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Mr. Six... CG Paste job or Makeup?

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Okay, just having an annoying argument with Tre in #ga, and want opinions.


Okay. Tre believes this character is a real old man's head, pasted onto a dancer's body via CG.

I think it's a good makeup job.

Once again, the evidence is in the actual movement, not a still frame. Unfortunately, Nikashi fails to present that time after time. A good example would be those Nike commercials where Marion Berry is doing the Vault. That's not *really* Marion Berry, as much as it is her head pasted on. The weird thing is, the actual movement of the actual gymnast looks really wonky. Similar to Mr. Six in the commercials.


For some weird reason I like the commercials. They're not particularly good, but there just something oddly appealing about an old man dancing like that....

On the other hand all Fanta commercials featuring The Fantanas can go to hell. Also, I'm getting super-tired of the idiotic Coke C2 commercials. The song just sounds so whiny and annoying to me, not to mention knowing the shitty quality of the product doesn't help.

And while I'm on the subject, commercials before movies are REALLY getting to me. I go to see at least one movie a week, so seeing the same ones over and over and over and over again is pissing me off. Especially since some (like the aforementioned C2 commercials) can be seen regularly on TV.



Tre said:
Once again, the evidence is in the actual movement, not a still frame. Unfortunately, Nikashi fails to present that time after time. A good example would be those Nike commercials where Marion Berry is doing the Vault. That's not *really* Marion Berry, as much as it is her head pasted on. The weird thing is, the actual movement of the actual gymnast looks really wonky. Similar to Mr. Six in the commercials.

Dude, it's a guy in make-up dancing. Is it really that hard to believe?


My point is that it's SO OBVIOUSLY makeup that 'the motion' doesn't matter since why bother putting on makeup if they're just gonna paste the head on?


well not really...yet
Tre is delusional. Its so obviously a guy in makeup. Dont bring this "see it in motion thread" shit, ive been assaulted by this commercial for months now. Its Makeup. Period.


Tre said:
Once again, the evidence is in the actual movement, not a still frame. Unfortunately, Nikashi fails to present that time after time. A good example would be those Nike commercials where Marion Berry is doing the Vault. That's not *really* Marion Berry, as much as it is her head pasted on. The weird thing is, the actual movement of the actual gymnast looks really wonky. Similar to Mr. Six in the commercials.

It was on GMA live doing stupid dance moves with the in studio crowd. They hinted that it was really a women but would not give it away.
A good example would be those Nike commercials where Marion Berry is doing the Vault.

While they're both substance abusers, I believe the name you were looking for is Marion Jones. Not the former D.C. mayor.
Yeah, I figured it was Marion Jones shortly after I posted it, I was hoping someone would set ME up for the substance abuser joke, though.


Hang out with Steve.
God dammit, now I've got that stupid music stuck in my head....

dit-dit-dit-dit-dit doot doot
dit-dit-dit-dit-dit doot doot


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Its not, I've seen live interviews with him. He never talks though...but its not CG on a dancer's body. Its just a makeup job. I've also heard rumors that it was a woman, I think its high time to unmask this bastard.
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