how many god damn music threads on this forum do i have to read with you crying about the talk of a music cd that is on the internet 2 fucking weeks before its in the store? is that a pussy between your legs or what dude.
how many god damn music threads on this forum do i have to read with you crying about the talk of a music cd that is on the internet 2 fucking weeks before its in the store? is that a pussy between your legs or what dude.
Miruyu doesn't suck. If wanting to keep illegal downloading of music (i.e. STEALING) at bay, he's totally justified in bringing it up. People that condon the illegal downloading of music are the people who suck.
Miruyu doesn't suck. If wanting to keep illegal downloading of music (i.e. STEALING) at bay, he's totally justified in bringing it up. People that condon the illegal downloading of music are the people who suck.
how many god damn music threads on this forum do i have to read with you crying about the talk of a music cd that is on the internet 2 fucking weeks before its in the store? is that a pussy between your legs or what dude.
Miruyu doesn't suck. If wanting to keep illegal downloading of music (i.e. STEALING) at bay, he's totally justified in bringing it up. People that condon the illegal downloading of music are the people who suck.