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My iPOD shipped today!

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Now to play the waiting game :)

And I guess they either don't seriously check if you really are a student for their discount or they do it incredibly fast!
Awesome. I need to get a new one. Mine was lost on my flight to E3. Yes I know I'm a fucking moron, so there's no need to mention it.
StrikerObi said:
Awesome. I need to get a new one. Mine was lost on my flight to E3. Yes I know I'm a fucking moron, so there's no need to mention it.

Maybe you aren't ready to own expensive things?


StrikerObi said:
Awesome. I need to get a new one. Mine was lost on my flight to E3. Yes I know I'm a fucking moron, so there's no need to mention it.

How do you lose an iPod? Did you pack it into your checked luggage or something?


They don't check the discount. My stuff was shipped right away. Only thing is if you call for tech support they have to transfer you to some other section. No biggie.

Congrats though, it's pricey but it rules.
the ipod + USB cable I needed came out to 450 Canadian after tax

Anyone know what company Apple uses for shipping in Canada? I have the tracking number but I can't figure out what company its for
Ecrofirt said:
Striker, you're sure it wasn't stolen?

I remember Jonny had stuff stolen on his trip to E3 a few years ago.

I'm positive. It was in my carry-on. I took it out and listened to a few songs on the flight from ATL to LAX. Jonny and Jeff looked at it. I took it back and I thought I put it back in my carry-on. I think I might have stuck it in the seat pouch and it slipped out of view. I got to the hotel and unpacked, and it was gone. It just might be covered under American Express' extended warranty service though, I'm waiting to hear from them.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Hitman said:
Ipod? PFT.

You should have got an Iriver I-HP 120

Should be getting mine in the post today over here in Blighty. The HP-140 model though.

Do Apple do any sort of college student discounts here in the UK? Might have given them a look if they did. Oh well.


Just got my Ipod this week. Already it is hard to imagine living without it. My only complaint is that the battery indicator seems to be innaccurate at times (I have to reset it to fix it) and I haven't yet found a radio station that gives me zero static 100% of the time with Itrip. Other then that it is pretty damn near perfect.


ipods are definitely cool, but I'm pleased as punch with my Creative NOMAD Zen Xtra 40 gig... and it only cost me $230. In fact, I'm enjoying some Bob Marley on it RIGHT NOW.


The two things that sold me on Ipod were it's size and the controls it has, so far none of the other mp3 players I have played around have a control scheme that is in the same league.
I bought my iPod in Oregon during their late 2003 sale ($50 all iPods). Oregon has no sales tax, so I got a 20GB iPod for $350. Worth every penny.


asking dangerous questions
I'm dying to buy one..
...but I'm worried that the next gen ones will be really cool (e.g. color screen).

So I guess I'll wait.


I was using the same rational, but then I realized that I didn't care, and that I would probably be using it enough in the coming months prior to the 4G release to warrant the purchase. I didn't regret it.


At this point, I'd wait until the next MacWorld. If there's a new iPod coming, that's where it'll probably be announced.


For those who have 3G Ipods, is there any firmware worth downloading for it? And what does it do? Someone at work told me one of the firmware updates improved the accuracy of the battery meter.
The frequency I had been using for itrip this past week crapped out on me on the way home from work, I have no idea how a radio frequency could just die, but the itrip is still working awesome on 100.5 and others

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
IPOD Minis rule.

700 songs is more than enough. and it's sooo pretty.


The one I sent back to get fixed was shipped today also. I'll probably get it tomorrow!
Hopefully they fixed it up instead of sending it back untouched and telling me I need to pay.


Gold Member
Excellent, congratulations!

I love my iPod. I got a 20 gig one from Singapore in January and have been very happy with it, still think that it's my best electronics purhcase ever. Using the Apple in-ear headphones and my own list for chill out music, it is the perfect companion for a frequent (and tired) flyer. I also got an iPod mini for my gf when I was in SF in March. She loves it too, the capacity and physical size seems perfect for her, although I feel that the 20 gig is better value for me.

So, welcome to the club, then. Be sure to grab a pair of those in-ear headphones, they make all the difference.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Manders said:
Ipod Minis are a rip off. Don't kid yourself.

I'm not, mine cost me half the price of what an ipod costs here. 273 NZD versus 560 bucks for the cheapest standard ipod.

so much more suited to running etc.


BigJonsson said:
I need some way to mount the ipod in my car and i need a 3rd party case

recommend away

I also need one of those nifty 3rd party cases to protect my Ipod from fingerprints and scratches. Someone recommended the Belkin TuneDok Holder, I ordered it for like $16 from newegg. It looks pretty nifty, all you need is a cupholder.


I got one of these coming tomorrow.


That is right, 64 MEGA BYTES.

Oh yeah I rock.
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