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My new normal routine


I gained a bunch of weight during quarantine and felt like a fat bag of dog shit. Headaches also depressed the shit out of me (see previous threads). But after some good prescription shit I was able to mostly get over the headaches, so I decided to ride that wave and get my ass back in order.
This is my routine, see if you can hang.
Meat, eggs, and cheese only.
First week I ate a ton of cheesy omelets and meat. Weaned my way to where I am now. Weekday example.
Morning - wake up and take a COLD shower.
Drink straight black coffee, brush my teeth.
Walk my dog.
Go to the gym, work out with the stupid fucking mask.
Work out 30-45 minutes lifting heavy weights.
Go to work.
Some days fast till dinner (this is very difficult the first couple weeks of zero carb, super easy later), some days eat grilled wings or something around 2.
My first three weeks of zero carb I had to do Wendy’s a lot for double stacks x3-4 and toss the bread. Now I’ve since replaced them with raw eggs. 6-8 if I feel like I need sustenance during the work day.
Some days after work go for sprints/walk (not consistent yet to schedule it). If not proper exercise, atleast walk my dog.
Pushups before bed. When I started about 4 weeks ago I could barely do 20, I just cranked out a straight set of 50. Usually do a few sets till I can’t so total around 100.
Sleep maybe 5-6 hours, or less, dem newborn problems.
Oil pull for about 15min with coconut oil then rinse my mouth with warm pink salt water.
Then repeat.

My friends all say my routine is insane but I’ve never felt better, I’ve gained a very good amount of muscle and lost fat (15-20lbs) in about 4-5 weeks. All my clothes fit again, and my headaches are incredibly scarce.

I obviously left out stuff like showering, family time, games, etc.
Anyone want to try my routine?
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Raw eggs offer no benefits compared to cooked. Raw eggs appear to be less nutritious, actually, according to three minutes of research.
Oil pulling is also a pointless thing to do. Washing your mouth with salt water won't do anything for you either.

Other than that, it seems like a pretty normal way to lose weight and gain muscle.


Raw eggs offer no benefits compared to cooked. Raw eggs appear to be less nutritious, actually, according to three minutes of research.
Oil pulling is also a pointless thing to do. Washing your mouth with salt water won't do anything for you either.

Other than that, it seems like a pretty normal way to lose weight and gain muscle.
Raw eggs are instant gratification. Literally if I have no lunch hour due to 9 hours of back to back meetings I can crack them and drink them. Oil pulling/salt water rinse I’ve experimented with doing and not doing one or the other/times, etc. Oil pulling with the salt water rinse after a few days of doing it removes your morning breath completely and not waking up with ass breath makes it easier for me to get up. Oh I forgot my cold shower, gonna edit that in.


No vegetables, just meat and cheese?

I do the low carb thing (no more than 30 carbs a day) works great. I do that on the weekdays and eat whatever I want on the weekends; been able to consistently keep the weight off for almost 2 years now. Although I sometimes have to go without cheat days for a week or two to keep at my goal weight.

Not sure I understand why you do zero carbs, you can still lose weight having a few carbs each day. Also don't see the point in a cold shower. Again don't see the point in fasting unless you aren't losing weight with your diet.

That said, if you're happy, keep at it, that's really all that matters. Your diet seems almost healthy but with no vegetables I dunno.


No vegetables, just meat and cheese?

I do the low carb thing (no more than 30 carbs a day) works great. I do that on the weekdays and eat whatever I want on the weekends; been able to consistently keep the weight off for almost 2 years now. Although I sometimes have to go without cheat days for a week or two to keep at my goal weight.

Not sure I understand why you do zero carbs, you can still lose weight having a few carbs each day. Also don't see the point in a cold shower. Again don't see the point in fasting unless you aren't losing weight with your diet.

That said, if you're happy, keep at it, that's really all that matters. Your diet seems almost healthy but with no vegetables I dunno.
I’ve done low carb before, zero carb is believe it or not easier and cheaper to maintain. Also you get faster results. Meat, eggs, and cheese.
Cold showers help wake up, simple as that. I start my mornings mentally focused regardless of how sleepy I am.


Unconfirmed Member
What's the point of push ups at night after working out at the gym?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
When covid hit I immediately started a new routine. I was mostly traveling for work, so I was grateful to be able to cook for myself again.

