. The series seemed haphazard and different after that, with the intoxicating "imminent apocalypse" theme of S2 all but disappearing.

But the first two seasons, and specifically the second season, are terrific.
Out today-picking it up on the way home from work.

Can't wait to see 'Gahenna', 'Maranatha', and 'Kingdom Come' in super-l33t transer and audio-when I watched them back in 1996 it was on a small TV with built-in sound, and even then I could tell I was shortchanging the show's lush, enigmatic, visuals and sountrack a grave injustice.


Thanks for the reminder, I might have to pick this up on the way home tonight. It'll be even better because my wife's never seen the show but loves a lot of similar stuff so I know she'll like it.
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