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MPAA targets TV-downloading sites

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Continuing its war on Internet file-swapping sites, the Motion Picture Association of America said Thursday that it has filed lawsuits against a half-dozen hubs for TV show trading.

The trade association said that piracy of TV programming is growing quickly online, and that shows are as important to protect as big-budget films. This is the first legal action from the group that has focused most heavily on TV content.


The six sites sued Thursday include ShunTV, Zonatracker, Btefnet, Scifi-Classics, CDDVDHeaven and Bragginrights.
ZD Net


I don't get it...you can Tivo it (and even skip the God damn commercials) but you can't download it.


MIMIC said:
ZD Net


I don't get it...you can Tivo it (and even skip the God damn commercials) but you can't download it.

Doesn't TIVO give you DRM rights when you record the show? Downloading from someone else doesn't do that.


Setec Astronomer
ManaByte said:
Doesn't TIVO give you DRM rights when you record the show? Downloading from someone else doesn't do that.
You don't need anything of the sort.


This is one area where I wish the MPAA would get some more sense and tact. This is an item that doesn't cost the user anything to normally view so putting restrictions on it is odd to begin with. Further it is an area where the networks could solve this problem themselves by providing online downloads for the shows themselves (to some limited degree). If they would provide that service (and yeah put in your ads, that's fair), then I can see a reason to target torrent network site. While the activity of downloading TV shows isn't legal (copyright violation and no fair use doesn't help because fair use only protects you making copies of items for yourself, not making copies for others), it seems a happy medium could be found that would benefit both parties.


Do they even have any power over sites that offer stuff not by their member companies (Like Comedy Central etc.)
Link1110 said:
Do they even have any power over sites that offer stuff not by their member companies (Like Comedy Central etc.)

CBS = Viacom = Paramount = Comedy Central = MTV etc. etc. etc.

this interconnected world we live in!


Phoenix said:
This is one area where I wish the MPAA would get some more sense and tact. This is an item that doesn't cost the user anything to normally view so putting restrictions on it is odd to begin with. Further it is an area where the networks could solve this problem themselves by providing online downloads for the shows themselves (to some limited degree). If they would provide that service (and yeah put in your ads, that's fair), then I can see a reason to target torrent network site. While the activity of downloading TV shows isn't legal (copyright violation and no fair use doesn't help because fair use only protects you making copies of items for yourself, not making copies for others), it seems a happy medium could be found that would benefit both parties.

you forget, we are dealing with corporate america...where new technology is feared and hated until somebody else proves they can makes money with it.

how hard would it be for them to set their own free download system w/ads.


they call me "Man Gravy".
These people are so fucking retarded.

I used to use btefnet to download TV shows and watch them on my PSP on the way into work - a place where I couldn't watch TV before. I actually found a few new shows that way. Now I'm just not going to watch them.

Reasons like this are why I hate my country and the corporate mindset. Whatever happened to "innovation" and "giving the customer what he wants"? Now we're all just a bunch of criminals to them.


Mr Gump said:
Dode Tvtorrents is still up. There is still hope.

Fuck the MPAA. Fuck them right in the A

tvtorrents is up? Where man? TvTorrents was the best but got shut down a while ago way before btefnet got shut down.


Stations like FOX and ABC are free to anyone with a TV and an Antenna.
But we can't download shows from those networks? I can understand if they have an issue with cable shows, but still...


Y'know they could just stipulate that the files should keep the ads and they're getting extra freaking exposure for the commercials. bastards.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Mr Gump said:
Check PM for link

EDIT: 1. Mugen has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

Meh just add .com

that does not work, for shame , I loved that site.


being watched
fallout said:
Losing BTEfnet really, really hurts. They were fucking quality.

Agreed. M-O-T-H-E-R-F-U-C-K-E-R-S! At right at the finale stage of the season! BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sure the shows are free on network TV, but with TV shows selling very well on DVD I bet the MPAA thinks their losing a lot of money.

I myself have bought a lot of TV DVD's including:

ST: TOS season 1-3
ST: Next Gen season 1-7
ST: DS9 season 1-7
ST: Voyager season 1-7
ST: Enterprise season 1
Simpsons season 1-5
Futurama season 1-4
Family guy season 1-3
Seinfeld season 1-3
MacGuyver season 1
Babylon 5 season 1-5 + movie collection
Knight rider season 1
A-Team season 1
Quantum leap season 1
Batman animated series season 1


I think a lot of us would like the DVDs rather than the stuff we downloaded. I know I'll be buying Scrubs season 1 next week, even though I have all 4 seasons downloaded.


Motion Picture Association of America

The trade association said that piracy of TV programming is growing quickly online


Why does the MPAA care? What are they protecting? Sticking up for companies that own the television stations and movie studios?
Most of the shows are free on public TV. Why doesn't the MPAA arrange their own torrents that seed files with advertisements? It opens up a huge market for them and advertisers will love it.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
olimario said:
Stations like FOX and ABC are free to anyone with a TV and an Antenna.
But we can't download shows from those networks? I can understand if they have an issue with cable shows, but still...

They're not technically free. Anyone that watches these programs over a traditional TV setup also has to endure (or at least find creative ways to ignore) commercials. When you download a show from one of these networks, it's obviously commercial-free, and you can kind of understand their getting upset about that.