Wake up around 5:30am
at 6 or 6:30 I alternate running or walking for a minimum of 3 miles
After that I do weights (lately kettlebell swings &/or bodyweight exercises)
End each workout with 30 mins of yoga
Intermittent fasting until Noon-1pm; only eat during this time until 6pm
Read outside during lunch break to soak up that vitamin d
Work until 7 usually, since I cook at 5-5:30
8pm meditate for 30 mins
In bed by 9, read for 30 mins, then sleep


When covid hit I immediately started a new routine. I was mostly traveling for work, so I was grateful to be able to cook for myself again.

Wake up around 5:30am
at 6 or 6:30 I alternate running or walking for a minimum of 3 miles
After that I do weights (lately kettlebell swings &/or bodyweight exercises)
End each workout with 30 mins of yoga
Intermittent fasting until Noon-1pm; only eat during this time until 6pm
Read outside during lunch break to soak up that vitamin d
Work until 7 usually, since I cook at 5-5:30
8pm meditate for 30 mins
In bed by 9, read for 30 mins, then sleep
I need to yoga, read, and meditate. Those three are harder to pull off due to time and children.

Kev Kev

i have grown to hate routines.

i just have a list of shit i want to do, in my head, and i try to do most of those things. if i dont get to all of them, oh well. for the longest time i did everything according to a strict, and timed, routine. after a couple years of that i felt like i was oppressing myself lmao. i had all these alarms going off that lined up with my planner/schedule. i had literally every minute of my day planned out and it was absolutely dreadful to ponder the idea that i had no freedom to just drop everything and go off and do whatever i felt like for the day. so i gave up having a routine. and the results have been so-so. not sure where the happy medium is, but im trying to find it. i know i need some routine, but too much is obviously not good for me.

anyway, sounds like you are taking some steps to a better future for yourself OP. good luck to you! routines can be mega helpful. when i was in mine i was in amazing shape, had a healthy diet, felt great and was generally very happy. so i know it can be helpful... its just that i grew tired of that (for now at least)
Great work OP. Keep it up and you will continue to impress yourself.



Gold Member
Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I need to yoga, read, and meditate. Those three are harder to pull off due to time and children.

Make the time if you can. Yoga is so fucking good for you. It has been a huge game changer for me. My psoas & rectus femoris muscles have been jacked up for years. Yoga is correcting the issue over time. I would almost guarantee your psoas is in need of some good stretching, especially if you have a desk job.


Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Make the time if you can. Yoga is so fucking good for you. It has been a huge game changer for me. My psoas & rectus femoris muscles have been jacked up for years. Yoga is correcting the issue over time. I would almost guarantee your psoas is in need of some good stretching, especially if you have a desk job.
I may start yoga soon. I need it. At the rate I'm going with the gains I won't be able to wipe my ass.
shows you know how to maintain a disciplined life, work hard, eat well

focus and commitment
You know it boi.
Robots have routines. I wonder how men kept fit before barbells?
Barbells are useful, a healthy mindset is more so.
Well considering I'm not working the field all day, barbells are my best option.

On a side note, did a 25 hour fast between yesterday/today. Woot woot.


You could and probably should add some vegetables to your diet to cover your nutritional bases if you plan on maintaining this routine over the long term.

I run and do a minimal amount of body weight exercises to stay healthy so my goals are obviously different than yours. However, I can say that fasting and yoga has been really useful to me, so I can definitely get behind it. Even if you don't buy into the supposed health benefits of fasting, it still remains a really good way to stay disciplined and cut down on unnecessary snacking outside of certain windows. As for yoga, it just straight up makes me feel better. The more flexible you are, the younger you feel.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Great thing OP!
I really admire people who wants to change their lives.
I went same route - I was 255lbs and now 187lbs after big changes in my life.
I don't have a pic of me when I was 255lbs but here is the one I made 1 minute ago :)


OP, you made me google Oil Pulling. I thought you were talking about having a wank.

Glad you found a routine that works for you. I don't like routines, I like mixing it up. Variety is the spice of life!
When I started about 4 weeks ago I could barely do 20, I just cranked out a straight set of 50. Usually do a few sets till I can’t so total around 100.

This is good news. I've just started a daily pushup workout, using Darebee worksheets as a monthly guide, and today I barely managed 8 lol

I'm in bad physical shape, not overweight, just sedentary.
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Unless you are physically unable to becuase of a heavy chest session, it's still absolutely beneficial.

