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Million pennies update and other news

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Buyer found for million-penny collection
After searching for almost a month, England, 60, of Granada Hills, found a company that will convert his copper into cash at no extra charge.

Safeway Inc., owner of Vons and Pavilions supermarkets, will take the 20,000 rolls of pennies from England July 15 and deposit the change into CoinMaster machines. Safeway will then donate half of the $10,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

England, a projectionist for Paramount Studios, wanted to cash in his pennies before retiring with his wife to a home in Oregon. But his bank, Washington Mutual, could take only 200 rolls a week and would charge him extra fees.

England bet his brother 30 years ago that he could save a million pennies. If he was successful, England's brother, Russ, would owe him a dinner of fried sweetbreads in Paris. About five years after the bet, he had 1 million pennies, which fill 13 boxes in his garage.

England never got his dinner in Paris, however.

His brother, Russ England, 55, said he doesn't remember making the bet.

Spider catches a snake
The 30-cm (12-in) snake crawled into a farmer's house in Qingyuan county in eastern Zhejiang province, apparently oblivious of the spider patiently spinning its web in the corner, Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.

"Unfortunately, it got desperately trapped in the tough, sticky web of the spider," the agency said.

"The spider pulled the web higher and suspended the snake above the ground. It then managed to get to the neck of the snake, using its beak to pierce the snake and inject its poison."

The David and Goliath battle took 80 minutes, drawing farmers from all around to watch, Xinhua said.

Man Sues for Crap in Bed
A Virginia Beach man claims in a lawsuit that his Las Vegas honeymoon was ruined when he found a pile of human feces in his hotel bed

His suit seeks at least $40,000 in damages, but he said in an interview that he wants at least $100,000.

Cedano, worn out after several nights of playing craps, said he scooted into the sheets and caught a whiff of strong odor.

“Oh, God, I know that’s not what I think it is,” he recalls thinking. He said he jumped out of bed, screaming, and turned on the lights. He said his face was covered with feces.

“I was throwing up,” he said. “I was so sick, because I kept thinking about somebody else’s feces on my face.”

Cedano says hotel employees considered the situation to be a joke and that the incident caused emotional stress that has forced him to seek therapy.

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Here's what I found on "hunter spiders."

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