Which do you prefer? Ever had a generic turn out to be superior? Just list random products..
Toaster pastries -- Name brand. Not sure why companies haven't figured out how to properly synthesize a good Pop Tart knockoff, but everytime I pick up a generic pop tart they taste pretty awful.
Milk, Sour cream, cheese, cream cheese, and most other diary products -- Generic. I really can't tell much difference between store brand and national brand.
Vitamins -- Good god, why do people pay for name brand vitamins?
Detergent -- For some reason I can't stop myself from compulsively buying Tide. I know the el cheapo brand is probably just as good since I'm not a busy mom trying to get out grease & grass stains. There's something just so hypnotic and trust inducing about that bright orange and yellow box. On a totally unrelated note, there's something weird and sexy about this ketchup spill picture on their front page ( http://www.tide.com/images/home/media_200505_newtidetogoinstantstainremover.jpg )
Frozen pizza -- One of the areas where the el-cheapo brands pretty clearly trounce all the heavy hitters. Mama Celeste and store brand "Party Pizza" cook up nice and crispy, while the crust on Red Baron, DiGiorno, Tombstone, etc just ends up nasty.
DVD-R/CD-R -- Has to be name brand, even though I've never really had that bad of an experience with the generics.
Soda -- There's no substitute for Coke & Pepsi....but I think Dr. Pepper knockoffs are close enough to justify buying them in favor of the name brand. IIRC, the Sam's/Wal-Mart brand used to be called Dr. Riffic :lol
Shoes/underwear -- Don't really care....whatever's cheap.
Shirts/pants -- I'd like to buy the crappy cheap brands since I really hate paying for clothes, but they're always pretty uncomfortable and poorly constructed. I can't stand anything from Old Navy for that reason (and Old Navy doesn't qualify as generic even). I usually hit outlet malls pretty hard for stuff though.
Condoms -- Name brand of course.....I think I'd be worried the whole time if I was wearing some generic brand or FOOD LION QUALITY CONDOMS (tm). :lol
Toaster pastries -- Name brand. Not sure why companies haven't figured out how to properly synthesize a good Pop Tart knockoff, but everytime I pick up a generic pop tart they taste pretty awful.
Milk, Sour cream, cheese, cream cheese, and most other diary products -- Generic. I really can't tell much difference between store brand and national brand.
Vitamins -- Good god, why do people pay for name brand vitamins?
Detergent -- For some reason I can't stop myself from compulsively buying Tide. I know the el cheapo brand is probably just as good since I'm not a busy mom trying to get out grease & grass stains. There's something just so hypnotic and trust inducing about that bright orange and yellow box. On a totally unrelated note, there's something weird and sexy about this ketchup spill picture on their front page ( http://www.tide.com/images/home/media_200505_newtidetogoinstantstainremover.jpg )
Frozen pizza -- One of the areas where the el-cheapo brands pretty clearly trounce all the heavy hitters. Mama Celeste and store brand "Party Pizza" cook up nice and crispy, while the crust on Red Baron, DiGiorno, Tombstone, etc just ends up nasty.
DVD-R/CD-R -- Has to be name brand, even though I've never really had that bad of an experience with the generics.
Soda -- There's no substitute for Coke & Pepsi....but I think Dr. Pepper knockoffs are close enough to justify buying them in favor of the name brand. IIRC, the Sam's/Wal-Mart brand used to be called Dr. Riffic :lol
Shoes/underwear -- Don't really care....whatever's cheap.
Shirts/pants -- I'd like to buy the crappy cheap brands since I really hate paying for clothes, but they're always pretty uncomfortable and poorly constructed. I can't stand anything from Old Navy for that reason (and Old Navy doesn't qualify as generic even). I usually hit outlet malls pretty hard for stuff though.
Condoms -- Name brand of course.....I think I'd be worried the whole time if I was wearing some generic brand or FOOD LION QUALITY CONDOMS (tm). :lol