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My cat just peed on my mattress

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My 12-year-old cat peed on my mattress (it also shit on it as a bonus... great), and I've just gotten it outside and I'm currently spraying it with a high-powered water hose. Is there any remedy to take out the stench, some kind of special formula that cancels out the cat pee smell?

I'm thinking of spraking it with javellized water, although I'm not sure of what to do in a case like this, and I hope someone here has some knowledge to help me out.


evil ways

Happens to me with the cats from time to time, especially on couches. Try to use a carpet/fabric cleaner & deodorizer. It should come in a can, so spray the foam on the affected areas, let sit for about a minute then wipe with a damp cloth and repeat. Then dry it with a blow dryer.


Junior Member
I used to love it when my cat peed somewhere it wasn't supposed to. It gave me a reason to hit the bastard.


Console Market Analyst
After you clean it, like with Resolve Pet Stain Remover, flip it over and never use that side again.

If the cat repeats the crime on the clean side... it might be time for a visit to a Pet Kevorkian.
Is your cat male or female?

Hopefully your cat hasn't marked it's favorite spot right on your matress, otherwise s/he's going to piss there every time s/he gets the chance.

Does your cat usually shit and piss everywhere indescriminatly?


Dude. We have four cats in my house. One mattress incident? You're lucky. I've lost several comics, Calvin & Hobbes, pillows, and other various other items due to cat pee/poo/puke.

Anyway...I have no clue. I have this plastic thing that protects my mattress.


my cats learned to do the stuff outside. whenever they wanted to take a shit or piss they meowed front of the door to the garden.

evil ways

If any of my cats happened to do something like that I don't hit them, I just grab them, take them to the crime scene and rub their face against the evidence, soon enough after a few times they will get the idea of what's gonna happen everytime they pee on the bed, curtains or couch.
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