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NCL (Japan) Release Schedule for Oct-Dec

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Update: NCL's new Yoshi GBA game just got an official date.

NCL has announced its first-party software schedule for the remaining three months of the year. Here it is:

07th -- Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki [GBA]
07th -- Pokemon Battle Card Emerald [eCR]
14th -- Kurin Kurin Squash [GCN]
14th -- Wario Ware Twist [GBA]
21st -- F-Zero Climax [GBA]
28th -- Mario Tennis [GCN]

04th -- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap [GBA]
08th -- Mario Party 6 [GCN]

02nd -- Super Mario 64 DS [NDS]
02nd -- Wario Ware Touch! [NDS]
02nd -- Pokemon Dash [NDS]
02nd -- Jam With The Band [NDS]
02nd -- Intuition Hitofude [NDS]
09th -- Yoshi's Universal Gravitation [GBA]
16th -- Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat [GCN]


Still Tagged Accordingly
Weren't we told at E3 that Fire Emblem (GC) would see a 2004 release in Japan? I guess they realised it looked terrible...

So a 2005 release or a shift to Revolution development?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Dammit, I was hoping the new Custom Robo would arrive this year.


Earlier reports said they would hit before December.
At least I'll have some Christmas cash so I'll be able to import Starfox.


Hey Ninja, a little OT but any insight as to which Nintendo teams are responsible for which DS games? Specifically...

-Balloon Trip
-Chokkan Hito Fude
-Mario Kart DS
-New Super Mario Bros
-Project Jump Super Stars
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Yakuman DS


olimario said:
Earlier reports said they would hit before December.
At least I'll have some Christmas cash so I'll be able to import Starfox.
woops, that's only Fire Emblem, Star Fox is probably sometime in the middle of next year...
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