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Monster Hunter is great, great fun.


Admist people haplessly running around pimping the game, and my need of a change of pace. I nabbed it yesterday.

Been playing a trio-only lock out, so it's just been three of us locked off from outside help.

I have to say, despite being weary about it, I'm finding the game to be amazingly fun. It was majorly offputting for the first hour or so. Odd controls, totally different concept of play, and of course the new world/item's/settings/systems of a new online RPG is always a bit of an overload at first.

I've been steadily raising up a Gunner and a Blademaster (Lancer), picked up the guide (godsend for this game) to help with the fairly keen farming present in the game. I've been simply running errands for the most part. Building up my HR, farming for cash, and adding to my stockpile of creation items for later on.

I'm quite sold on this for the long run. The world design, visuals (barring the interface, very drab) and play mechanics are great, the balance is slick, I love a good crafting system and Monster Hunter's creation trees are superb. The quest only focus and progression is a good change of pace.

But most importantly. Our little newbie trio finally took down one of those Yian Kut-Ku Wyverns earlier.

We had COMPLETELY bolstered the first attempt. So spirits weren't so high with the second, but after a 40-min edge of the knife fight. We pulled it off, huzzah. We had pissed away and fucked over a lot of traps and L.Bombs. Went in with only a few flashes, and the other two dumbasses forgot their Horn's to provoke the freaky beast with.

Thankfully we have a competent gunner though, and Lancer > Wyvern. It's so gratifying to
run under one of those massive, intimidating dragons pull back on the stick and ram a lance into it's heart.

I of course, was having far too much fun playing the brave guy. And like an idiot, didn't bring any mega potions. So during a long melee skirmish, my stamina hit rock bottom, and the damn thing rammed through my last bit of strength as I was trying to fend off a charge with my shield and took me out. Ate the first and only death, lame!

Overall, it's just immsenily gratifying to play, and while off-putting at first, just a hell of a lot of fun once you work out the kinks. I'm surprised at the lack of attention and poor reviews, very surpprised to be honest.

It's kinda like the Dragon Quarter of online-RPG's. Very unique and fun. Amazingly surprising ammount of planning and strategy for lowbies to topple these beasts. Figured more of the forum nuts would be on it. But just a few regulars it seems.

Some small impressions out of the way, is anyone still playing this, or anyone looking to give it a go in the future? Wouldn't mind tacking a few folks on my barren friends list and shaking up the trio play we took for the first runs.

One negative thing though: The lobby system is abysmal. Why you cannot password lock the lobbies rather than simply quests is very annoying when you're playing organized with friends.
Moster Hunter is hot. There's some flaws that start to show after playing a while but I wont ruin it for you.

What level are you?

I kind of stopped playing cause I couldn't keep up with everyone. But I could probably get right back into it.
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