Also, what the hell it's an 'oil pull' OP?

Coconut oil swish for 15min. Leaves your mouth feeling super clean and in the morning you don’t wake up like a dog shit down your throat. Also some claims to boost your immune system. Highly recommend trying it a few times and see the difference for yourself.


Calories matter, not diets!

Keto diets can just fuck off, with any other fad shit going on.

Your name is Cid, but the routine is skid.

Truth. I didn't want to be mean though haha. Keto, fasting, veganism, etc are just tools to allow some folks to reduce said calories. As long as people aren't ignorant to how it really works(CICO) these tools are fine if they can be sustained. That's the key, and why I personally believe they are, for the most part, useless. But that's because I don't believe staying away from carbs is something that you can make a way of life.

If keto were superior for a lean body, bodybuilders would use them. Very few do. In fact, most are on high carb diets. Also, the leanest and healthiest populations on earth eat a lot of carbs. Japanese, Italians, etc
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Truth. I didn't want to be mean though haha. Keto, fasting, veganism, etc are just tools to allow some folks to reduce said calories. As long as people aren't ignorant to how it really works(CICO) these tools are fine if they can be sustained. That's the key, and why I personally believe they are, for the most part, useless. But that's because I don't believe staying away from carbs is something that you can make a way of life.

If keto were superior for a lean body, bodybuilders would use them. Very few do. In fact, most are on high carb diets. Also, the leanest and healthiest populations on earth eat a lot of carbs. Japanese, Italians, etc
I went on a deficit for 2 weeks eating nothing but junk food and lost 5lbs. Seen a few bodybuilder diet plans and they mostly involve carbs.


I went on a deficit for 2 weeks eating nothing but junk food and lost 5lbs. Seen a few bodybuilder diet plans and they mostly involve carbs.


I have a whole thread on bodybuilding.com where I did it for 10 months straight I still do maybe 30-40% of my calories from cake, pizza, donuts, etc


I replied to you on BB.com. I'm called Pwalie. Small world lol.

Nice, hasn't been bumped in ages. Glad I found out about CICO no matter the source back in 2012. It's been a joy to lift AND diet ever since. Too bad I suffered for 12 years though. Eating "clean" and never reaching my goal cause I couldn't gitgud at it. It just leads to binging.

I used to have a huge thread on My fitness pal until a salty mod deleted it due to all the fighting. Most people loved it. It essentially linked to the bb.com thread. MFP is like the resetera of the fitness world. So quick to ban/delete.
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Sounds solid and yeah i've been getting headaches and felt more of a lazy pos during quarantine now I've been back at work for the last 2 months and I hate it.

Need to start with basic push ups and better eating also this is the first time i've heard about Coconut oil swish gonna give it a shot!


Great thing OP!
I really admire people who wants to change their lives.
I went same route - I was 255lbs and now 187lbs after big changes in my life.
I don't have a pic of me when I was 255lbs but here is the one I made 1 minute ago :)
Looking good man! Keep it up! That's a very big jump. Are you lifting too? Can't recommend lifting enough. Every man needs to lift weights, no exceptions!
If you want to build muscle you should at least eat some carbs before and after working out. And get your vitamin C one way or another.
I take a multi-vitamin occasionally. As for carbs before, I might occasionally do a carb load but tbh I feel really really good on zero carb. I've literally experimented with every single diet, but I usually end up going back to zero carb because it works so well for me. I honestly can't talk enough about the benefits of zero carb for me personally.
This is good news. I've just started a daily pushup workout, using Darebee worksheets as a monthly guide, and today I barely managed 8 lol

I'm in bad physical shape, not overweight, just sedentary.
Just force yourself to do them every day. I also recommend if you can only do 8, give yourself a couple minutes of rest, and do another set, even if it's 6.
Calories matter, not diets!

Keto diets can just fuck off, with any other fad shit going on.

Your name is Cid, but the routine is skid.
I know that. I'm very well versed in diets, macronutrients/calculation, CICO, etc. My reasons for zero carb are beyond losing weight. Zero carb gives me a ton of other benefits besides weight loss.

