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Missed Vib Ribbon? video feature here (link)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I hope the sequal gets picked up by someone to come out here
The piece was actually a decent watch (I expect far less from G4).

It's still on my fave PSone game of all time. Actually tracking down a copy was like finding the lost ark.

I never knew the character was a girl.


Mojib Ribbon came out awhile ago. From what I've heard, it's nowhere near as great as vib-ribbon.

vib-ribbon was a good use of $33, imo.
Suikoguy said:
I thought they were making a ps2 sequal?

That's one of them, yeah. Then they made another one called Vib Ripple, which is also out already. Neither of them are very good, though.

I paid something like $65 for Mojib and believe me, I tried really hard to love it. It has some serious artistic merit and is one of the most unique and beautiful games I've seen in recent times, but the game's just not really there. And the music, while cool and funny (all the lyrics are in robot-speak), just can't even compare to the sugary, catchy Vib Ribbon songs.


NanaOn-Sha deserve kudos for vib-ribbon alone, but they deserve even more for their recent experimentation with various methods of input by the user. Music for vib-ribbon, text for Mojib Ribbon, and images for Vib Ripple. Do we know if Masaya Matsuura and co. are working on anything for EyeToy?
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