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My music library is stuck in 2005


Maybe earlier, fuck I don't know. I'm old now (32) and I actually had one of the 1st gen iPods. At the moment I have an 160GB iPod Classic that I use almost exclusively in my car after finally switching to my Galaxy 5 for gym and work use. I also have an iPad I occasionally use for music. This has resulted in me using iTunes for the Apple devices while separately maintaining a library on my phone.

This feels antiquated, but I never had a particularly great reason to look into alternatives until I started using my phone. I also saw someone post Ryan Davis' summer jam playlist today on Spotify (which I just used for the first time...) Having realized how far things have come, I'm assuming there's a better way to handle my library across devices.

So....those of you with both Apple and Android devices, how do you manage your library? I've also been finding new music the last few days and binging on that. Is there a better alternative to iTunes for actually buying songs? If it matters I listen to a few podcasts as well. Thanks GAF!
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