Truth. I didn't want to be mean though haha. Keto, fasting, veganism, etc are just tools to allow some folks to reduce said calories. As long as people aren't ignorant to how it really works(CICO) these tools are fine if they can be sustained. That's the key, and why I personally believe they are, for the most part, useless. But that's because I don't believe staying away from carbs is something that you can make a way of life.

If keto were superior for a lean body, bodybuilders would use them. Very few do. In fact, most are on high carb diets. Also, the leanest and healthiest populations on earth eat a lot of carbs. Japanese, Italians, etc

One of the benefits of zero carb is that you don't get hungry. I one time did a 44 hour fast on zero carb without even sweating food. With 2 weight lifting sessions and a hard sprint session in between those two days. I eat when I feel like eating. Fasting becomes ridiculously easy, so it's very easy for me to control my calories. I can pretty much eat less than 800 calories a day of nothing but eggs and meat and feel amazing.

Sounds solid and yeah i've been getting headaches and felt more of a lazy pos during quarantine now I've been back at work for the last 2 months and I hate it.

Need to start with basic push ups and better eating also this is the first time i've heard about Coconut oil swish gonna give it a shot!
Pushups everyday man. If nothing else do that. Remember you can also mix up your pushups. Incline/Wide arm/close arm/etc. As for the oil pull, you really feel fresh after doing it like 3 times.

teezzy teezzy - Prior to this week it was normal. This week I've had runny shit disgusting. I think my body is going through a cleansing cause last time I did this, I went through this same horrible shit period, and then it went back to normal.


One of the benefits of zero carb is that you don't get hungry. I one time did a 44 hour fast on zero carb without even sweating food. With 2 weight lifting sessions and a hard sprint session in between those two days. I eat when I feel like eating. Fasting becomes ridiculously easy, so it's very easy for me to control my calories. I can pretty much eat less than 800 calories a day of nothing but eggs and meat and feel amazing.

Hey, if all you care about is weight loss, go for it. That's a recipe for disaster for me. I would lose so much muscle and strength at my level. 800 calories should be done by pretty much no one besides a morbid obese patient under medical supervision.


Hey, if all you care about is weight loss, go for it. That's a recipe for disaster for me. I would lose so much muscle and strength at my level. 800 calories should be done by pretty much no one besides a morbid obese patient under medical supervision.
Funny enough I broke one of my favorite shirts today getting my arm out of the sleeve. My bicep literally tore the fucking shirt :(
This is me at like 161 down from 230 on zero carb. Fasting/lifting daily. Legit was fasting 20+ hours daily, and eating like 800-1500 calories. Lots of eggs (raw and cooked) and meat.


Me @ 159.8.

I'm still fat ATM but I may take a picture if I'm feeling cute, I dunno may delete later.


Yeah, at 188 at the moment myself in my avy. I'd waste away to close to 160 in no time on 800-1500. I average about 3200 calories. Looking good but I guarantee you'd hold onto more mass with more calories. Crash dieting is never a good thing unless you have a deadline for a wrestling match or something.


Yeah, at 188 at the moment myself in my avy. I'd waste away to close to 160 in no time on 800-1500. I average about 3200 calories. Looking good but I guarantee you'd hold onto more mass with more calories. Crash dieting is never a good thing unless you have a deadline for a wrestling match or something.
Those are old pictures from end of 2018. I'm going to experiment now, I'm thinking about eating about 24+ a day as my calorie intake. I might also try trimming down to where I want to do and maybe incorporate like 1 carb load day a week, then back to zero carb. I like experimenting with everything but my sexuality.


Those are old pictures from end of 2018. I'm going to experiment now, I'm thinking about eating about 24+ a day as my calorie intake. I might also try trimming down to where I want to do and maybe incorporate like 1 carb load day a week, then back to zero carb. I like experimenting with everything but my sexuality.

I'm too active to eat anything less than 2600 or so which pizza really helps with. I can't imagine no carbs at 3200 calories. I've regained 90% of size and strength from quarantine. I was 178 by the end doing nothing but body weight lifts and running and I looked worse. Glad to be back to heavy lifting.
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I'm too active to eat anything less than 2600 or so which pizza really helps with. I can't imagine no carbs at 3200 calories. I've regained 90% of size and strength from quarantine. I was 178 by the end doing nothing but body weight lifts and running and I looked worse. Glad to be back to heavy lifting.
That's awesome to hear congrats on regaining your strength, I'm working on it. And I'm with you 100% on the heavy lifting. I NEED to lift weights. I legit am not myself when I don't.

