Damn...that picture makes me more resentful of my slightly damaged Simpsons Season Two case...I recently completed my Simpsons collection, actually. Nice to have.
See, here's the thing. First off, who knows how exactly this will turn out...there are a lot of different options, including new rules (Perhaps a 24-Hour Delay on Torrent availability (Just speculating)). Technically, there is a 3 hour gap between many West Coast shows and their EST airings, so there IS an argument for ratings being lost. I doubt it happens very often, but it's an argument that is technically factual, if not logical.
However, if their argument is that it hurts DVD sales...they are idiots. Plain and Simple.
Let's look at Tuesdays at 9pm EST. In that timeslot there are the following shows.
Veronica Mars
The Amazing Race
With only a VCR, you can only choose to watch two of these programs. Personally, I watch TAR and tape Veronica Mars. This means that I do not, when home and not at school with my laptop, get to watch Scrubs. And, I haven't even seen a SINGLE episode of House, yet alone been able to watch it on a regular basis.
But, very few people spend money on TV DVDs if they haven't even seen a single episode. While this is happening more often with films with low DVD prices, box sets are not so easy to deal with. People are going to buy more DVDs if they watched the show and loved the show, and want to be able to go back to that show in the future.
If people are watching other shows, however, they're less likely the buy those DVDs. The more shows people watch, however, the more likely they are to get hooked on a show. I guarantee that more people will buy DVDs of shows like Lost if they caught up with Torrents.
Sure, in many situations, it might keep people from watching TV and getting ratings...but the use of Torrents is to watch shows you MISSED, not to stop watching TV altogether. It's illogical on the part of the MPAA.