I could tape the show (from broadcast television) myself, edit out the commercials, and show it to friends/distribute it to them as long as I'm not recieving any money for it/not showing it in a public venue.

And yet we cannot download the exact same thing?

So much for fair use (and other such things)!


JPRaup said:
dont worry, torrent sites will always be alive

-URL Removed-
Sure, but I wanna view what shows have actually aired. Or is that what forums are for? :p Haven't been able to watch a Justice League ep in months it seems.


lacks enthusiasm.
tedtropy said:
They're not technically free. Anyone that watches these programs over a traditional TV setup also has to endure (or at least find creative ways to ignore) commercials. When you download a show from one of these networks, it's obviously commercial-free, and you can kind of understand their getting upset about that.

I rarely watch commercials anymore. 99% of the time I'll switch to another show while the one I'm watching is on commercial break or just keep flipping around stations until the commerial break is over.

I guess it doesn't matter though because the MPAA (as someone mentioned, why the hell are they involved anyways?) is braindead when it comes to coming up with ways to take advantage of the popularity that downloading TV eps has reached.


Lancelet Pink said:
I myself have bought a lot of TV DVD's including:

ST: TOS season 1-3
ST: Next Gen season 1-7
ST: DS9 season 1-7
ST: Voyager season 1-7
ST: Enterprise season 1
Simpsons season 1-5
Futurama season 1-4
Family guy season 1-3
Seinfeld season 1-3
MacGuyver season 1
Babylon 5 season 1-5 + movie collection
Knight rider season 1
A-Team season 1
Quantum leap season 1
Batman animated series season 1

What the hell do you do for a living and are they hiring?


from #bt:

<oblivionx> [Request] Message:[The #BT Website is currently down. Releases are on hold, possibly for the entire night, until we have a better understanding of the current situation. We have NOT been sued! Please be patient and do not PM the ops. We will keep you guys updated.] - SysReset 2.53


Morts said:
What the hell do you do for a living and are they hiring?


Those star trek DVD's are expensive a $100 a pop, paramount knows the typical trekker oh so well. I spend $2500 on them alone. I'm a big trekker so it's worth it for me. I forgot I had curb your enthusiasm, and the office. I took this pic before I bought enterprise, and MacGyver.

I also have 600 + DVD movies, and anime. :D

BTW: My job pays well, but I hate it. =(


Damn...that picture makes me more resentful of my slightly damaged Simpsons Season Two case...I recently completed my Simpsons collection, actually. Nice to have.

See, here's the thing. First off, who knows how exactly this will turn out...there are a lot of different options, including new rules (Perhaps a 24-Hour Delay on Torrent availability (Just speculating)). Technically, there is a 3 hour gap between many West Coast shows and their EST airings, so there IS an argument for ratings being lost. I doubt it happens very often, but it's an argument that is technically factual, if not logical.

However, if their argument is that it hurts DVD sales...they are idiots. Plain and Simple.

Let's look at Tuesdays at 9pm EST. In that timeslot there are the following shows.

Veronica Mars
The Amazing Race

With only a VCR, you can only choose to watch two of these programs. Personally, I watch TAR and tape Veronica Mars. This means that I do not, when home and not at school with my laptop, get to watch Scrubs. And, I haven't even seen a SINGLE episode of House, yet alone been able to watch it on a regular basis.

But, very few people spend money on TV DVDs if they haven't even seen a single episode. While this is happening more often with films with low DVD prices, box sets are not so easy to deal with. People are going to buy more DVDs if they watched the show and loved the show, and want to be able to go back to that show in the future.

If people are watching other shows, however, they're less likely the buy those DVDs. The more shows people watch, however, the more likely they are to get hooked on a show. I guarantee that more people will buy DVDs of shows like Lost if they caught up with Torrents.

Sure, in many situations, it might keep people from watching TV and getting ratings...but the use of Torrents is to watch shows you MISSED, not to stop watching TV altogether. It's illogical on the part of the MPAA.


LOL those horsefuckers can't even stop Kazaa. Give me a tv show I can download legally for $1 on iTunes and I'll do it.


G4life98 said:
you forget, we are dealing with corporate america...where new technology is feared and hated until somebody else proves they can makes money with it.
quoted for motherfucking truth.

tv shows are vehicles for advertisement. the networks should be fucking overjoyed their hollow cultural shells are being exported to impressionable minds all over the freaking universe at NO cost to themselves.

they should stop for a second and look at how much they pay for traditional airtime and how much they are paying for this internet distribution


I think the MPAA is gonna start putting bugs in restaurants that pick up on the latest movie titles. If someone says something negative about a movie, they'll turn you in and say you were hurting sales.

Jesus Christ.


So if I buy a TIVO and fast forward through all the commericals, looks like I'm hurting the advertising business too...


WedgeX said:
I could tape the show (from broadcast television) myself, edit out the commercials, and show it to friends/distribute it to them as long as I'm not recieving any money for it/not showing it in a public venue.

Actually that's not correct. You can show it to your friends, but you cannot redistribute it - not even for free without the permission of the copyright owner. Fair use doesn't give you that right.


joaomgcd said:
Would it legally be OK if the torrents came with commercials?

No. Only the copyright owner can sanction legal distribution of their materials/wares according to US copyright law. Other countries will have different laws in this regard but all parties to the Berne Convention pretty follow the same concepts with respect to whether distribution is permitted without copyright written permission (because it has to be in writing for it to be legal).
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