Rean no Kiseki
Hello GAF, so a couple of weeks ago there was this thread:
It intrigued me greatly since i think Hollywood movies have sucked for a long time with only a few handful good movies released in the last 10-15 years, so during this pandemic with so much free time i re-watched some of my childhood favorites and also saw some new ones from the era, and i realized that these movies i enjoy so very much seems to be forgotten or no one's ever brought them up when talking about 80/90's movies, so i decided to share some of these movies and hopefully some of you guys will give them a chance and maybe recommend some new ones me and the rest of the readers may watch.
1- House of Sand and Fog (2003)
A great drama/tragedy, a fantastic performance by Ben Kingsley, such a fantastic film and yet i don't remember anyone talking about it even back when it was new!
2- Hard Target (1993)
one of JCVD very best action movies, and directed by John Woo! the action is simply sublime and as a kid i remember when my elder brothers brought in the mid-90's because it was super fun but it was a 1 day rent only since it was in high demand.
3- Sudden Death (1995)
Another JCVD winner before it all went down hill, an anomaly among his action movies because he doesn't use any of his trademark martial arts moves and for once he's on the back foot against the bad guys, a very fun Die Hard clone.
4- True Romance (1993)
The Tarantino movie people seem to forget about because it was directed by the legendary Tony Scott, great dialogue, Christopher Walken fantastic performance as Vincenzo Coccotti.
5- The Last Boy scout (1991)
Bruce Willis at the height of his action-movie career back when he gave a shit, along with Shane Black's excellent dialogue makes for a very fun movie, better than Die Hard 2 IMO.
6- The Ninth Gate (1999)
Again it seems no one remember or even knows this movie exists, it's such a unique film with a subject seldom seen in films in general, i could watch from start to finish and enjoy every moment but i know it's not for everyone, certainly this trailer didn't know how to market the film especially with the music and the scenes they show like it's some sort of action movie when it's slow thriller.
Well that's enough from me for now, so GAF share some of your underrated/unknown gems.

Were movies better in the 80s and 90s or is it just nostalgia?
I am born in 1979 so i grew up with all the big blockbusters in the 80s and 90s. Movies back then were creative and innovative. It also wasnt accesible everywhere like it is now. Renting a VHS at the local videostore was a big deal back then. But really, did the best movies come from the...
It intrigued me greatly since i think Hollywood movies have sucked for a long time with only a few handful good movies released in the last 10-15 years, so during this pandemic with so much free time i re-watched some of my childhood favorites and also saw some new ones from the era, and i realized that these movies i enjoy so very much seems to be forgotten or no one's ever brought them up when talking about 80/90's movies, so i decided to share some of these movies and hopefully some of you guys will give them a chance and maybe recommend some new ones me and the rest of the readers may watch.
1- House of Sand and Fog (2003)

A great drama/tragedy, a fantastic performance by Ben Kingsley, such a fantastic film and yet i don't remember anyone talking about it even back when it was new!
2- Hard Target (1993)

one of JCVD very best action movies, and directed by John Woo! the action is simply sublime and as a kid i remember when my elder brothers brought in the mid-90's because it was super fun but it was a 1 day rent only since it was in high demand.
3- Sudden Death (1995)

Another JCVD winner before it all went down hill, an anomaly among his action movies because he doesn't use any of his trademark martial arts moves and for once he's on the back foot against the bad guys, a very fun Die Hard clone.
4- True Romance (1993)

The Tarantino movie people seem to forget about because it was directed by the legendary Tony Scott, great dialogue, Christopher Walken fantastic performance as Vincenzo Coccotti.
5- The Last Boy scout (1991)

Bruce Willis at the height of his action-movie career back when he gave a shit, along with Shane Black's excellent dialogue makes for a very fun movie, better than Die Hard 2 IMO.
6- The Ninth Gate (1999)

Again it seems no one remember or even knows this movie exists, it's such a unique film with a subject seldom seen in films in general, i could watch from start to finish and enjoy every moment but i know it's not for everyone, certainly this trailer didn't know how to market the film especially with the music and the scenes they show like it's some sort of action movie when it's slow thriller.
Well that's enough from me for now, so GAF share some of your underrated/unknown gems.