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My name is...SHAKE-ZULA

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My name is Shake-Zula
the mic rulah
the old schoolah
you wanna trip
I'll break it to ya
Frylock and I'm on top
rock you like a cop
Meatwad you're up next with your knock-knock
Meatwad make the money see
Meatwad get the honeys G
drivin in my car
livin like a star
ice on my fingers and my toes
and I'm a Taurus
cause we are the Aqua Teens
make the homeys say ho
and the girlies wanna scream

Aqua Teen Hunger Force
#1 in the Hood, G
I wish the DVD had a chapter stop right after the opener, so I could skip that when I watch the episodes. It was great the first 73 times, but after that, you get a little tired of it, ya know?


Hollywood Square
Error Macro said:
I wish the DVD had a chapter stop right after the opener, so I could skip that when I watch the episodes. It was great the first 73 times, but after that, you get a little tired of it, ya know?

It never gets tired. Never.
Damn yo this is who we be
Just like the old-school rapper Schooly D
Mooninite 1, I'm a hard rap singer
Mooninite 2, yo I'll flip you the finger

Check it out
(check it out y'all, check it check it out)
(check it out y'all, check it check it out)

[friggin' sweet solo]


Frylock needs to get an extended intro, Meatwad and Shake get a whole introduction, but Frylock's part is like a second.

"No, I don't read Vogue, they just come to the house..."

Shake: "....Of course they do......when you order them you big fat lady!"

I'm lovin' how ATHF is on weekly, but I heard they are taking it off the weekday lineup soon, that's gonna suck.



Look Carl, that is the cost of doing business. You knew there would be risks....


holy shit best show EVER

I found this while channel surfing about a month ago...and at first I thought it was stupid, but it grew on me and I realized how great a show this was..
I seriously can't get enough, and a bad episode for me is one where Im not laughing the entire time.

To all you people that have been sleeping! Dont! This is the greatest show. OF ALL TIME.

billywitchdoctor.com more convenient locations in....Africa *rofl*

"Dude my dad owns a dealership..."

those two guys sooo remind me of these frat guys i know from some parties. I didn't think life could be this funny


go eat paint
Has the 2nd DVD set come out yet?

Using a key to carve expletives into another man's vehicle is a sign of trust and friendship.

It's not stealing if you need it... and you NEED it.

The Highlander was a documentary and the events therein occurred in realtime.

I don't need no instruction manual to tell me how to ROCK


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
It took me a few episodes for me to figure out that the end credits song/music is just Master Shake saying "dancing is forbidden" abunch of times mixed into the music. I remember him saying that to Meatwad in one of the earlier episodes and then it clicked. Becuase of this, I have discovered a new plane of appreciation for the show.


This show is slowly moving past Sealab 2021 as my Adult Swim favorite. No Captain Murphy on Sealab really sucks ass. I just caught some episode with some kinda talking cube and it was freakin hilarious.


I'm gonna get me some chicks, and upgrade their butts. Because baby loves back.

Shake rules. But the Mooninites are the best.

Drop to your knees as your digital ruler approacheth. ;)

Mooninites...duplicate, reuinite and unihilate. PEACE.


It's all about the Christmas episode featuring the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future and Danzig.

pure gold
Such a good show. The Mooninites always make me laugh so damn hard. Thanks for reminiding me I still need to pick up the first dvd set, especially since the second is coming out tuesday. I must do that after work today.


Shake: I know I saw cliffs! OKAY? And there was lots of magic everywhere. And Mel Gibson

Happy: Uhh...Braveheart..uh...hello?

Shake: What you think you think youre the expert? Lets see how much your ass knows about flying.

*pushes happy off cliff*

Yea! Thats what im talking about

Frylock: You done? Cause that took forever

Shake: I um...er...well..I am forever. I AM FOREEEVERR

*shake jumps off the cliff*



Inignot: Hello, Carl, I am Inignot and this is Err.
Err: I am Err.
Inignot: We are Mooninites from the inner core of the moon.
Err: You said it right.
Inignot: Our race is hundred of years beyond yours.
Err: Man, you hear what he's saying?
Inignot: Some would say that the Earth is our moon.
Err: We're the moon.
Inignot: But that would belittle the name of our moon, which is: The Moon.
Err: Point is: we're at the center, not you.
Carl: No, the real point is: I don't give a damn.

Err: Oh man, you gotta check this out.
Meatwad: Oh yeah baby, that's a neat car she's washing. You think that's a straight 6?
Err: I think I have a straight 6.
Inignot: Ooooo. Err, your sexual innuendo is priceless.


Best show ever. I cant wait untill Tuesday


yea i fucking hate fridays now cause i know im not gonna get my daily dose of Aqua Teen Hunger Force until errr Sunday
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