TLDR: My grandma left me with some cash. I will roughly have $35K after taxes and paying some bills. What should I do with it? (Besides coke, hookers, or charity. All three would have her rolling in her grave).
My grandmother just passed away a month ago. Growing up she was absolutely the cheapest person I have ever known. She pinched every penny imaginable. For Example:
I have a mortgage and a car loan but both are very low interest and I have no problems making the payments. I also have a retirement account that is doing well and I contribute to it every paycheck.
So what should I do with this money?
Invest? In what?
I also thought about starting a business. Not sure what though. I already own a business but do it for the love not the money. So if I did start something it would be profit orientated.
My grandmother just passed away a month ago. Growing up she was absolutely the cheapest person I have ever known. She pinched every penny imaginable. For Example:
- Would re-use paper plates and plastic utensils, often taking them home from functions.
- Would re-use gift wrapping paper and greeting cards by cutting off the bottom where signature was to add her own
- Would open and close bank accounts at any and every bank to take advantage of free gift for opening account. Would give those gifts away as Christmas presents.
- Would take home free donuts and cookies that were given away at banks/picnics/events/etc, freeze them and serve for company.
- She would take me and my siblings to Burger King, order off the value menu, but with one small soda cup to share between us all as it can be refilled for free. She would also bring in coupons for items she did not order and argue with the workers until she got the money taken off.
- She worked as a nurse and would bring home any and all the food she could. She would make entire batches of peanut butter cookies from the little plastic single serving packs of peanut butter.
- Nothing was bought without a coupon, rebate, sale, etc.
- As her health declined she was moved into a nursing home. She fought, argued, and was angry at my Mom for this because "I would rather die today then give this shithole a cent of my money". (For the record place was not a shithole).
I have a mortgage and a car loan but both are very low interest and I have no problems making the payments. I also have a retirement account that is doing well and I contribute to it every paycheck.
So what should I do with this money?
Invest? In what?
I also thought about starting a business. Not sure what though. I already own a business but do it for the love not the money. So if I did start something it would be profit orientated.