On a side note on the calories, that's where zero carb comes into play man. At my peak in zero carb, again less than 1500 calories. I was able to DAILY lift HEAVY weights twice a day AND do sprints. When I say heavy I mean benching sets of 190-225, and squatting about 225+ at 159-161 lbs. I'd do 30-45 second sprints x8. So I'd wake up, goto the gym, workout for an hour, go to work all day. Fasted. Go for sprints. Then go to the gym again after and work out again (only did it like 2-3x a week to avoid overtraining). I totally get you thinking you need that many calories, but on zero carb you really don't. It's like your body is running on the premium fuel dude and it's max efficiency. I was able to sustain it for months before I hit wedding season and had 3 back to back weddings where I was a groomsmen. Had a ton of parties/drinking and that threw me off, then had a death in the family and I spiraled downhill from there.


That's awesome to hear congrats on regaining your strength, I'm working on it. And I'm with you 100% on the heavy lifting. I NEED to lift weights. I legit am not myself when I don't.

On a side note on the calories, that's where zero carb comes into play man. At my peak in zero carb, again less than 1500 calories. I was able to DAILY lift HEAVY weights twice a day AND do sprints. When I say heavy I mean benching sets of 190-225, and squatting about 225+ at 159-161 lbs. I'd do 30-45 second sprints x8. So I'd wake up, goto the gym, workout for an hour, go to work all day. Fasted. Go for sprints. Then go to the gym again after and work out again (only did it like 2-3x a week to avoid overtraining). I totally get you thinking you need that many calories, but on zero carb you really don't. It's like your body is running on the premium fuel dude and it's max efficiency. I was able to sustain it for months before I hit wedding season and had 3 back to back weddings where I was a groomsmen. Had a ton of parties/drinking and that threw me off, then had a death in the family and I spiraled downhill from there.

I've been doing this since 1999. I'm almost 39(in 7 days)and have bounced off of every diet you can think of. I follow Lyle Mcdonald and his Rapid weight loss diet is essentially zero carb. I know that I can have energy like that on low calories, hell I've had that kind of energy on zero calories. I've fasted for a week before and at the end I was still full of energy but my lifts were definitely beginning to suffer and they suffered on RFL as well. On low calories I always end up smaller and still not at the body fat goal I want. No offense but I end up similar to your pics in size. Now instead I am lean at closer to 190.

A small deficit, high protein, and heavy lifting is simply the best way to get lean without sacrificing lean mass for everyone. It just requires patience and no dead line because it does take longer but unless you are on drugs like Hollywood actors, that is the way to go. It's been proven over and over by competitive bodybuilders(not all of them are on drugs, I'm talking naturals).

Btw, I do not mind at all eating this much. I love to eat. Pizza, tacos, cake, etc are life and I can eat them daily so yeah.
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I've been doing this since 1999. I'm almost 39(in 7 days)and have bounced off of every diet you can think of. I follow Lyle Mcdonald and his Rapid weight loss diet is essentially zero carb. I know that I can have energy like that on low calories, hell I've had that kind of energy on zero calories. I've fasted for a week before and at the end I was still full of energy but my lifts were definitely beginning to suffer and they suffered on RFL as well. On low calories I always end up smaller and still not at the body fat goal I want. No offense but I end up similar to your pics in size. Now instead I am lean at closer to 190.

A small deficit, high protein, and heavy lifting is simply the best way to get lean without sacrificing lean mass for everyone. It just requires patience and no dead line because it does take longer but unless you are on drugs like Hollywood actors, that is the way to go. It's been proven over and over by competitive bodybuilders(not all of them are on drugs, I'm talking naturals).

Btw, I do not mind at all eating this much. I love to eat. Pizza, tacos, cake, etc are life and I can eat them daily so yeah.
None taken! Like I said, I do zero carb for a slew of other benefits besides just weight loss. Main one is plantar fasciitis. When I eat any carbs the pain becomes unbearable over time. Imagine waking up and the first thing you feel is daggers in your feet. On zero carb not only does the pain diminsh within a couple of weeks, it completely goes away.


How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? This whole "need to constantly push myself" will not do you any good when you get older. Exercising induces a stress reaction in your body and it requires time to rest.
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