Enter the Dragon Punch
This article really seems to dance around the big reason for this... Skeevy porn site ads. Can't see any other reason it'd be exclusive to the private browsing/incognito mode of the browser, and I can't see Mozilla ever integrating it 100% into the regular browsing experience.
I mean, add-ons already are there if you really want an adblocker, and they don't do a blanket block like this. You can at least whitelist sites.
Delete my cookies if old.
A brand new Developer version of Firefox has been released, and it includes our first real look at Mozilla’s enhanced tracking protection features. So far, it looks like a major change from the woefully ineffective Do Not Track. The new tracking protection is so effective, in fact, that if you fire it up on a website there’s a good chance that you’ll see it ad-free.
Ad networks and content providers didn’t like it one bit when Microsoft decided to turn Do Not Track support on by default in Internet Explorer. If that move ruffled their feathers, you can bet they’ll be absolutely outraged to see their ads broken by the new tracking protection in Firefox.
It’s only live in the Developer and Aurora builds of Firefox, and it’s currently meant as an enhancement for the browser’s private browsing mode. Mozilla’s making the assumption (a safe one) that if you’ve consciously clicked in to a private window that you really, really want your privacy respected.
This article really seems to dance around the big reason for this... Skeevy porn site ads. Can't see any other reason it'd be exclusive to the private browsing/incognito mode of the browser, and I can't see Mozilla ever integrating it 100% into the regular browsing experience.
I mean, add-ons already are there if you really want an adblocker, and they don't do a blanket block like this. You can at least whitelist sites.
Delete my cookies if old.